function GetUrlRelativePath() { var d = document.location.toString(); var a = d.split("//"); var c = a[1].indexOf("/"); var b = a[1].substring(c); if (b.indexOf("?") != -1 || b.indexOf("/") != -1) { b = b.split("?")[1] || b.split("/")[1] } return b } function date(b) { var a = new Date(); switch (b) { case 1: return a.getFullYear() + "年" + (a.getMonth() + 1) + "月" + (a.getDate() - 1) + "日"; break; case 2: return a.getFullYear() + "年" + (a.getMonth() + 1) + "月" + (a.getDate() + 1) + "日"; break } } function date1(a) { return a[0] + "年" + a[1] + "月" + a[2] + "日" } function GetUrlRelativePath() { var d = document.location.toString(); var a = d.split("//"); var c = a[1].indexOf("/"); var b = a[1].substring(c); if (b.indexOf("?") != -1 || b.indexOf("/") != -1) { b = b.split("?")[1] || b.split("/")[1] } return b } /* function footVC(a) { var b = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"); document.title = "{" + a + "}录像_{" + a + "}足球录像_{" + a + "}视频录像_{" + a + "}录像回放"; b[0].content = "{" + a + "}录像, {" + a + "}足球录像, {" + a + "}视频录像,完场录像,完整录像,录像回放"; b[1].content = "433足球网提供最新最全的{" + a + "}录像、{" + a + "}足球录像、{" + a + "}视频录像、{" + a + "}录像回放等各种体育赛事完场回放功能;所有足球赛事回放与实时比赛同步,打造成最专业的体育数据直播平台!" } */ /* * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.12.0 * * * Includes Sizzle.js * * * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * * * Date: 2016-01-08T19:56Z */ (function(b, a) { if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") { module.exports = b.document ? a(b, true) : function(c) { if (!c.document) { throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document") } return a(c) } } else { a(b) } }(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function(ca, aI) { var S = []; var W = ca.document; var b1 = S.slice; var D = S.concat; var aP = S.push; var av = S.indexOf; var A = {}; var b5 = A.toString; var ar = A.hasOwnProperty; var b2 = {}; var b9 = "1.12.0" , aD = function(ch, cg) { return new aD.fn.init(ch,cg) } , bM = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g , bn = /^-ms-/ , a1 = /-([\da-z])/gi , ab = function(cg, ch) { return ch.toUpperCase() }; aD.fn = aD.prototype = { jquery: b9, constructor: aD, selector: "", length: 0, toArray: function() { return }, get: function(cg) { return cg != null ? (cg < 0 ? this[cg + this.length] : this[cg]) : }, pushStack: function(cg) { var ch = aD.merge(this.constructor(), cg); ch.prevObject = this; ch.context = this.context; return ch }, each: function(cg) { return aD.each(this, cg) }, map: function(cg) { return this.pushStack(, function(ch, ci) { return, ci, ch) })) }, slice: function() { return this.pushStack(b1.apply(this, arguments)) }, first: function() { return this.eq(0) }, last: function() { return this.eq(-1) }, eq: function(cg) { var ci = this.length , ch = +cg + (cg < 0 ? ci : 0); return this.pushStack(ch >= 0 && ch < ci ? [this[ch]] : []) }, end: function() { return this.prevObject || this.constructor() }, push: aP, sort: S.sort, splice: S.splice }; aD.extend = aD.fn.extend = function() { var co, ci, ch, cm, cn, cg, cp = arguments[0] || {}, ck = 1, cl = arguments.length, cj = false; if (typeof cp === "boolean") { cj = cp; cp = arguments[ck] || {}; ck++ } if (typeof cp !== "object" && !aD.isFunction(cp)) { cp = {} } if (ck === cl) { cp = this; ck-- } for (; ck < cl; ck++) { if ((cn = arguments[ck]) != null) { for (cm in cn) { co = cp[cm]; ch = cn[cm]; if (cp === ch) { continue } if (cj && ch && (aD.isPlainObject(ch) || (ci = aD.isArray(ch)))) { if (ci) { ci = false; cg = co && aD.isArray(co) ? co : [] } else { cg = co && aD.isPlainObject(co) ? co : {} } cp[cm] = aD.extend(cj, cg, ch) } else { if (ch !== undefined) { cp[cm] = ch } } } } } return cp } ; aD.extend({ expando: "jQuery" + (b9 + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""), isReady: true, error: function(cg) { throw new Error(cg) }, noop: function() {}, isFunction: function(cg) { return aD.type(cg) === "function" }, isArray: Array.isArray || function(cg) { return aD.type(cg) === "array" } , isWindow: function(cg) { return cg != null && cg == cg.window }, isNumeric: function(cg) { var ch = cg && cg.toString(); return !aD.isArray(cg) && (ch - parseFloat(ch) + 1) >= 0 }, isEmptyObject: function(ch) { var cg; for (cg in ch) { return false } return true }, isPlainObject: function(ci) { var ch; if (!ci || aD.type(ci) !== "object" || ci.nodeType || aD.isWindow(ci)) { return false } try { if (ci.constructor && !, "constructor") && !, "isPrototypeOf")) { return false } } catch (cg) { return false } if (!b2.ownFirst) { for (ch in ci) { return, ch) } } for (ch in ci) {} return ch === undefined ||, ch) }, type: function(cg) { if (cg == null) { return cg + "" } return typeof cg === "object" || typeof cg === "function" ? A[] || "object" : typeof cg }, globalEval: function(cg) { if (cg && aD.trim(cg)) { (ca.execScript || function(ch) { ca["eval"].call(ca, ch) } )(cg) } }, camelCase: function(cg) { return cg.replace(bn, "ms-").replace(a1, ab) }, nodeName: function(cg, ch) { return cg.nodeName && cg.nodeName.toLowerCase() === ch.toLowerCase() }, each: function(cj, cg) { var ci, ch = 0; if (aA(cj)) { ci = cj.length; for (; ch < ci; ch++) { if ([ch], ch, cj[ch]) === false) { break } } } else { for (ch in cj) { if ([ch], ch, cj[ch]) === false) { break } } } return cj }, trim: function(cg) { return cg == null ? "" : (cg + "").replace(bM, "") }, makeArray: function(cg, ch) { var ci = ch || []; if (cg != null) { if (aA(Object(cg))) { aD.merge(ci, typeof cg === "string" ? [cg] : cg) } else {, cg) } } return ci }, inArray: function(ch, cg, ci) { var cj; if (cg) { if (av) { return, ch, ci) } cj = cg.length; ci = ci ? ci < 0 ? Math.max(0, cj + ci) : ci : 0; for (; ci < cj; ci++) { if (ci in cg && cg[ci] === ch) { return ci } } } return -1 }, merge: function(cg, ck) { var cj = +ck.length , ci = 0 , ch = cg.length; while (ci < cj) { cg[ch++] = ck[ci++] } if (cj !== cj) { while (ck[ci] !== undefined) { cg[ch++] = ck[ci++] } } cg.length = ch; return cg }, grep: function(cj, cg, cl) { var ci, cn = [], ck = 0, cm = cj.length, ch = !cl; for (; ck < cm; ck++) { ci = !cg(cj[ck], ck); if (ci !== ch) { cn.push(cj[ck]) } } return cn }, map: function(ci, ch, cg) { var ck, cm, cj = 0, cl = []; if (aA(ci)) { ck = ci.length; for (; cj < ck; cj++) { cm = ch(ci[cj], cj, cg); if (cm != null) { cl.push(cm) } } } else { for (cj in ci) { cm = ch(ci[cj], cj, cg); if (cm != null) { cl.push(cm) } } } return D.apply([], cl) }, guid: 1, proxy: function(ci, ch) { var cg, cj, ck; if (typeof ch === "string") { ck = ci[ch]; ch = ci; ci = ck } if (!aD.isFunction(ci)) { return undefined } cg =, 2); cj = function() { return ci.apply(ch || this, cg.concat( } ; cj.guid = ci.guid = ci.guid || aD.guid++; return cj }, now: function() { return +(new Date()) }, support: b2 }); if (typeof Symbol === "function") { aD.fn[Symbol.iterator] = S[Symbol.iterator] } aD.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error Symbol".split(" "), function(cg, ch) { A["[object " + ch + "]"] = ch.toLowerCase() }); function aA(ch) { var cg = !!ch && "length"in ch && ch.length , ci = aD.type(ch); if (ci === "function" || aD.isWindow(ch)) { return false } return ci === "array" || cg === 0 || typeof cg === "number" && cg > 0 && (cg - 1)in ch } var b0 = /* * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.2.1 * * * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * * * Date: 2015-10-17 */ (function(dw) { var cI, dp, cD, cF, cL, ds, cn, df, cT, dm, cG, dg, cx, cw, cy, c1, c0, cP, cq, cC = "sizzle" + 1 * new Date(), cV = dw.document, cv = 0, cz = 0, cm = cs(), dr = cs(), co = cs(), dn = function(dx, dy) { if (dx === dy) { cG = true } return 0 }, cR = 1 << 31, cH = ({}).hasOwnProperty, ci = [], cU = ci.pop, cY = ci.push, cX = ci.push, dl = ci.slice, cK = function(dA, dx) { var dy = 0 , dz = dA.length; for (; dy < dz; dy++) { if (dA[dy] === dx) { return dy } } return -1 }, cl = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped", dv = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", cJ = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+", ck = "\\[" + dv + "*(" + cJ + ")(?:" + dv + "*([*^$|!~]?=)" + dv + "*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|(" + cJ + "))|)" + dv + "*\\]", cW = ":(" + cJ + ")(?:\\((('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + ck + ")*)|.*)\\)|)", de = new RegExp(dv + "+","g"), dc = new RegExp("^" + dv + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + dv + "+$","g"), c3 = new RegExp("^" + dv + "*," + dv + "*"), c2 = new RegExp("^" + dv + "*([>+~]|" + dv + ")" + dv + "*"), cZ = new RegExp("=" + dv + "*([^\\]'\"]*?)" + dv + "*\\]","g"), c9 = new RegExp(cW), c6 = new RegExp("^" + cJ + "$"), cQ = { ID: new RegExp("^#(" + cJ + ")"), CLASS: new RegExp("^\\.(" + cJ + ")"), TAG: new RegExp("^(" + cJ + "|[*])"), ATTR: new RegExp("^" + ck), PSEUDO: new RegExp("^" + cW), CHILD: new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + dv + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + dv + "*(?:([+-]|)" + dv + "*(\\d+)|))" + dv + "*\\)|)","i"), bool: new RegExp("^(?:" + cl + ")$","i"), needsContext: new RegExp("^" + dv + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" + dv + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + dv + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)","i") }, c7 = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, c5 = /^h\d$/i, c8 = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/, da = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/, db = /[+~]/, c4 = /'|\\/g, dd = new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + dv + "?|(" + dv + ")|.)","ig"), cE = function(dx, dy, dz) { var dA = "0x" + dy - 65536; return dA !== dA || dz ? dy : dA < 0 ? String.fromCharCode(dA + 65536) : String.fromCharCode(dA >> 10 | 55296, dA & 1023 | 56320) }, du = function() { dg() }; try { cX.apply((ci =, cV.childNodes); ci[cV.childNodes.length].nodeType } catch (cA) { cX = { apply: ci.length ? function(dy, dx) { cY.apply(dy, } : function(dA, dx) { var dz = dA.length , dy = 0; while ((dA[dz++] = dx[dy++])) {} dA.length = dz - 1 } } } function dk(dL, dx, dJ, dK) { var dB, dA, dy, dF, dG, dC, dz, dE, dD = dx && dx.ownerDocument, dH = dx ? dx.nodeType : 9; dJ = dJ || []; if (typeof dL !== "string" || !dL || dH !== 1 && dH !== 9 && dH !== 11) { return dJ } if (!dK) { if ((dx ? dx.ownerDocument || dx : cV) !== cx) { dg(dx) } dx = dx || cx; if (cy) { if (dH !== 11 && (dC = da.exec(dL))) { if ((dB = dC[1])) { if (dH === 9) { if ((dy = dx.getElementById(dB))) { if ( === dB) { dJ.push(dy); return dJ } } else { return dJ } } else { if (dD && (dy = dD.getElementById(dB)) && cq(dx, dy) && === dB) { dJ.push(dy); return dJ } } } else { if (dC[2]) { cX.apply(dJ, dx.getElementsByTagName(dL)); return dJ } else { if ((dB = dC[3]) && dp.getElementsByClassName && dx.getElementsByClassName) { cX.apply(dJ, dx.getElementsByClassName(dB)); return dJ } } } } if (dp.qsa && !co[dL + " "] && (!c1 || !c1.test(dL))) { if (dH !== 1) { dD = dx; dE = dL } else { if (dx.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object") { if ((dF = dx.getAttribute("id"))) { dF = dF.replace(c4, "\\$&") } else { dx.setAttribute("id", (dF = cC)) } dz = ds(dL); dA = dz.length; dG = c6.test(dF) ? "#" + dF : "[id='" + dF + "']"; while (dA--) { dz[dA] = dG + " " + dt(dz[dA]) } dE = dz.join(","); dD = db.test(dL) && dq(dx.parentNode) || dx } } if (dE) { try { cX.apply(dJ, dD.querySelectorAll(dE)); return dJ } catch (dI) {} finally { if (dF === cC) { dx.removeAttribute("id") } } } } } } return df(dL.replace(dc, "$1"), dx, dJ, dK) } function cs() { var dy = []; function dx(dz, dA) { if (dy.push(dz + " ") > cD.cacheLength) { delete dx[dy.shift()] } return (dx[dz + " "] = dA) } return dx } function cM(dx) { dx[cC] = true; return dx } function cj(dz) { var dx = cx.createElement("div"); try { return !!dz(dx) } catch (dy) { return false } finally { if (dx.parentNode) { dx.parentNode.removeChild(dx) } dx = null } } function ch(dy, dz) { var dx = dy.split("|") , dA = dx.length; while (dA--) { cD.attrHandle[dx[dA]] = dz } } function dj(dx, dy) { var dz = dy && dx , dA = dz && dx.nodeType === 1 && dy.nodeType === 1 && (~dy.sourceIndex || cR) - (~dx.sourceIndex || cR); if (dA) { return dA } if (dz) { while ((dz = dz.nextSibling)) { if (dz === dy) { return -1 } } } return dx ? 1 : -1 } function ct(dx) { return function(dy) { var dz = dy.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return dz === "input" && dy.type === dx } } function cr(dx) { return function(dy) { var dz = dy.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (dz === "input" || dz === "button") && dy.type === dx } } function cu(dx) { return cM(function(dy) { dy = +dy; return cM(function(dD, dB) { var dA, dC = dx([], dD.length, dy), dz = dC.length; while (dz--) { if (dD[(dA = dC[dz])]) { dD[dA] = !(dB[dA] = dD[dA]) } } }) }) } function dq(dx) { return dx && typeof dx.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" && dx } dp = = {}; cL = dk.isXML = function(dy) { var dx = dy && (dy.ownerDocument || dy).documentElement; return dx ? dx.nodeName !== "HTML" : false } ; dg = dk.setDocument = function(dz) { var dy, dA, dx = dz ? dz.ownerDocument || dz : cV; if (dx === cx || dx.nodeType !== 9 || !dx.documentElement) { return cx } cx = dx; cw = cx.documentElement; cy = !cL(cx); if ((dA = cx.defaultView) && !== dA) { if (dA.addEventListener) { dA.addEventListener("unload", du, false) } else { if (dA.attachEvent) { dA.attachEvent("onunload", du) } } } dp.attributes = cj(function(dB) { dB.className = "i"; return !dB.getAttribute("className") }); dp.getElementsByTagName = cj(function(dB) { dB.appendChild(cx.createComment("")); return !dB.getElementsByTagName("*").length }); dp.getElementsByClassName = c8.test(cx.getElementsByClassName); dp.getById = cj(function(dB) { cw.appendChild(dB).id = cC; return !cx.getElementsByName || !cx.getElementsByName(cC).length }); if (dp.getById) { cD.find.ID = function(dC, dB) { if (typeof dB.getElementById !== "undefined" && cy) { var dD = dB.getElementById(dC); return dD ? [dD] : [] } } ; cD.filter.ID = function(dC) { var dB = dC.replace(dd, cE); return function(dD) { return dD.getAttribute("id") === dB } } } else { delete cD.find.ID; cD.filter.ID = function(dC) { var dB = dC.replace(dd, cE); return function(dD) { var dE = typeof dD.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && dD.getAttributeNode("id"); return dE && dE.value === dB } } } cD.find.TAG = dp.getElementsByTagName ? function(dC, dB) { if (typeof dB.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined") { return dB.getElementsByTagName(dC) } else { if (dp.qsa) { return dB.querySelectorAll(dC) } } } : function(dF, dB) { var dC, dG = [], dD = 0, dE = dB.getElementsByTagName(dF); if (dF === "*") { while ((dC = dE[dD++])) { if (dC.nodeType === 1) { dG.push(dC) } } return dG } return dE } ; cD.find.CLASS = dp.getElementsByClassName && function(dB, dC) { if (typeof dC.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && cy) { return dC.getElementsByClassName(dB) } } ; c0 = []; c1 = []; if ((dp.qsa = c8.test(cx.querySelectorAll))) { cj(function(dB) { cw.appendChild(dB).innerHTML = ""; if (dB.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length) { c1.push("[*^$]=" + dv + "*(?:''|\"\")") } if (!dB.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length) { c1.push("\\[" + dv + "*(?:value|" + cl + ")") } if (!dB.querySelectorAll("[id~=" + cC + "-]").length) { c1.push("~=") } if (!dB.querySelectorAll(":checked").length) { c1.push(":checked") } if (!dB.querySelectorAll("a#" + cC + "+*").length) { c1.push(".#.+[+~]") } }); cj(function(dB) { var dC = cx.createElement("input"); dC.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); dB.appendChild(dC).setAttribute("name", "D"); if (dB.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length) { c1.push("name" + dv + "*[*^$|!~]?=") } if (!dB.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length) { c1.push(":enabled", ":disabled") } dB.querySelectorAll("*,:x"); c1.push(",.*:") }) } if ((dp.matchesSelector = c8.test((cP = cw.matches || cw.webkitMatchesSelector || cw.mozMatchesSelector || cw.oMatchesSelector || cw.msMatchesSelector)))) { cj(function(dB) { dp.disconnectedMatch =, "div");, "[s!='']:x"); c0.push("!=", cW) }) } c1 = c1.length && new RegExp(c1.join("|")); c0 = c0.length && new RegExp(c0.join("|")); dy = c8.test(cw.compareDocumentPosition); cq = dy || c8.test(cw.contains) ? function(dB, dD) { var dC = dB.nodeType === 9 ? dB.documentElement : dB , dE = dD && dD.parentNode; return dB === dE || !!(dE && dE.nodeType === 1 && (dC.contains ? dC.contains(dE) : dB.compareDocumentPosition && dB.compareDocumentPosition(dE) & 16)) } : function(dB, dC) { if (dC) { while ((dC = dC.parentNode)) { if (dC === dB) { return true } } } return false } ; dn = dy ? function(dB, dC) { if (dB === dC) { cG = true; return 0 } var dD = !dB.compareDocumentPosition - !dC.compareDocumentPosition; if (dD) { return dD } dD = (dB.ownerDocument || dB) === (dC.ownerDocument || dC) ? dB.compareDocumentPosition(dC) : 1; if (dD & 1 || (!dp.sortDetached && dC.compareDocumentPosition(dB) === dD)) { if (dB === cx || dB.ownerDocument === cV && cq(cV, dB)) { return -1 } if (dC === cx || dC.ownerDocument === cV && cq(cV, dC)) { return 1 } return dm ? (cK(dm, dB) - cK(dm, dC)) : 0 } return dD & 4 ? -1 : 1 } : function(dB, dE) { if (dB === dE) { cG = true; return 0 } var dH, dI = 0, dD = dB.parentNode, dG = dE.parentNode, dC = [dB], dF = [dE]; if (!dD || !dG) { return dB === cx ? -1 : dE === cx ? 1 : dD ? -1 : dG ? 1 : dm ? (cK(dm, dB) - cK(dm, dE)) : 0 } else { if (dD === dG) { return dj(dB, dE) } } dH = dB; while ((dH = dH.parentNode)) { dC.unshift(dH) } dH = dE; while ((dH = dH.parentNode)) { dF.unshift(dH) } while (dC[dI] === dF[dI]) { dI++ } return dI ? dj(dC[dI], dF[dI]) : dC[dI] === cV ? -1 : dF[dI] === cV ? 1 : 0 } ; return cx } ; dk.matches = function(dy, dx) { return dk(dy, null, null, dx) } ; dk.matchesSelector = function(dy, dz) { if ((dy.ownerDocument || dy) !== cx) { dg(dy) } dz = dz.replace(cZ, "='$1']"); if (dp.matchesSelector && cy && !co[dz + " "] && (!c0 || !c0.test(dz)) && (!c1 || !c1.test(dz))) { try { var dA =, dz); if (dA || dp.disconnectedMatch || dy.document && dy.document.nodeType !== 11) { return dA } } catch (dx) {} } return dk(dz, cx, null, [dy]).length > 0 } ; dk.contains = function(dx, dy) { if ((dx.ownerDocument || dx) !== cx) { dg(dx) } return cq(dx, dy) } ; dk.attr = function(dx, dz) { if ((dx.ownerDocument || dx) !== cx) { dg(dx) } var dy = cD.attrHandle[dz.toLowerCase()] , dA = dy &&, dz.toLowerCase()) ? dy(dx, dz, !cy) : undefined; return dA !== undefined ? dA : dp.attributes || !cy ? dx.getAttribute(dz) : (dA = dx.getAttributeNode(dz)) && dA.specified ? dA.value : null } ; dk.error = function(dx) { throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + dx) } ; dk.uniqueSort = function(dB) { var dy, dx = [], dA = 0, dz = 0; cG = !dp.detectDuplicates; dm = !dp.sortStable && dB.slice(0); dB.sort(dn); if (cG) { while ((dy = dB[dz++])) { if (dy === dB[dz]) { dA = dx.push(dz) } } while (dA--) { dB.splice(dx[dA], 1) } } dm = null; return dB } ; cF = dk.getText = function(dx) { var dz, dB = "", dy = 0, dA = dx.nodeType; if (!dA) { while ((dz = dx[dy++])) { dB += cF(dz) } } else { if (dA === 1 || dA === 9 || dA === 11) { if (typeof dx.textContent === "string") { return dx.textContent } else { for (dx = dx.firstChild; dx; dx = dx.nextSibling) { dB += cF(dx) } } } else { if (dA === 3 || dA === 4) { return dx.nodeValue } } } return dB } ; cD = dk.selectors = { cacheLength: 50, createPseudo: cM, match: cQ, attrHandle: {}, find: {}, relative: { ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true }, " ": { dir: "parentNode" }, "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true }, "~": { dir: "previousSibling" } }, preFilter: { ATTR: function(dx) { dx[1] = dx[1].replace(dd, cE); dx[3] = (dx[3] || dx[4] || dx[5] || "").replace(dd, cE); if (dx[2] === "~=") { dx[3] = " " + dx[3] + " " } return dx.slice(0, 4) }, CHILD: function(dx) { dx[1] = dx[1].toLowerCase(); if (dx[1].slice(0, 3) === "nth") { if (!dx[3]) { dk.error(dx[0]) } dx[4] = +(dx[4] ? dx[5] + (dx[6] || 1) : 2 * (dx[3] === "even" || dx[3] === "odd")); dx[5] = +((dx[7] + dx[8]) || dx[3] === "odd") } else { if (dx[3]) { dk.error(dx[0]) } } return dx }, PSEUDO: function(dy) { var dx, dz = !dy[6] && dy[2]; if (cQ.CHILD.test(dy[0])) { return null } if (dy[3]) { dy[2] = dy[4] || dy[5] || "" } else { if (dz && c9.test(dz) && (dx = ds(dz, true)) && (dx = dz.indexOf(")", dz.length - dx) - dz.length)) { dy[0] = dy[0].slice(0, dx); dy[2] = dz.slice(0, dx) } } return dy.slice(0, 3) } }, filter: { TAG: function(dy) { var dx = dy.replace(dd, cE).toLowerCase(); return dy === "*" ? function() { return true } : function(dz) { return dz.nodeName && dz.nodeName.toLowerCase() === dx } }, CLASS: function(dx) { var dy = cm[dx + " "]; return dy || (dy = new RegExp("(^|" + dv + ")" + dx + "(" + dv + "|$)")) && cm(dx, function(dz) { return dy.test(typeof dz.className === "string" && dz.className || typeof dz.getAttribute !== "undefined" && dz.getAttribute("class") || "") }) }, ATTR: function(dy, dz, dx) { return function(dA) { var dB = dk.attr(dA, dy); if (dB == null) { return dz === "!=" } if (!dz) { return true } dB += ""; return dz === "=" ? dB === dx : dz === "!=" ? dB !== dx : dz === "^=" ? dx && dB.indexOf(dx) === 0 : dz === "*=" ? dx && dB.indexOf(dx) > -1 : dz === "$=" ? dx && dB.slice(-dx.length) === dx : dz === "~=" ? (" " + dB.replace(de, " ") + " ").indexOf(dx) > -1 : dz === "|=" ? dB === dx || dB.slice(0, dx.length + 1) === dx + "-" : false } }, CHILD: function(dD, dE, dx, dy, dA) { var dC = dD.slice(0, 3) !== "nth" , dz = dD.slice(-4) !== "last" , dB = dE === "of-type"; return dy === 1 && dA === 0 ? function(dF) { return !!dF.parentNode } : function(dJ, dG, dS) { var dF, dQ, dN, dL, dM, dP, dI = dC !== dz ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling", dO = dJ.parentNode, dK = dB && dJ.nodeName.toLowerCase(), dR = !dS && !dB, dH = false; if (dO) { if (dC) { while (dI) { dL = dJ; while ((dL = dL[dI])) { if (dB ? dL.nodeName.toLowerCase() === dK : dL.nodeType === 1) { return false } } dP = dI = dD === "only" && !dP && "nextSibling" } return true } dP = [dz ? dO.firstChild : dO.lastChild]; if (dz && dR) { dL = dO; dN = dL[cC] || (dL[cC] = {}); dQ = dN[dL.uniqueID] || (dN[dL.uniqueID] = {}); dF = dQ[dD] || []; dM = dF[0] === cv && dF[1]; dH = dM && dF[2]; dL = dM && dO.childNodes[dM]; while ((dL = ++dM && dL && dL[dI] || (dH = dM = 0) || dP.pop())) { if (dL.nodeType === 1 && ++dH && dL === dJ) { dQ[dD] = [cv, dM, dH]; break } } } else { if (dR) { dL = dJ; dN = dL[cC] || (dL[cC] = {}); dQ = dN[dL.uniqueID] || (dN[dL.uniqueID] = {}); dF = dQ[dD] || []; dM = dF[0] === cv && dF[1]; dH = dM } if (dH === false) { while ((dL = ++dM && dL && dL[dI] || (dH = dM = 0) || dP.pop())) { if ((dB ? dL.nodeName.toLowerCase() === dK : dL.nodeType === 1) && ++dH) { if (dR) { dN = dL[cC] || (dL[cC] = {}); dQ = dN[dL.uniqueID] || (dN[dL.uniqueID] = {}); dQ[dD] = [cv, dH] } if (dL === dJ) { break } } } } } dH -= dA; return dH === dy || (dH % dy === 0 && dH / dy >= 0) } } }, PSEUDO: function(dA, dy) { var dx, dz = cD.pseudos[dA] || cD.setFilters[dA.toLowerCase()] || dk.error("unsupported pseudo: " + dA); if (dz[cC]) { return dz(dy) } if (dz.length > 1) { dx = [dA, dA, "", dy]; return cD.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(dA.toLowerCase()) ? cM(function(dF, dE) { var dC, dD = dz(dF, dy), dB = dD.length; while (dB--) { dC = cK(dF, dD[dB]); dF[dC] = !(dE[dC] = dD[dB]) } }) : function(dB) { return dz(dB, 0, dx) } } return dz } }, pseudos: { not: cM(function(dA) { var dx = [] , dz = [] , dy = cn(dA.replace(dc, "$1")); return dy[cC] ? cM(function(dF, dE, dB, dH) { var dC, dG = dy(dF, null, dH, []), dD = dF.length; while (dD--) { if ((dC = dG[dD])) { dF[dD] = !(dE[dD] = dC) } } }) : function(dC, dB, dD) { dx[0] = dC; dy(dx, null, dD, dz); dx[0] = null; return !dz.pop() } }), has: cM(function(dx) { return function(dy) { return dk(dx, dy).length > 0 } }), contains: cM(function(dx) { dx = dx.replace(dd, cE); return function(dy) { return (dy.textContent || dy.innerText || cF(dy)).indexOf(dx) > -1 } }), lang: cM(function(dx) { if (!c6.test(dx || "")) { dk.error("unsupported lang: " + dx) } dx = dx.replace(dd, cE).toLowerCase(); return function(dy) { var dz; do { if ((dz = cy ? dy.lang : dy.getAttribute("xml:lang") || dy.getAttribute("lang"))) { dz = dz.toLowerCase(); return dz === dx || dz.indexOf(dx + "-") === 0 } } while ((dy = dy.parentNode) && dy.nodeType === 1);return false } }), target: function(dx) { var dy = dw.location && dw.location.hash; return dy && dy.slice(1) === }, root: function(dx) { return dx === cw }, focus: function(dx) { return dx === cx.activeElement && (!cx.hasFocus || cx.hasFocus()) && !!(dx.type || dx.href || ~dx.tabIndex) }, enabled: function(dx) { return dx.disabled === false }, disabled: function(dx) { return dx.disabled === true }, checked: function(dx) { var dy = dx.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (dy === "input" && !!dx.checked) || (dy === "option" && !!dx.selected) }, selected: function(dx) { if (dx.parentNode) { dx.parentNode.selectedIndex } return dx.selected === true }, empty: function(dx) { for (dx = dx.firstChild; dx; dx = dx.nextSibling) { if (dx.nodeType < 6) { return false } } return true }, parent: function(dx) { return !cD.pseudos.empty(dx) }, header: function(dx) { return c5.test(dx.nodeName) }, input: function(dx) { return c7.test(dx.nodeName) }, button: function(dx) { var dy = dx.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return dy === "input" && dx.type === "button" || dy === "button" }, text: function(dy) { var dx; return dy.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && dy.type === "text" && ((dx = dy.getAttribute("type")) == null || dx.toLowerCase() === "text") }, first: cu(function() { return [0] }), last: cu(function(dy, dx) { return [dx - 1] }), eq: cu(function(dz, dy, dx) { return [dx < 0 ? dx + dy : dx] }), even: cu(function(dz, dy) { var dx = 0; for (; dx < dy; dx += 2) { dz.push(dx) } return dz }), odd: cu(function(dz, dy) { var dx = 1; for (; dx < dy; dx += 2) { dz.push(dx) } return dz }), lt: cu(function(dA, dz, dx) { var dy = dx < 0 ? dx + dz : dx; for (; --dy >= 0; ) { dA.push(dy) } return dA }), gt: cu(function(dA, dz, dx) { var dy = dx < 0 ? dx + dz : dx; for (; ++dy < dz; ) { dA.push(dy) } return dA }) } }; cD.pseudos.nth = cD.pseudos.eq; for (cI in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true }) { cD.pseudos[cI] = ct(cI) } for (cI in { submit: true, reset: true }) { cD.pseudos[cI] = cr(cI) } function dh() {} dh.prototype = cD.filters = cD.pseudos; cD.setFilters = new dh(); ds = dk.tokenize = function(dD, dB) { var dA, dz, dF, dG, dE, dy, dC, dx = dr[dD + " "]; if (dx) { return dB ? 0 : dx.slice(0) } dE = dD; dy = []; dC = cD.preFilter; while (dE) { if (!dA || (dz = c3.exec(dE))) { if (dz) { dE = dE.slice(dz[0].length) || dE } dy.push((dF = [])) } dA = false; if ((dz = c2.exec(dE))) { dA = dz.shift(); dF.push({ value: dA, type: dz[0].replace(dc, " ") }); dE = dE.slice(dA.length) } for (dG in cD.filter) { if ((dz = cQ[dG].exec(dE)) && (!dC[dG] || (dz = dC[dG](dz)))) { dA = dz.shift(); dF.push({ value: dA, type: dG, matches: dz }); dE = dE.slice(dA.length) } } if (!dA) { break } } return dB ? dE.length : dE ? dk.error(dD) : dr(dD, dy).slice(0) } ; function dt(dA) { var dx = 0 , dy = dA.length , dz = ""; for (; dx < dy; dx++) { dz += dA[dx].value } return dz } function cg(dC, dz, dx) { var dA = dz.dir , dy = dx && dA === "parentNode" , dB = cz++; return dz.first ? function(dE, dD, dF) { while ((dE = dE[dA])) { if (dE.nodeType === 1 || dy) { return dC(dE, dD, dF) } } } : function(dE, dD, dJ) { var dG, dI, dH, dF = [cv, dB]; if (dJ) { while ((dE = dE[dA])) { if (dE.nodeType === 1 || dy) { if (dC(dE, dD, dJ)) { return true } } } } else { while ((dE = dE[dA])) { if (dE.nodeType === 1 || dy) { dH = dE[cC] || (dE[cC] = {}); dI = dH[dE.uniqueID] || (dH[dE.uniqueID] = {}); if ((dG = dI[dA]) && dG[0] === cv && dG[1] === dB) { return (dF[2] = dG[2]) } else { dI[dA] = dF; if ((dF[2] = dC(dE, dD, dJ))) { return true } } } } } } } function cB(dx) { return dx.length > 1 ? function(dz, dy, dB) { var dA = dx.length; while (dA--) { if (!dx[dA](dz, dy, dB)) { return false } } return true } : dx[0] } function cS(dB, dx, dA) { var dy = 0 , dz = dx.length; for (; dy < dz; dy++) { dk(dB, dx[dy], dA) } return dA } function cp(dF, dC, dz, dx, dG) { var dy, dE = [], dA = 0, dB = dF.length, dD = dC != null; for (; dA < dB; dA++) { if ((dy = dF[dA])) { if (!dz || dz(dy, dx, dG)) { dE.push(dy); if (dD) { dC.push(dA) } } } } return dE } function di(dB, dC, dx, dy, dz, dA) { if (dy && !dy[cC]) { dy = di(dy) } if (dz && !dz[cC]) { dz = di(dz, dA) } return cM(function(dN, dM, dD, dP) { var dO, dG, dE, dL = [], dJ = [], dK = dM.length, dF = dN || cS(dC || "*", dD.nodeType ? [dD] : dD, []), dH = dB && (dN || !dC) ? cp(dF, dL, dB, dD, dP) : dF, dI = dx ? dz || (dN ? dB : dK || dy) ? [] : dM : dH; if (dx) { dx(dH, dI, dD, dP) } if (dy) { dO = cp(dI, dJ); dy(dO, [], dD, dP); dG = dO.length; while (dG--) { if ((dE = dO[dG])) { dI[dJ[dG]] = !(dH[dJ[dG]] = dE) } } } if (dN) { if (dz || dB) { if (dz) { dO = []; dG = dI.length; while (dG--) { if ((dE = dI[dG])) { dO.push((dH[dG] = dE)) } } dz(null, (dI = []), dO, dP) } dG = dI.length; while (dG--) { if ((dE = dI[dG]) && (dO = dz ? cK(dN, dE) : dL[dG]) > -1) { dN[dO] = !(dM[dO] = dE) } } } } else { dI = cp(dI === dM ? dI.splice(dK, dI.length) : dI); if (dz) { dz(null, dM, dI, dP) } else { cX.apply(dM, dI) } } }) } function cO(dH) { var dx, dF, dA, dC = dH.length, dB = cD.relative[dH[0].type], dz = dB || cD.relative[" "], dy = dB ? 1 : 0, dE = cg(function(dI) { return dI === dx }, dz, true), dD = cg(function(dI) { return cK(dx, dI) > -1 }, dz, true), dG = [function(dJ, dI, dL) { var dK = (!dB && (dL || dI !== cT)) || ((dx = dI).nodeType ? dE(dJ, dI, dL) : dD(dJ, dI, dL)); dx = null; return dK } ]; for (; dy < dC; dy++) { if ((dF = cD.relative[dH[dy].type])) { dG = [cg(cB(dG), dF)] } else { dF = cD.filter[dH[dy].type].apply(null, dH[dy].matches); if (dF[cC]) { dA = ++dy; for (; dA < dC; dA++) { if (cD.relative[dH[dA].type]) { break } } return di(dy > 1 && cB(dG), dy > 1 && dt(dH.slice(0, dy - 1).concat({ value: dH[dy - 2].type === " " ? "*" : "" })).replace(dc, "$1"), dF, dy < dA && cO(dH.slice(dy, dA)), dA < dC && cO((dH = dH.slice(dA))), dA < dC && dt(dH)) } dG.push(dF) } } return cB(dG) } function cN(dz, dA) { var dy = dA.length > 0 , dx = dz.length > 0 , dB = function(dO, dC, dR, dN, dM) { var dF, dI, dL, dK = 0, dH = "0", dQ = dO && [], dP = [], dD = cT, dG = dO || dx && cD.find.TAG("*", dM), dE = (cv += dD == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1), dJ = dG.length; if (dM) { cT = dC === cx || dC || dM } for (; dH !== dJ && (dF = dG[dH]) != null; dH++) { if (dx && dF) { dI = 0; if (!dC && dF.ownerDocument !== cx) { dg(dF); dR = !cy } while ((dL = dz[dI++])) { if (dL(dF, dC || cx, dR)) { dN.push(dF); break } } if (dM) { cv = dE } } if (dy) { if ((dF = !dL && dF)) { dK-- } if (dO) { dQ.push(dF) } } } dK += dH; if (dy && dH !== dK) { dI = 0; while ((dL = dA[dI++])) { dL(dQ, dP, dC, dR) } if (dO) { if (dK > 0) { while (dH--) { if (!(dQ[dH] || dP[dH])) { dP[dH] = } } } dP = cp(dP) } cX.apply(dN, dP); if (dM && !dO && dP.length > 0 && (dK + dA.length) > 1) { dk.uniqueSort(dN) } } if (dM) { cv = dE; cT = dD } return dQ }; return dy ? cM(dB) : dB } cn = dk.compile = function(dB, dA) { var dz, dC = [], dy = [], dx = co[dB + " "]; if (!dx) { if (!dA) { dA = ds(dB) } dz = dA.length; while (dz--) { dx = cO(dA[dz]); if (dx[cC]) { dC.push(dx) } else { dy.push(dx) } } dx = co(dB, cN(dy, dC)); dx.selector = dB } return dx } ; df = = function(dE, dy, dC, dD) { var dA, dG, dF, dH, dz, dx = typeof dE === "function" && dE, dB = !dD && ds((dE = dx.selector || dE)); dC = dC || []; if (dB.length === 1) { dG = dB[0] = dB[0].slice(0); if (dG.length > 2 && (dF = dG[0]).type === "ID" && dp.getById && dy.nodeType === 9 && cy && cD.relative[dG[1].type]) { dy = (cD.find.ID(dF.matches[0].replace(dd, cE), dy) || [])[0]; if (!dy) { return dC } else { if (dx) { dy = dy.parentNode } } dE = dE.slice(dG.shift().value.length) } dA = cQ.needsContext.test(dE) ? 0 : dG.length; while (dA--) { dF = dG[dA]; if (cD.relative[(dH = dF.type)]) { break } if ((dz = cD.find[dH])) { if ((dD = dz(dF.matches[0].replace(dd, cE), db.test(dG[0].type) && dq(dy.parentNode) || dy))) { dG.splice(dA, 1); dE = dD.length && dt(dG); if (!dE) { cX.apply(dC, dD); return dC } break } } } } (dx || cn(dE, dB))(dD, dy, !cy, dC, !dy || db.test(dE) && dq(dy.parentNode) || dy); return dC } ; dp.sortStable = cC.split("").sort(dn).join("") === cC; dp.detectDuplicates = !!cG; dg(); dp.sortDetached = cj(function(dx) { return dx.compareDocumentPosition(cx.createElement("div")) & 1 }); if (!cj(function(dx) { dx.innerHTML = ""; return dx.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#" })) { ch("type|href|height|width", function(dx, dz, dy) { if (!dy) { return dx.getAttribute(dz, dz.toLowerCase() === "type" ? 1 : 2) } }) } if (!dp.attributes || !cj(function(dx) { dx.innerHTML = ""; dx.firstChild.setAttribute("value", ""); return dx.firstChild.getAttribute("value") === "" })) { ch("value", function(dx, dz, dy) { if (!dy && dx.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input") { return dx.defaultValue } }) } if (!cj(function(dx) { return dx.getAttribute("disabled") == null })) { ch(cl, function(dx, dz, dy) { var dA; if (!dy) { return dx[dz] === true ? dz.toLowerCase() : (dA = dx.getAttributeNode(dz)) && dA.specified ? dA.value : null } }) } return dk } )(ca); aD.find = b0; aD.expr = b0.selectors; aD.expr[":"] = aD.expr.pseudos; aD.uniqueSort = aD.unique = b0.uniqueSort; aD.text = b0.getText; aD.isXMLDoc = b0.isXML; aD.contains = b0.contains; var U = function(ch, cg, ck) { var ci = [] , cj = ck !== undefined; while ((ch = ch[cg]) && ch.nodeType !== 9) { if (ch.nodeType === 1) { if (cj && aD(ch).is(ck)) { break } ci.push(ch) } } return ci }; var bZ = function(ci, cg) { var ch = []; for (; ci; ci = ci.nextSibling) { if (ci.nodeType === 1 && ci !== cg) { ch.push(ci) } } return ch }; var bp = aD.expr.match.needsContext; var bH = (/^<([\w-]+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/); var bg = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/; function cb(cg, ci, ch) { if (aD.isFunction(ci)) { return aD.grep(cg, function(cj, ck) { return !!, ck, cj) !== ch }) } if (ci.nodeType) { return aD.grep(cg, function(cj) { return (cj === ci) !== ch }) } if (typeof ci === "string") { if (bg.test(ci)) { return aD.filter(ci, cg, ch) } ci = aD.filter(ci, cg) } return aD.grep(cg, function(cj) { return (aD.inArray(cj, ci) > -1) !== ch }) } aD.filter = function(ci, ch, cj) { var cg = ch[0]; if (cj) { ci = ":not(" + ci + ")" } return ch.length === 1 && cg.nodeType === 1 ? aD.find.matchesSelector(cg, ci) ? [cg] : [] : aD.find.matches(ci, aD.grep(ch, function(ck) { return ck.nodeType === 1 })) } ; aD.fn.extend({ find: function(cj) { var cg, ci = [], ck = this, ch = ck.length; if (typeof cj !== "string") { return this.pushStack(aD(cj).filter(function() { for (cg = 0; cg < ch; cg++) { if (aD.contains(ck[cg], this)) { return true } } })) } for (cg = 0; cg < ch; cg++) { aD.find(cj, ck[cg], ci) } ci = this.pushStack(ch > 1 ? aD.unique(ci) : ci); ci.selector = this.selector ? this.selector + " " + cj : cj; return ci }, filter: function(cg) { return this.pushStack(cb(this, cg || [], false)) }, not: function(cg) { return this.pushStack(cb(this, cg || [], true)) }, is: function(cg) { return !!cb(this, typeof cg === "string" && bp.test(cg) ? aD(cg) : cg || [], false).length } }); var bw, bC = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/, aw = aD.fn.init = function(ck, cg, cj) { var ci, ch; if (!ck) { return this } cj = cj || bw; if (typeof ck === "string") { if (ck.charAt(0) === "<" && ck.charAt(ck.length - 1) === ">" && ck.length >= 3) { ci = [null, ck, null] } else { ci = bC.exec(ck) } if (ci && (ci[1] || !cg)) { if (ci[1]) { cg = cg instanceof aD ? cg[0] : cg; aD.merge(this, aD.parseHTML(ci[1], cg && cg.nodeType ? cg.ownerDocument || cg : W, true)); if (bH.test(ci[1]) && aD.isPlainObject(cg)) { for (ci in cg) { if (aD.isFunction(this[ci])) { this[ci](cg[ci]) } else { this.attr(ci, cg[ci]) } } } return this } else { ch = W.getElementById(ci[2]); if (ch && ch.parentNode) { if ( !== ci[2]) { return bw.find(ck) } this.length = 1; this[0] = ch } this.context = W; this.selector = ck; return this } } else { if (!cg || cg.jquery) { return (cg || cj).find(ck) } else { return this.constructor(cg).find(ck) } } } else { if (ck.nodeType) { this.context = this[0] = ck; this.length = 1; return this } else { if (aD.isFunction(ck)) { return typeof cj.ready !== "undefined" ? cj.ready(ck) : ck(aD) } } } if (ck.selector !== undefined) { this.selector = ck.selector; this.context = ck.context } return aD.makeArray(ck, this) } ; aw.prototype = aD.fn; bw = aD(W); var by = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/ , aq = { children: true, contents: true, next: true, prev: true }; aD.fn.extend({ has: function(ci) { var cg, cj = aD(ci, this), ch = cj.length; return this.filter(function() { for (cg = 0; cg < ch; cg++) { if (aD.contains(this, cj[cg])) { return true } } }) }, closest: function(cm, cg) { var ch, ci = 0, cj = this.length, ck = [], cl = bp.test(cm) || typeof cm !== "string" ? aD(cm, cg || this.context) : 0; for (; ci < cj; ci++) { for (ch = this[ci]; ch && ch !== cg; ch = ch.parentNode) { if (ch.nodeType < 11 && (cl ? cl.index(ch) > -1 : ch.nodeType === 1 && aD.find.matchesSelector(ch, cm))) { ck.push(ch); break } } } return this.pushStack(ck.length > 1 ? aD.uniqueSort(ck) : ck) }, index: function(cg) { if (!cg) { return (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1 } if (typeof cg === "string") { return aD.inArray(this[0], aD(cg)) } return aD.inArray(cg.jquery ? cg[0] : cg, this) }, add: function(ch, cg) { return this.pushStack(aD.uniqueSort(aD.merge(this.get(), aD(ch, cg)))) }, addBack: function(cg) { return this.add(cg == null ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(cg)) } }); function bY(cg, ch) { do { cg = cg[ch] } while (cg && cg.nodeType !== 1);return cg } aD.each({ parent: function(cg) { var ch = cg.parentNode; return ch && ch.nodeType !== 11 ? ch : null }, parents: function(cg) { return U(cg, "parentNode") }, parentsUntil: function(cg, ch, ci) { return U(cg, "parentNode", ci) }, next: function(cg) { return bY(cg, "nextSibling") }, prev: function(cg) { return bY(cg, "previousSibling") }, nextAll: function(cg) { return U(cg, "nextSibling") }, prevAll: function(cg) { return U(cg, "previousSibling") }, nextUntil: function(cg, ch, ci) { return U(cg, "nextSibling", ci) }, prevUntil: function(cg, ch, ci) { return U(cg, "previousSibling", ci) }, siblings: function(cg) { return bZ((cg.parentNode || {}).firstChild, cg) }, children: function(cg) { return bZ(cg.firstChild) }, contents: function(cg) { return aD.nodeName(cg, "iframe") ? cg.contentDocument || cg.contentWindow.document : aD.merge([], cg.childNodes) } }, function(ch, cg) { aD.fn[ch] = function(ck, cj) { var ci =, cg, ck); if (ch.slice(-5) !== "Until") { cj = ck } if (cj && typeof cj === "string") { ci = aD.filter(cj, ci) } if (this.length > 1) { if (!aq[ch]) { ci = aD.uniqueSort(ci) } if (by.test(ch)) { ci = ci.reverse() } } return this.pushStack(ci) } }); var bt = (/\S+/g); function G(ch) { var cg = {}; aD.each(ch.match(bt) || [], function(ci, cj) { cg[cj] = true }); return cg } aD.Callbacks = function(cn) { cn = typeof cn === "string" ? G(cn) : aD.extend({}, cn); var ci, cm, ch, cl, ck = [], co = [], cj = -1, cg = function() { cl = cn.once; ch = ci = true; for (; co.length; cj = -1) { cm = co.shift(); while (++cj < ck.length) { if (ck[cj].apply(cm[0], cm[1]) === false && cn.stopOnFalse) { cj = ck.length; cm = false } } } if (!cn.memory) { cm = false } ci = false; if (cl) { if (cm) { ck = [] } else { ck = "" } } }, cp = { add: function() { if (ck) { if (cm && !ci) { cj = ck.length - 1; co.push(cm) } (function cq(cr) { aD.each(cr, function(cs, ct) { if (aD.isFunction(ct)) { if (!cn.unique || !cp.has(ct)) { ck.push(ct) } } else { if (ct && ct.length && aD.type(ct) !== "string") { cq(ct) } } }) } )(arguments); if (cm && !ci) { cg() } } return this }, remove: function() { aD.each(arguments, function(cq, cr) { var cs; while ((cs = aD.inArray(cr, ck, cs)) > -1) { ck.splice(cs, 1); if (cs <= cj) { cj-- } } }); return this }, has: function(cq) { return cq ? aD.inArray(cq, ck) > -1 : ck.length > 0 }, empty: function() { if (ck) { ck = [] } return this }, disable: function() { cl = co = []; ck = cm = ""; return this }, disabled: function() { return !ck }, lock: function() { cl = true; if (!cm) { cp.disable() } return this }, locked: function() { return !!cl }, fireWith: function(cr, cq) { if (!cl) { cq = cq || []; cq = [cr, cq.slice ? cq.slice() : cq]; co.push(cq); if (!ci) { cg() } } return this }, fire: function() { cp.fireWith(this, arguments); return this }, fired: function() { return !!ch } }; return cp } ; aD.extend({ Deferred: function(ch) { var ck = [["resolve", "done", aD.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved"], ["reject", "fail", aD.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"], ["notify", "progress", aD.Callbacks("memory")]] , cj = "pending" , ci = { state: function() { return cj }, always: function() { cg.done(arguments).fail(arguments); return this }, then: function() { var cl = arguments; return aD.Deferred(function(cm) { aD.each(ck, function(co, cp) { var cn = aD.isFunction(cl[co]) && cl[co]; cg[cp[1]](function() { var cq = cn && cn.apply(this, arguments); if (cq && aD.isFunction(cq.promise)) { cq.promise().progress(cm.notify).done(cm.resolve).fail(cm.reject) } else { cm[cp[0] + "With"](this === ci ? cm.promise() : this, cn ? [cq] : arguments) } }) }); cl = null }).promise() }, promise: function(cl) { return cl != null ? aD.extend(cl, ci) : ci } } , cg = {}; ci.pipe = ci.then; aD.each(ck, function(cl, co) { var cm = co[2] , cn = co[3]; ci[co[1]] = cm.add; if (cn) { cm.add(function() { cj = cn }, ck[cl ^ 1][2].disable, ck[2][2].lock) } cg[co[0]] = function() { cg[co[0] + "With"](this === cg ? ci : this, arguments); return this } ; cg[co[0] + "With"] = cm.fireWith }); ci.promise(cg); if (ch) {, cg) } return cg }, when: function(co) { var ch = 0, cn =, ci = cn.length, cl = ci !== 1 || (co && aD.isFunction(co.promise)) ? ci : 0, cg = cl === 1 ? co : aD.Deferred(), cp = function(cr, cq, cs) { return function(ct) { cq[cr] = this; cs[cr] = arguments.length > 1 ? : ct; if (cs === ck) { cg.notifyWith(cq, cs) } else { if (!(--cl)) { cg.resolveWith(cq, cs) } } } }, ck, cj, cm; if (ci > 1) { ck = new Array(ci); cj = new Array(ci); cm = new Array(ci); for (; ch < ci; ch++) { if (cn[ch] && aD.isFunction(cn[ch].promise)) { cn[ch].promise().progress(cp(ch, cj, ck)).done(cp(ch, cm, cn)).fail(cg.reject) } else { --cl } } } if (!cl) { cg.resolveWith(cm, cn) } return cg.promise() } }); var a3; aD.fn.ready = function(cg) { aD.ready.promise().done(cg); return this } ; aD.extend({ isReady: false, readyWait: 1, holdReady: function(cg) { if (cg) { aD.readyWait++ } else { aD.ready(true) } }, ready: function(cg) { if (cg === true ? --aD.readyWait : aD.isReady) { return } aD.isReady = true; if (cg !== true && --aD.readyWait > 0) { return } a3.resolveWith(W, [aD]); if (aD.fn.triggerHandler) { aD(W).triggerHandler("ready"); aD(W).off("ready") } } }); function T() { if (W.addEventListener) { W.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", C); ca.removeEventListener("load", C) } else { W.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", C); ca.detachEvent("onload", C) } } function C() { if (W.addEventListener || ca.event.type === "load" || W.readyState === "complete") { T(); aD.ready() } } aD.ready.promise = function(ci) { if (!a3) { a3 = aD.Deferred(); if (W.readyState === "complete") { ca.setTimeout(aD.ready) } else { if (W.addEventListener) { W.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", C); ca.addEventListener("load", C) } else { W.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", C); ca.attachEvent("onload", C); var cj = false; try { cj = ca.frameElement == null && W.documentElement } catch (ch) {} if (cj && cj.doScroll) { (function cg() { if (!aD.isReady) { try { cj.doScroll("left") } catch (ck) { return ca.setTimeout(cg, 50) } T(); aD.ready() } } )() } } } } return a3.promise(ci) } ; aD.ready.promise(); var at; for (at in aD(b2)) { break } b2.ownFirst = at === "0"; b2.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = false; aD(function() { var cj, ci, cg, ch; cg = W.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; if (!cg || ! { return } ci = W.createElement("div"); ch = W.createElement("div"); = "position:absolute;border:0;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px"; cg.appendChild(ch).appendChild(ci); if (typeof !== "undefined") { = "display:inline;margin:0;border:0;padding:1px;width:1px;zoom:1"; b2.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = cj = ci.offsetWidth === 3; if (cj) { = 1 } } cg.removeChild(ch) }); (function() { var cg = W.createElement("div"); b2.deleteExpando = true; try { delete cg.test } catch (ch) { b2.deleteExpando = false } cg = null } )(); var d = function(cg) { var ch = aD.noData[(cg.nodeName + " ").toLowerCase()] , ci = +cg.nodeType || 1; return ci !== 1 && ci !== 9 ? false : !ch || ch !== true && cg.getAttribute("classid") === ch }; var aS = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/ , bo = /([A-Z])/g; function P(ci, cj, cg) { if (cg === undefined && ci.nodeType === 1) { var ck = "data-" + cj.replace(bo, "-$1").toLowerCase(); cg = ci.getAttribute(ck); if (typeof cg === "string") { try { cg = cg === "true" ? true : cg === "false" ? false : cg === "null" ? null : +cg + "" === cg ? +cg : aS.test(cg) ? aD.parseJSON(cg) : cg } catch (ch) {}, cj, cg) } else { cg = undefined } } return cg } function aB(ch) { var cg; for (cg in ch) { if (cg === "data" && aD.isEmptyObject(ch[cg])) { continue } if (cg !== "toJSON") { return false } } return true } function ay(ci, cm, ch, cn) { if (!d(ci)) { return } var co, cp, ck = aD.expando, cl = ci.nodeType, cg = cl ? aD.cache : ci, cj = cl ? ci[ck] : ci[ck] && ck; if ((!cj || !cg[cj] || (!cn && !cg[cj].data)) && ch === undefined && typeof cm === "string") { return } if (!cj) { if (cl) { cj = ci[ck] = S.pop() || aD.guid++ } else { cj = ck } } if (!cg[cj]) { cg[cj] = cl ? {} : { toJSON: aD.noop } } if (typeof cm === "object" || typeof cm === "function") { if (cn) { cg[cj] = aD.extend(cg[cj], cm) } else { cg[cj].data = aD.extend(cg[cj].data, cm) } } cp = cg[cj]; if (!cn) { if (! { = {} } cp = } if (ch !== undefined) { cp[aD.camelCase(cm)] = ch } if (typeof cm === "string") { co = cp[cm]; if (co == null) { co = cp[aD.camelCase(cm)] } } else { co = cp } return co } function az(ch, cl, cm) { if (!d(ch)) { return } var cn, ci, ck = ch.nodeType, cg = ck ? aD.cache : ch, cj = ck ? ch[aD.expando] : aD.expando; if (!cg[cj]) { return } if (cl) { cn = cm ? cg[cj] : cg[cj].data; if (cn) { if (!aD.isArray(cl)) { if (cl in cn) { cl = [cl] } else { cl = aD.camelCase(cl); if (cl in cn) { cl = [cl] } else { cl = cl.split(" ") } } } else { cl = cl.concat(, aD.camelCase)) } ci = cl.length; while (ci--) { delete cn[cl[ci]] } if (cm ? !aB(cn) : !aD.isEmptyObject(cn)) { return } } } if (!cm) { delete cg[cj].data; if (!aB(cg[cj])) { return } } if (ck) { aD.cleanData([ch], true) } else { if (b2.deleteExpando || cg != cg.window) { delete cg[cj] } else { cg[cj] = undefined } } } aD.extend({ cache: {}, noData: { "applet ": true, "embed ": true, "object ": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" }, hasData: function(cg) { cg = cg.nodeType ? aD.cache[cg[aD.expando]] : cg[aD.expando]; return !!cg && !aB(cg) }, data: function(ch, ci, cg) { return ay(ch, ci, cg) }, removeData: function(cg, ch) { return az(cg, ch) }, _data: function(ch, ci, cg) { return ay(ch, ci, cg, true) }, _removeData: function(cg, ch) { return az(cg, ch, true) } }); aD.fn.extend({ data: function(ck, cm) { var cj, cl, ch, ci = this[0], cg = ci && ci.attributes; if (ck === undefined) { if (this.length) { ch =; if (ci.nodeType === 1 && !aD._data(ci, "parsedAttrs")) { cj = cg.length; while (cj--) { if (cg[cj]) { cl = cg[cj].name; if (cl.indexOf("data-") === 0) { cl = aD.camelCase(cl.slice(5)); P(ci, cl, ch[cl]) } } } aD._data(ci, "parsedAttrs", true) } } return ch } if (typeof ck === "object") { return this.each(function() {, ck) }) } return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each(function() {, ck, cm) }) : ci ? P(ci, ck,, ck)) : undefined }, removeData: function(cg) { return this.each(function() { aD.removeData(this, cg) }) } }); aD.extend({ queue: function(ch, cj, cg) { var ci; if (ch) { cj = (cj || "fx") + "queue"; ci = aD._data(ch, cj); if (cg) { if (!ci || aD.isArray(cg)) { ci = aD._data(ch, cj, aD.makeArray(cg)) } else { ci.push(cg) } } return ci || [] } }, dequeue: function(cg, cm) { cm = cm || "fx"; var ck = aD.queue(cg, cm) , cl = ck.length , ch = ck.shift() , ci = aD._queueHooks(cg, cm) , cj = function() { aD.dequeue(cg, cm) }; if (ch === "inprogress") { ch = ck.shift(); cl-- } if (ch) { if (cm === "fx") { ck.unshift("inprogress") } delete ci.stop;, cj, ci) } if (!cl && ci) { } }, _queueHooks: function(cg, ci) { var ch = ci + "queueHooks"; return aD._data(cg, ch) || aD._data(cg, ch, { empty: aD.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() { aD._removeData(cg, ci + "queue"); aD._removeData(cg, ch) }) }) } }); aD.fn.extend({ queue: function(ci, cg) { var ch = 2; if (typeof ci !== "string") { cg = ci; ci = "fx"; ch-- } if (arguments.length < ch) { return aD.queue(this[0], ci) } return cg === undefined ? this : this.each(function() { var cj = aD.queue(this, ci, cg); aD._queueHooks(this, ci); if (ci === "fx" && cj[0] !== "inprogress") { aD.dequeue(this, ci) } }) }, dequeue: function(cg) { return this.each(function() { aD.dequeue(this, cg) }) }, clearQueue: function(cg) { return this.queue(cg || "fx", []) }, promise: function(cn, ck) { var cm, cg = 1, ch = aD.Deferred(), ci = this, cj = this.length, cl = function() { if (!(--cg)) { ch.resolveWith(ci, [ci]) } }; if (typeof cn !== "string") { ck = cn; cn = undefined } cn = cn || "fx"; while (cj--) { cm = aD._data(ci[cj], cn + "queueHooks"); if (cm && cm.empty) { cg++; cm.empty.add(cl) } } cl(); return ch.promise(ck) } }); (function() { var cg; b2.shrinkWrapBlocks = function() { if (cg != null) { return cg } cg = false; var cj, ch, ci; ch = W.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; if (!ch || ! { return } cj = W.createElement("div"); ci = W.createElement("div"); = "position:absolute;border:0;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px"; ch.appendChild(ci).appendChild(cj); if (typeof !== "undefined") { = "-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;border:0;padding:1px;width:1px;zoom:1"; cj.appendChild(W.createElement("div")).style.width = "5px"; cg = cj.offsetWidth !== 3 } ch.removeChild(ci); return cg } } )(); var aM = (/[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/).source; var a0 = new RegExp("^(?:([+-])=|)(" + aM + ")([a-z%]*)$","i"); var K = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"]; var aC = function(ch, cg) { ch = cg || ch; return aD.css(ch, "display") === "none" || !aD.contains(ch.ownerDocument, ch) }; function m(ci, cm, cq, co) { var cg, cn = 1, cl = 20, ch = co ? function() { return co.cur() } : function() { return aD.css(ci, cm, "") } , cj = ch(), cp = cq && cq[3] || (aD.cssNumber[cm] ? "" : "px"), ck = (aD.cssNumber[cm] || cp !== "px" && +cj) && a0.exec(aD.css(ci, cm)); if (ck && ck[3] !== cp) { cp = cp || ck[3]; cq = cq || []; ck = +cj || 1; do { cn = cn || ".5"; ck = ck / cn;, cm, ck + cp) } while (cn !== (cn = ch() / cj) && cn !== 1 && --cl) } if (cq) { ck = +ck || +cj || 0; cg = cq[1] ? ck + (cq[1] + 1) * cq[2] : +cq[2]; if (co) { co.unit = cp; co.start = ck; co.end = cg } } return cg } var e = function(ci, ck, cm, cp, ch, cj, co) { var cl = 0 , cn = ci.length , cg = cm == null; if (aD.type(cm) === "object") { ch = true; for (cl in cm) { e(ci, ck, cl, cm[cl], true, cj, co) } } else { if (cp !== undefined) { ch = true; if (!aD.isFunction(cp)) { co = true } if (cg) { if (co) {, cp); ck = null } else { cg = ck; ck = function(cq, cr, cs) { return, cs) } } } if (ck) { for (; cl < cn; cl++) { ck(ci[cl], cm, co ? cp :[cl], cl, ck(ci[cl], cm))) } } } } return ch ? ci : cg ? : cn ? ck(ci[0], cm) : cj }; var aU = (/^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i); var bK = (/<([\w:-]+)/); var bF = (/^$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i); var bj = (/^\s+/); var aH = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|dialog|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|main|mark|meter|nav|output|picture|progress|section|summary|template|time|video"; function H(cg) { var ch = aH.split("|") , ci = cg.createDocumentFragment(); if (ci.createElement) { while (ch.length) { ci.createElement(ch.pop()) } } return ci } (function() { var cg = W.createElement("div") , ch = W.createDocumentFragment() , ci = W.createElement("input"); cg.innerHTML = "
a"; b2.leadingWhitespace = cg.firstChild.nodeType === 3; b2.tbody = !cg.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length; b2.htmlSerialize = !!cg.getElementsByTagName("link").length; b2.html5Clone = W.createElement("nav").cloneNode(true).outerHTML !== "<:nav>"; ci.type = "checkbox"; ci.checked = true; ch.appendChild(ci); b2.appendChecked = ci.checked; cg.innerHTML = ""; b2.noCloneChecked = !!cg.cloneNode(true).lastChild.defaultValue; ch.appendChild(cg); ci = W.createElement("input"); ci.setAttribute("type", "radio"); ci.setAttribute("checked", "checked"); ci.setAttribute("name", "t"); cg.appendChild(ci); b2.checkClone = cg.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked; b2.noCloneEvent = !!cg.addEventListener; cg[aD.expando] = 1; b2.attributes = !cg.getAttribute(aD.expando) } )(); var cc = { option: [1, ""], legend: [1, "
", "
"], area: [1, "", ""], param: [1, "", ""], thead: [1, "", "
"], tr: [2, "", "
"], col: [2, "", "
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"], _default: b2.htmlSerialize ? [0, "", ""] : [1, "X
", "
"] }; cc.optgroup = cc.option; cc.tbody = cc.tfoot = cc.colgroup = cc.caption = cc.thead; =; function ai(cg, cl) { var ci, ch, ck = 0, cj = typeof cg.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ? cg.getElementsByTagName(cl || "*") : typeof cg.querySelectorAll !== "undefined" ? cg.querySelectorAll(cl || "*") : undefined; if (!cj) { for (cj = [], ci = cg.childNodes || cg; (ch = ci[ck]) != null; ck++) { if (!cl || aD.nodeName(ch, cl)) { cj.push(ch) } else { aD.merge(cj, ai(ch, cl)) } } } return cl === undefined || cl && aD.nodeName(cg, cl) ? aD.merge([cg], cj) : cj } function bV(ch, cj) { var cg, ci = 0; for (; (cg = ch[ci]) != null; ci++) { aD._data(cg, "globalEval", !cj || aD._data(cj[ci], "globalEval")) } } var be = /<|&#?\w+;/ , bL = /" && !bL.test(ci) ? cu : 0; cm = ci && ci.childNodes.length; while (cm--) { if (aD.nodeName((ct = ci.childNodes[cm]), "tbody") && !ct.childNodes.length) { ci.removeChild(ct) } } } aD.merge(co, cu.childNodes); cu.textContent = ""; while (cu.firstChild) { cu.removeChild(cu.firstChild) } cu = cp.lastChild } } } } if (cu) { cp.removeChild(cu) } if (!b2.appendChecked) { aD.grep(ai(co, "input"), ae) } ck = 0; while ((ci = co[ck++])) { if (cr && aD.inArray(ci, cr) > -1) { if (cl) { cl.push(ci) } continue } cg = aD.contains(ci.ownerDocument, ci); cu = ai(cp.appendChild(ci), "script"); if (cg) { bV(cu) } if (cq) { cm = 0; while ((ci = cu[cm++])) { if (bF.test(ci.type || "")) { cq.push(ci) } } } } cu = null; return cp } (function() { var ci, ch, cg = W.createElement("div"); for (ci in { submit: true, change: true, focusin: true }) { ch = "on" + ci; if (!(b2[ci] = ch in ca)) { cg.setAttribute(ch, "t"); b2[ci] = cg.attributes[ch].expando === false } } cg = null } )(); var ba = /^(?:input|select|textarea)$/i , bi = /^key/ , bm = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop)|click/ , a9 = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/ , bO = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)/; function a7() { return true } function a6() { return false } function bT() { try { return W.activeElement } catch (cg) {} } function aL(ch, cn, cl, cg, ci, cj) { var ck, cm; if (typeof cn === "object") { if (typeof cl !== "string") { cg = cg || cl; cl = undefined } for (cm in cn) { aL(ch, cm, cl, cg, cn[cm], cj) } return ch } if (cg == null && ci == null) { ci = cl; cg = cl = undefined } else { if (ci == null) { if (typeof cl === "string") { ci = cg; cg = undefined } else { ci = cg; cg = cl; cl = undefined } } } if (ci === false) { ci = a6 } else { if (!ci) { return ch } } if (cj === 1) { ck = ci; ci = function(co) { aD().off(co); return ck.apply(this, arguments) } ; ci.guid = ck.guid || (ck.guid = aD.guid++) } return ch.each(function() { aD.event.add(this, cn, ci, cg, cl) }) } aD.event = { global: {}, add: function(ch, cw, cn, cg, cr) { var cu, ck, ct, cm, cs, cj, cl, co, cv, cp, cq, ci = aD._data(ch); if (!ci) { return } if (cn.handler) { cm = cn; cn = cm.handler; cr = cm.selector } if (!cn.guid) { cn.guid = aD.guid++ } if (!(ck = { ck = = {} } if (!(cj = ci.handle)) { cj = ci.handle = function(cx) { return typeof aD !== "undefined" && (!cx || aD.event.triggered !== cx.type) ? aD.event.dispatch.apply(cj.elem, arguments) : undefined } ; cj.elem = ch } cw = (cw || "").match(bt) || [""]; ct = cw.length; while (ct--) { cu = bO.exec(cw[ct]) || []; cv = cq = cu[1]; cp = (cu[2] || "").split(".").sort(); if (!cv) { continue } cs = aD.event.special[cv] || {}; cv = (cr ? cs.delegateType : cs.bindType) || cv; cs = aD.event.special[cv] || {}; cl = aD.extend({ type: cv, origType: cq, data: cg, handler: cn, guid: cn.guid, selector: cr, needsContext: cr && aD.expr.match.needsContext.test(cr), namespace: cp.join(".") }, cm); if (!(co = ck[cv])) { co = ck[cv] = []; co.delegateCount = 0; if (!cs.setup ||, cg, cp, cj) === false) { if (ch.addEventListener) { ch.addEventListener(cv, cj, false) } else { if (ch.attachEvent) { ch.attachEvent("on" + cv, cj) } } } } if (cs.add) {, cl); if (!cl.handler.guid) { cl.handler.guid = cn.guid } } if (cr) { co.splice(co.delegateCount++, 0, cl) } else { co.push(cl) }[cv] = true } ch = null }, remove: function(cg, cw, ck, cr, cn) { var cm, cj, cu, cp, ct, ci, cs, cl, cv, co, cq, ch = aD.hasData(cg) && aD._data(cg); if (!ch || !(ci = { return } cw = (cw || "").match(bt) || [""]; ct = cw.length; while (ct--) { cu = bO.exec(cw[ct]) || []; cv = cq = cu[1]; co = (cu[2] || "").split(".").sort(); if (!cv) { for (cv in ci) { aD.event.remove(cg, cv + cw[ct], ck, cr, true) } continue } cs = aD.event.special[cv] || {}; cv = (cr ? cs.delegateType : cs.bindType) || cv; cl = ci[cv] || []; cu = cu[2] && new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + co.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)"); cp = cm = cl.length; while (cm--) { cj = cl[cm]; if ((cn || cq === cj.origType) && (!ck || ck.guid === cj.guid) && (!cu || cu.test(cj.namespace)) && (!cr || cr === cj.selector || cr === "**" && cj.selector)) { cl.splice(cm, 1); if (cj.selector) { cl.delegateCount-- } if (cs.remove) {, cj) } } } if (cp && !cl.length) { if (!cs.teardown ||, co, ch.handle) === false) { aD.removeEvent(cg, cv, ch.handle) } delete ci[cv] } } if (aD.isEmptyObject(ci)) { delete ch.handle; aD._removeData(cg, "events") } }, trigger: function(cl, ci, ck, cq) { var cn, cr, ch, cg, cs, ct, co, cm = [ck || W], cu =, "type") ? cl.type : cl, cp =, "namespace") ? cl.namespace.split(".") : []; ch = ct = ck = ck || W; if (ck.nodeType === 3 || ck.nodeType === 8) { return } if (a9.test(cu + aD.event.triggered)) { return } if (cu.indexOf(".") > -1) { cp = cu.split("."); cu = cp.shift(); cp.sort() } cr = cu.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + cu; cl = cl[aD.expando] ? cl : new aD.Event(cu,typeof cl === "object" && cl); cl.isTrigger = cq ? 2 : 3; cl.namespace = cp.join("."); cl.rnamespace = cl.namespace ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + cp.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null; cl.result = undefined; if (! { = ck } ci = ci == null ? [cl] : aD.makeArray(ci, [cl]); cs = aD.event.special[cu] || {}; if (!cq && cs.trigger && cs.trigger.apply(ck, ci) === false) { return } if (!cq && !cs.noBubble && !aD.isWindow(ck)) { cg = cs.delegateType || cu; if (!a9.test(cg + cu)) { ch = ch.parentNode } for (; ch; ch = ch.parentNode) { cm.push(ch); ct = ch } if (ct === (ck.ownerDocument || W)) { cm.push(ct.defaultView || ct.parentWindow || ca) } } co = 0; while ((ch = cm[co++]) && !cl.isPropagationStopped()) { cl.type = co > 1 ? cg : cs.bindType || cu; cn = (aD._data(ch, "events") || {})[cl.type] && aD._data(ch, "handle"); if (cn) { cn.apply(ch, ci) } cn = cr && ch[cr]; if (cn && cn.apply && d(ch)) { cl.result = cn.apply(ch, ci); if (cl.result === false) { cl.preventDefault() } } } cl.type = cu; if (!cq && !cl.isDefaultPrevented()) { if ((!cs._default || cs._default.apply(cm.pop(), ci) === false) && d(ck)) { if (cr && ck[cu] && !aD.isWindow(ck)) { ct = ck[cr]; if (ct) { ck[cr] = null } aD.event.triggered = cu; try { ck[cu]() } catch (cj) {} aD.event.triggered = undefined; if (ct) { ck[cr] = ct } } } } return cl.result }, dispatch: function(ch) { ch = aD.event.fix(ch); var cl, cm, co, cn, ci, cj = [], cg =, ck = (aD._data(this, "events") || {})[ch.type] || [], cp = aD.event.special[ch.type] || {}; cg[0] = ch; ch.delegateTarget = this; if (cp.preDispatch &&, ch) === false) { return } cj =, ch, ck); cl = 0; while ((cn = cj[cl++]) && !ch.isPropagationStopped()) { ch.currentTarget = cn.elem; cm = 0; while ((ci = cn.handlers[cm++]) && !ch.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) { if (!ch.rnamespace || ch.rnamespace.test(ci.namespace)) { ch.handleObj = ci; =; co = ((aD.event.special[ci.origType] || {}).handle || ci.handler).apply(cn.elem, cg); if (co !== undefined) { if ((ch.result = co) === false) { ch.preventDefault(); ch.stopPropagation() } } } } } if (cp.postDispatch) {, ch) } return ch.result }, handlers: function(ci, cl) { var cm, cn, co, cj, ck = [], ch = cl.delegateCount, cg =; if (ch && cg.nodeType && (ci.type !== "click" || isNaN(ci.button) || ci.button < 1)) { for (; cg != this; cg = cg.parentNode || this) { if (cg.nodeType === 1 && (cg.disabled !== true || ci.type !== "click")) { cn = []; for (cm = 0; cm < ch; cm++) { cj = cl[cm]; co = cj.selector + " "; if (cn[co] === undefined) { cn[co] = cj.needsContext ? aD(co, this).index(cg) > -1 : aD.find(co, this, null, [cg]).length } if (cn[co]) { cn.push(cj) } } if (cn.length) { ck.push({ elem: cg, handlers: cn }) } } } } if (ch < cl.length) { ck.push({ elem: this, handlers: cl.slice(ch) }) } return ck }, fix: function(ch) { if (ch[aD.expando]) { return ch } var cj, cl, cg, cm = ch.type, ck = ch, ci = this.fixHooks[cm]; if (!ci) { this.fixHooks[cm] = ci = bm.test(cm) ? this.mouseHooks : bi.test(cm) ? this.keyHooks : {} } cg = ci.props ? this.props.concat(ci.props) : this.props; ch = new aD.Event(ck); cj = cg.length; while (cj--) { cl = cg[cj]; ch[cl] = ck[cl] } if (! { = ck.srcElement || W } if ( === 3) { = } ch.metaKey = !!ch.metaKey; return ci.filter ? ci.filter(ch, ck) : ch }, props: ("altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget detail eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which").split(" "), fixHooks: {}, keyHooks: { props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "), filter: function(cg, ch) { if (cg.which == null) { cg.which = ch.charCode != null ? ch.charCode : ch.keyCode } return cg } }, mouseHooks: { props: ("button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement").split(" "), filter: function(cj, cm) { var cg, ck, ci, ch = cm.button, cl = cm.fromElement; if (cj.pageX == null && cm.clientX != null) { ck = || W; ci = ck.documentElement; cg = ck.body; cj.pageX = cm.clientX + (ci && ci.scrollLeft || cg && cg.scrollLeft || 0) - (ci && ci.clientLeft || cg && cg.clientLeft || 0); cj.pageY = cm.clientY + (ci && ci.scrollTop || cg && cg.scrollTop || 0) - (ci && ci.clientTop || cg && cg.clientTop || 0) } if (!cj.relatedTarget && cl) { cj.relatedTarget = cl === ? cm.toElement : cl } if (!cj.which && ch !== undefined) { cj.which = (ch & 1 ? 1 : (ch & 2 ? 3 : (ch & 4 ? 2 : 0))) } return cj } }, special: { load: { noBubble: true }, focus: { trigger: function() { if (this !== bT() && this.focus) { try { this.focus(); return false } catch (cg) {} } }, delegateType: "focusin" }, blur: { trigger: function() { if (this === bT() && this.blur) { this.blur(); return false } }, delegateType: "focusout" }, click: { trigger: function() { if (aD.nodeName(this, "input") && this.type === "checkbox" && {; return false } }, _default: function(cg) { return aD.nodeName(, "a") } }, beforeunload: { postDispatch: function(cg) { if (cg.result !== undefined && cg.originalEvent) { cg.originalEvent.returnValue = cg.result } } } }, simulate: function(cj, ch, ci) { var cg = aD.extend(new aD.Event(), ci, { type: cj, isSimulated: true }); aD.event.trigger(cg, null, ch); if (cg.isDefaultPrevented()) { ci.preventDefault() } } }; aD.removeEvent = W.removeEventListener ? function(cg, ci, ch) { if (cg.removeEventListener) { cg.removeEventListener(ci, ch) } } : function(cg, cj, ch) { var ci = "on" + cj; if (cg.detachEvent) { if (typeof cg[ci] === "undefined") { cg[ci] = null } cg.detachEvent(ci, ch) } } ; aD.Event = function(ch, cg) { if (!(this instanceof aD.Event)) { return new aD.Event(ch,cg) } if (ch && ch.type) { this.originalEvent = ch; this.type = ch.type; this.isDefaultPrevented = ch.defaultPrevented || ch.defaultPrevented === undefined && ch.returnValue === false ? a7 : a6 } else { this.type = ch } if (cg) { aD.extend(this, cg) } this.timeStamp = ch && ch.timeStamp ||; this[aD.expando] = true } ; aD.Event.prototype = { constructor: aD.Event, isDefaultPrevented: a6, isPropagationStopped: a6, isImmediatePropagationStopped: a6, preventDefault: function() { var cg = this.originalEvent; this.isDefaultPrevented = a7; if (!cg) { return } if (cg.preventDefault) { cg.preventDefault() } else { cg.returnValue = false } }, stopPropagation: function() { var cg = this.originalEvent; this.isPropagationStopped = a7; if (!cg || this.isSimulated) { return } if (cg.stopPropagation) { cg.stopPropagation() } cg.cancelBubble = true }, stopImmediatePropagation: function() { var cg = this.originalEvent; this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = a7; if (cg && cg.stopImmediatePropagation) { cg.stopImmediatePropagation() } this.stopPropagation() } }; aD.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout", pointerenter: "pointerover", pointerleave: "pointerout" }, function(ch, cg) { aD.event.special[ch] = { delegateType: cg, bindType: cg, handle: function(ci) { var cl, cm = this, ck = ci.relatedTarget, cj = ci.handleObj; if (!ck || (ck !== cm && !aD.contains(cm, ck))) { ci.type = cj.origType; cl = cj.handler.apply(this, arguments); ci.type = cg } return cl } } }); if (!b2.submit) { aD.event.special.submit = { setup: function() { if (aD.nodeName(this, "form")) { return false } aD.event.add(this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function(cg) { var ch = , ci = aD.nodeName(ch, "input") || aD.nodeName(ch, "button") ? aD.prop(ch, "form") : undefined; if (ci && !aD._data(ci, "submit")) { aD.event.add(ci, "submit._submit", function(cj) { cj._submitBubble = true }); aD._data(ci, "submit", true) } }) }, postDispatch: function(cg) { if (cg._submitBubble) { delete cg._submitBubble; if (this.parentNode && !cg.isTrigger) { aD.event.simulate("submit", this.parentNode, cg) } } }, teardown: function() { if (aD.nodeName(this, "form")) { return false } aD.event.remove(this, "._submit") } } } if (!b2.change) { aD.event.special.change = { setup: function() { if (ba.test(this.nodeName)) { if (this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio") { aD.event.add(this, "propertychange._change", function(cg) { if (cg.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked") { this._justChanged = true } }); aD.event.add(this, "click._change", function(cg) { if (this._justChanged && !cg.isTrigger) { this._justChanged = false } aD.event.simulate("change", this, cg) }) } return false } aD.event.add(this, "beforeactivate._change", function(cg) { var ch =; if (ba.test(ch.nodeName) && !aD._data(ch, "change")) { aD.event.add(ch, "change._change", function(ci) { if (this.parentNode && !ci.isSimulated && !ci.isTrigger) { aD.event.simulate("change", this.parentNode, ci) } }); aD._data(ch, "change", true) } }) }, handle: function(ch) { var cg =; if (this !== cg || ch.isSimulated || ch.isTrigger || (cg.type !== "radio" && cg.type !== "checkbox")) { return ch.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments) } }, teardown: function() { aD.event.remove(this, "._change"); return !ba.test(this.nodeName) } } } if (!b2.focusin) { aD.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function(ci, cg) { var ch = function(cj) { aD.event.simulate(cg,, aD.event.fix(cj)) }; aD.event.special[cg] = { setup: function() { var ck = this.ownerDocument || this , cj = aD._data(ck, cg); if (!cj) { ck.addEventListener(ci, ch, true) } aD._data(ck, cg, (cj || 0) + 1) }, teardown: function() { var ck = this.ownerDocument || this , cj = aD._data(ck, cg) - 1; if (!cj) { ck.removeEventListener(ci, ch, true); aD._removeData(ck, cg) } else { aD._data(ck, cg, cj) } } } }) } aD.fn.extend({ on: function(cj, ci, cg, ch) { return aL(this, cj, ci, cg, ch) }, one: function(cj, ci, cg, ch) { return aL(this, cj, ci, cg, ch, 1) }, off: function(ck, ci, cg) { var ch, cj; if (ck && ck.preventDefault && ck.handleObj) { ch = ck.handleObj; aD(ck.delegateTarget).off(ch.namespace ? ch.origType + "." + ch.namespace : ch.origType, ch.selector, ch.handler); return this } if (typeof ck === "object") { for (cj in ck) {, ci, ck[cj]) } return this } if (ci === false || typeof ci === "function") { cg = ci; ci = undefined } if (cg === false) { cg = a6 } return this.each(function() { aD.event.remove(this, ck, cg, ci) }) }, trigger: function(ch, cg) { return this.each(function() { aD.event.trigger(ch, cg, this) }) }, triggerHandler: function(ci, cg) { var ch = this[0]; if (ch) { return aD.event.trigger(ci, cg, ch, true) } } }); var bf = / jQuery\d+="(?:null|\d+)"/g , bs = new RegExp("<(?:" + aH + ")[\\s/>]","i") , bS = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:-]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi , br = /\s*$/g , bU = H(W) , af = bU.appendChild(W.createElement("div")); function aF(ch, cg) { return aD.nodeName(ch, "table") && aD.nodeName(cg.nodeType !== 11 ? cg : cg.firstChild, "tr") ? ch.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || ch.appendChild(ch.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody")) : ch } function V(cg) { cg.type = (aD.find.attr(cg, "type") !== null) + "/" + cg.type; return cg } function a5(cg) { var ch = bG.exec(cg.type); if (ch) { cg.type = ch[1] } else { cg.removeAttribute("type") } return cg } function B(cm, ch) { if (ch.nodeType !== 1 || !aD.hasData(cm)) { return } var cn, cj, ck, cl = aD._data(cm), cg = aD._data(ch, cl), ci =; if (ci) { delete cg.handle; = {}; for (cn in ci) { for (cj = 0, ck = ci[cn].length; cj < ck; cj++) { aD.event.add(ch, cn, ci[cn][cj]) } } } if ( { = aD.extend({}, } } function ad(ck, ch) { var cj, ci, cg; if (ch.nodeType !== 1) { return } cj = ch.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (!b2.noCloneEvent && ch[aD.expando]) { cg = aD._data(ch); for (ci in { aD.removeEvent(ch, ci, cg.handle) } ch.removeAttribute(aD.expando) } if (cj === "script" && ch.text !== ck.text) { V(ch).text = ck.text; a5(ch) } else { if (cj === "object") { if (ch.parentNode) { ch.outerHTML = ck.outerHTML } if (b2.html5Clone && (ck.innerHTML && !aD.trim(ch.innerHTML))) { ch.innerHTML = ck.innerHTML } } else { if (cj === "input" && aU.test(ck.type)) { ch.defaultChecked = ch.checked = ck.checked; if (ch.value !== ck.value) { ch.value = ck.value } } else { if (cj === "option") { ch.defaultSelected = ch.selected = ck.defaultSelected } else { if (cj === "input" || cj === "textarea") { ch.defaultValue = ck.defaultValue } } } } } } function Y(ci, cg, ch, co) { cg = D.apply([], cg); var ck, cs, cm, ct, cj, cl, cn = 0, cr = ci.length, cp = cr - 1, cu = cg[0], cq = aD.isFunction(cu); if (cq || (cr > 1 && typeof cu === "string" && !b2.checkClone && aV.test(cu))) { return ci.each(function(cv) { var cw = ci.eq(cv); if (cq) { cg[0] =, cv, cw.html()) } Y(cw, cg, ch, co) }) } if (cr) { cl = y(cg, ci[0].ownerDocument, false, ci, co); ck = cl.firstChild; if (cl.childNodes.length === 1) { cl = ck } if (ck || co) { ct =, "script"), V); cm = ct.length; for (; cn < cr; cn++) { cs = cl; if (cn !== cp) { cs = aD.clone(cs, true, true); if (cm) { aD.merge(ct, ai(cs, "script")) } }[cn], cs, cn) } if (cm) { cj = ct[ct.length - 1].ownerDocument;, a5); for (cn = 0; cn < cm; cn++) { cs = ct[cn]; if (bF.test(cs.type || "") && !aD._data(cs, "globalEval") && aD.contains(cj, cs)) { if (cs.src) { if (aD._evalUrl) { aD._evalUrl(cs.src) } } else { aD.globalEval((cs.text || cs.textContent || cs.innerHTML || "").replace(aX, "")) } } } } cl = ck = null } } return ci } function a4(cg, cl, cj) { var ck, ch = cl ? aD.filter(cl, cg) : cg, ci = 0; for (; (ck = ch[ci]) != null; ci++) { if (!cj && ck.nodeType === 1) { aD.cleanData(ai(ck)) } if (ck.parentNode) { if (cj && aD.contains(ck.ownerDocument, ck)) { bV(ai(ck, "script")) } ck.parentNode.removeChild(ck) } } return cg } aD.extend({ htmlPrefilter: function(cg) { return cg.replace(bS, "<$1>") }, clone: function(ck, ch, ci) { var cj, cn, cg, cl, co, cm = aD.contains(ck.ownerDocument, ck); if (b2.html5Clone || aD.isXMLDoc(ck) || !bs.test("<" + ck.nodeName + ">")) { cg = ck.cloneNode(true) } else { af.innerHTML = ck.outerHTML; af.removeChild(cg = af.firstChild) } if ((!b2.noCloneEvent || !b2.noCloneChecked) && (ck.nodeType === 1 || ck.nodeType === 11) && !aD.isXMLDoc(ck)) { cj = ai(cg); co = ai(ck); for (cl = 0; (cn = co[cl]) != null; ++cl) { if (cj[cl]) { ad(cn, cj[cl]) } } } if (ch) { if (ci) { co = co || ai(ck); cj = cj || ai(cg); for (cl = 0; (cn = co[cl]) != null; cl++) { B(cn, cj[cl]) } } else { B(ck, cg) } } cj = ai(cg, "script"); if (cj.length > 0) { bV(cj, !cm && ai(ck, "script")) } cj = co = cn = null; return cg }, cleanData: function(ck, cl) { var cj, cq, cn, ci, cm = 0, co = aD.expando, ch = aD.cache, cg = b2.attributes, cp = aD.event.special; for (; (cj = ck[cm]) != null; cm++) { if (cl || d(cj)) { cn = cj[co]; ci = cn && ch[cn]; if (ci) { if ( { for (cq in { if (cp[cq]) { aD.event.remove(cj, cq) } else { aD.removeEvent(cj, cq, ci.handle) } } } if (ch[cn]) { delete ch[cn]; if (!cg && typeof cj.removeAttribute !== "undefined") { cj.removeAttribute(co) } else { cj[co] = undefined } S.push(cn) } } } } } }); aD.fn.extend({ domManip: Y, detach: function(cg) { return a4(this, cg, true) }, remove: function(cg) { return a4(this, cg) }, text: function(cg) { return e(this, function(ch) { return ch === undefined ? aD.text(this) : this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || W).createTextNode(ch)) }, null, cg, arguments.length) }, append: function() { return Y(this, arguments, function(cg) { if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) { var ch = aF(this, cg); ch.appendChild(cg) } }) }, prepend: function() { return Y(this, arguments, function(cg) { if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) { var ch = aF(this, cg); ch.insertBefore(cg, ch.firstChild) } }) }, before: function() { return Y(this, arguments, function(cg) { if (this.parentNode) { this.parentNode.insertBefore(cg, this) } }) }, after: function() { return Y(this, arguments, function(cg) { if (this.parentNode) { this.parentNode.insertBefore(cg, this.nextSibling) } }) }, empty: function() { var cg, ch = 0; for (; (cg = this[ch]) != null; ch++) { if (cg.nodeType === 1) { aD.cleanData(ai(cg, false)) } while (cg.firstChild) { cg.removeChild(cg.firstChild) } if (cg.options && aD.nodeName(cg, "select")) { cg.options.length = 0 } } return this }, clone: function(cg, ch) { cg = cg == null ? false : cg; ch = ch == null ? cg : ch; return { return aD.clone(this, cg, ch) }) }, html: function(cg) { return e(this, function(cl) { var ci = this[0] || {} , cj = 0 , ck = this.length; if (cl === undefined) { return ci.nodeType === 1 ? ci.innerHTML.replace(bf, "") : undefined } if (typeof cl === "string" && !br.test(cl) && (b2.htmlSerialize || !bs.test(cl)) && (b2.leadingWhitespace || !bj.test(cl)) && !cc[(bK.exec(cl) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]) { cl = aD.htmlPrefilter(cl); try { for (; cj < ck; cj++) { ci = this[cj] || {}; if (ci.nodeType === 1) { aD.cleanData(ai(ci, false)); ci.innerHTML = cl } } ci = 0 } catch (ch) {} } if (ci) { this.empty().append(cl) } }, null, cg, arguments.length) }, replaceWith: function() { var cg = []; return Y(this, arguments, function(ch) { var ci = this.parentNode; if (aD.inArray(this, cg) < 0) { aD.cleanData(ai(this)); if (ci) { ci.replaceChild(ch, this) } } }, cg) } }); aD.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function(cg, ch) { aD.fn[cg] = function(cn) { var ci, cj = 0, cm = [], ck = aD(cn), cl = ck.length - 1; for (; cj <= cl; cj++) { ci = cj === cl ? this : this.clone(true); aD(ck[cj])[ch](ci); aP.apply(cm, ci.get()) } return this.pushStack(cm) } }); var au, Z = { HTML: "block", BODY: "block" }; function h(cj, ch) { var ci = aD(ch.createElement(cj)).appendTo(ch.body) , cg = aD.css(ci[0], "display"); ci.detach(); return cg } function Q(ci) { var ch = W , cg = Z[ci]; if (!cg) { cg = h(ci, ch); if (cg === "none" || !cg) { au = (au || aD("'; break; case 3: delete q.title; delete q.closeBtn; q.icon === -1 && (q.icon === 0); h.closeAll("loading"); break; case 4: t || (q.content = [q.content, "body"]); q.follow = q.content[1]; q.content = q.content[0] + ''; delete q.title; = typeof === "object" ? : [, true]; q.tipsMore || h.closeAll("tips"); break } v.vessel(t, function(x, z, y) { p.append(x[0]); t ? function() { (q.type == 2 || q.type == 4) ? function() { a("body").append(x[1]) }() : function() { if (!s.parents("." + d[0])[0]) {"display", s.css("display")).show().addClass("layui-layer-wrap").wrap(x[1]); a("#" + d[0] + w).find("." + d[5]).before(z) } }() }() : p.append(x[1]); a(".layui-layer-move")[0] || p.append(j.moveElem = y); v.layero = a("#" + d[0] + w); q.scrollbar || d.html.css("overflow", "hidden").attr("layer-full", w) }).auto(w); q.type == 2 && == 6 && v.layero.find("iframe").attr("src", s[0]); q.type == 4 ? : v.offset(); if (q.fixed) { n.on("resize", function() { v.offset(); (/^\d+%$/.test(q.area[0]) || /^\d+%$/.test(q.area[1])) &&; q.type == 4 && }) } q.time <= 0 || setTimeout(function() { h.close(v.index) }, q.time); v.move().callback(); if (d.anim[q.anim]) { v.layero.addClass(d.anim[q.anim]).data("anim", true) } } ; = function(t) { var w = this , s = w.config , u = a("#" + d[0] + t); if (s.area[0] === "" && s.maxWidth > 0) { if ( && < 8 && s.btn) { u.width(u.innerWidth()) } u.outerWidth() > s.maxWidth && u.width(s.maxWidth) } var p = [u.innerWidth(), u.innerHeight()]; var x = u.find(d[1]).outerHeight() || 0; var q = u.find("." + d[6]).outerHeight() || 0; function v(y) { y = u.find(y); y.height(p[1] - x - q - 2 * (parseFloat(y.css("padding")) | 0)) } switch (s.type) { case 2: v("iframe"); break; default: if (s.area[1] === "") { if (s.fixed && p[1] >= n.height()) { p[1] = n.height(); v("." + d[5]) } } else { v("." + d[5]) } break } return w } ; = function() { var t = this , q = t.config , s = t.layero; var p = [s.outerWidth(), s.outerHeight()]; var u = typeof q.offset === "object"; t.offsetTop = (n.height() - p[1]) / 2; t.offsetLeft = (n.width() - p[0]) / 2; if (u) { t.offsetTop = q.offset[0]; t.offsetLeft = q.offset[1] || t.offsetLeft } else { if (q.offset !== "auto") { if (q.offset === "t") { t.offsetTop = 0 } else { if (q.offset === "r") { t.offsetLeft = n.width() - p[0] } else { if (q.offset === "b") { t.offsetTop = n.height() - p[1] } else { if (q.offset === "l") { t.offsetLeft = 0 } else { if (q.offset === "lt") { t.offsetTop = 0; t.offsetLeft = 0 } else { if (q.offset === "lb") { t.offsetTop = n.height() - p[1]; t.offsetLeft = 0 } else { if (q.offset === "rt") { t.offsetTop = 0; t.offsetLeft = n.width() - p[0] } else { if (q.offset === "rb") { t.offsetTop = n.height() - p[1]; t.offsetLeft = n.width() - p[0] } else { t.offsetTop = q.offset } } } } } } } } } } if (!q.fixed) { t.offsetTop = /%$/.test(t.offsetTop) ? n.height() * parseFloat(t.offsetTop) / 100 : parseFloat(t.offsetTop); t.offsetLeft = /%$/.test(t.offsetLeft) ? n.width() * parseFloat(t.offsetLeft) / 100 : parseFloat(t.offsetLeft); t.offsetTop += n.scrollTop(); t.offsetLeft += n.scrollLeft() } if (s.attr("minLeft")) { t.offsetTop = n.height() - (s.find(d[1]).outerHeight() || 0); t.offsetLeft = s.css("left") } s.css({ top: t.offsetTop, left: t.offsetLeft }) } ; = function() { var w = this , p = w.config , v = w.layero; var u = [v.outerWidth(), v.outerHeight()] , q = a(p.follow); if (!q[0]) { q = a("body") } var s = { width: q.outerWidth(), height: q.outerHeight(), top: q.offset().top, left: q.offset().left } , x = v.find(".layui-layer-TipsG"); var t =[0];[1] || x.remove(); s.autoLeft = function() { if (s.left + u[0] - n.width() > 0) { s.tipLeft = s.left + s.width - u[0]; x.css({ right: 12, left: "auto" }) } else { s.tipLeft = s.left } } ; s.where = [function() { s.autoLeft(); s.tipTop = - u[1] - 10; x.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsB").addClass("layui-layer-TipsT").css("border-right-color",[1]) } , function() { s.tipLeft = s.left + s.width + 10; s.tipTop =; x.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsL").addClass("layui-layer-TipsR").css("border-bottom-color",[1]) } , function() { s.autoLeft(); s.tipTop = + s.height + 10; x.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsT").addClass("layui-layer-TipsB").css("border-right-color",[1]) } , function() { s.tipLeft = s.left - u[0] - 10; s.tipTop =; x.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsR").addClass("layui-layer-TipsL").css("border-bottom-color",[1]) } ]; s.where[t - 1](); if (t === 1) { - (n.scrollTop() + u[1] + 8 * 2) < 0 && s.where[2]() } else { if (t === 2) { n.width() - (s.left + s.width + u[0] + 8 * 2) > 0 || s.where[3]() } else { if (t === 3) { ( - n.scrollTop() + s.height + u[1] + 8 * 2) - n.height() > 0 && s.where[0]() } else { if (t === 4) { u[0] + 8 * 2 - s.left > 0 && s.where[1]() } } } } v.find("." + d[5]).css({ "background-color":[1], "padding-right": (p.closeBtn ? "30px" : "") }); v.css({ left: s.tipLeft - (p.fixed ? n.scrollLeft() : 0), top: s.tipTop - (p.fixed ? n.scrollTop() : 0) }) } ; = function() { var w = this , q = w.config , p = a(document) , t = w.layero , u = t.find(q.move) , v = t.find(".layui-layer-resize") , s = {}; if (q.move) { u.css("cursor", "move") } u.on("mousedown", function(x) { x.preventDefault(); if (q.move) { s.moveStart = true; s.offset = [x.clientX - parseFloat(t.css("left")), x.clientY - parseFloat(t.css("top"))]; j.moveElem.css("cursor", "move").show() } }); v.on("mousedown", function(x) { x.preventDefault(); s.resizeStart = true; s.offset = [x.clientX, x.clientY]; s.area = [t.outerWidth(), t.outerHeight()]; j.moveElem.css("cursor", "se-resize").show() }); p.on("mousemove", function(x) { if (s.moveStart) { var B = x.clientX - s.offset[0] , C = x.clientY - s.offset[1] , y = t.css("position") === "fixed"; x.preventDefault(); s.stX = y ? 0 : n.scrollLeft(); s.stY = y ? 0 : n.scrollTop(); if (!q.moveOut) { var A = n.width() - t.outerWidth() + s.stX , z = n.height() - t.outerHeight() + s.stY; B < s.stX && (B = s.stX); B > A && (B = A); C < s.stY && (C = s.stY); C > z && (C = z) } t.css({ left: B, top: C }) } if (q.resize && s.resizeStart) { var B = x.clientX - s.offset[0] , C = x.clientY - s.offset[1]; x.preventDefault();, { width: s.area[0] + B, height: s.area[1] + C }); s.isResize = true } }).on("mouseup", function(x) { if (s.moveStart) { delete s.moveStart; j.moveElem.hide(); q.moveEnd && q.moveEnd() } if (s.resizeStart) { delete s.resizeStart; j.moveElem.hide() } }); return w } ; = function() { var t = this , s = t.layero , q = t.config; t.openLayer(); if (q.success) { if (q.type == 2) { s.find("iframe").on("load", function() { q.success(s, t.index) }) } else { q.success(s, t.index) } } == 6 && t.IE6(s); s.find("." + d[6]).children("a").on("click", function() { var v = a(this).index(); if (v === 0) { if (q.yes) { q.yes(t.index, s) } else { if (q.btn1) { q.btn1(t.index, s) } else { h.close(t.index) } } } else { var u = q["btn" + (v + 1)] && q["btn" + (v + 1)](t.index, s); u === false || h.close(t.index) } }); function p() { var u = q.cancel && q.cancel(t.index, s); u === false || h.close(t.index) } s.find("." + d[7]).on("click", p); if (q.shadeClose) { a("#layui-layer-shade" + t.index).on("click", function() { h.close(t.index) }) } s.find(".layui-layer-min").on("click", function() { var u = q.min && q.min(s); u === false || h.min(t.index, q) }); s.find(".layui-layer-max").on("click", function() { if (a(this).hasClass("layui-layer-maxmin")) { h.restore(t.index); q.restore && q.restore(s) } else { h.full(t.index, q); setTimeout(function() { q.full && q.full(s) }, 100) } }); q.end && (j.end[t.index] = q.end) } ; j.reselect = function() { a.each(a("select"), function(p, s) { var q = a(this); if (!q.parents("." + d[0])[0]) { (q.attr("layer") == 1 && a("." + d[0]).length < 1) && q.removeAttr("layer").show() } q = null }) } ; = function(p) { a("select").each(function(q, t) { var s = a(this); if (!s.parents("." + d[0])[0]) { s.css("display") === "none" || s.attr({ layer: "1" }).hide() } s = null }) } ; = function() { var p = this; h.zIndex = p.config.zIndex; h.setTop = function(q) { var s = function() { h.zIndex++; q.css("z-index", h.zIndex + 1) }; h.zIndex = parseInt(q[0].style.zIndex); q.on("mousedown", s); return h.zIndex } } ; j.record = function(q) { var p = [q.width(), q.height(), q.position().top, q.position().left + parseFloat(q.css("margin-left"))]; q.find(".layui-layer-max").addClass("layui-layer-maxmin"); q.attr({ area: p }) } ; j.rescollbar = function(p) { if (d.html.attr("layer-full") == p) { if (d.html[0].style.removeProperty) { d.html[0].style.removeProperty("overflow") } else { d.html[0].style.removeAttribute("overflow") } d.html.removeAttr("layer-full") } } ; o.layer = h; h.getChildFrame = function(q, p) { p = p || a("." + d[4]).attr("times"); return a("#" + d[0] + p).find("iframe").contents().find(q) } ; h.getFrameIndex = function(p) { return a("#" + p).parents("." + d[4]).attr("times") } ; h.iframeAuto = function(s) { if (!s) { return } var q = h.getChildFrame("html", s).outerHeight(); var t = a("#" + d[0] + s); var u = t.find(d[1]).outerHeight() || 0; var p = t.find("." + d[6]).outerHeight() || 0; t.css({ height: q + u + p }); t.find("iframe").css({ height: q }) } ; h.iframeSrc = function(p, q) { a("#" + d[0] + p).find("iframe").attr("src", q) } ; = function(s, w, u) { var t = a("#" + d[0] + s) , q = t.find(".layui-layer-content") , y = t.attr("type") , x = t.find(d[1]).outerHeight() || 0 , p = t.find("." + d[6]).outerHeight() || 0 , v = t.attr("minLeft"); if (y === j.type[3] || y === j.type[4]) { return } if (!u) { if (parseFloat(w.width) <= 260) { w.width = 260 } if (parseFloat(w.height) - x - p <= 64) { w.height = 64 + x + p } } t.css(w); p = t.find("." + d[6]).outerHeight(); if (y === j.type[2]) { t.find("iframe").css({ height: parseFloat(w.height) - x - p }) } else { q.css({ height: parseFloat(w.height) - x - p - parseFloat(q.css("padding-top")) - parseFloat(q.css("padding-bottom")) }) } } ; h.min = function(p, t) { var q = a("#" + d[0] + p) , v = q.find(d[1]).outerHeight() || 0 , s = q.attr("minLeft") || (181 * j.minIndex) + "px" , u = q.css("position"); j.record(q); if (j.minLeft[0]) { s = j.minLeft[0]; j.minLeft.shift() } q.attr("position", u);, { width: 180, height: v, left: s, top: n.height() - v, position: "fixed", overflow: "hidden" }, true); q.find(".layui-layer-min").hide(); q.attr("type") === "page" && q.find(d[4]).hide(); j.rescollbar(p); if (!q.attr("minLeft")) { j.minIndex++ } q.attr("minLeft", s) } ; h.restore = function(q) { var s = a("#" + d[0] + q) , p = s.attr("area").split(","); var t = s.attr("type");, { width: parseFloat(p[0]), height: parseFloat(p[1]), top: parseFloat(p[2]), left: parseFloat(p[3]), position: s.attr("position"), overflow: "visible" }, true); s.find(".layui-layer-max").removeClass("layui-layer-maxmin"); s.find(".layui-layer-min").show(); s.attr("type") === "page" && s.find(d[4]).show(); j.rescollbar(q) } ; h.full = function(p) { var q = a("#" + d[0] + p), s; j.record(q); if (!d.html.attr("layer-full")) { d.html.css("overflow", "hidden").attr("layer-full", p) } clearTimeout(s); s = setTimeout(function() { var t = q.css("position") === "fixed";, { top: t ? 0 : n.scrollTop(), left: t ? 0 : n.scrollLeft(), width: n.width(), height: n.height() }, true); q.find(".layui-layer-min").hide() }, 100) } ; h.title = function(q, p) { var s = a("#" + d[0] + (p || h.index)).find(d[1]); s.html(q) } ; h.close = function(q) { var s = a("#" + d[0] + q) , u = s.attr("type") , p = "layer-anim-close"; if (!s[0]) { return } var v = "layui-layer-wrap" , t = function() { if (u === j.type[1] && s.attr("conType") === "object") { s.children(":not(." + d[5] + ")").remove(); var z = s.find("." + v); for (var x = 0; x < 2; x++) { z.unwrap() } z.css("display","display")).removeClass(v) } else { if (u === j.type[2]) { try { var y = a("#" + d[4] + q)[0]; y.contentWindow.document.write(""); y.contentWindow.close(); s.find("." + d[5])[0].removeChild(y) } catch (w) {} } s[0].innerHTML = ""; s.remove() } typeof j.end[q] === "function" && j.end[q](); delete j.end[q] }; if ("anim")) { s.addClass(p) } a("#layui-layer-moves, #layui-layer-shade" + q).remove(); == 6 && j.reselect(); j.rescollbar(q); if (s.attr("minLeft")) { j.minIndex--; j.minLeft.push(s.attr("minLeft")) } setTimeout(function() { t() }, (( && < 10) || !"anim")) ? 0 : 200) } ; h.closeAll = function(p) { a.each(a("." + d[0]), function() { var s = a(this); var q = p ? (s.attr("type") === p) : 1; q && h.close(s.attr("times")); q = null }) } ; var b = h.cache || {} , l = function(p) { return ( ? (" " + + " " + + "-" + p) : "") }; h.prompt = function(s, v) { var u = ""; s = s || {}; if (typeof s === "function") { v = s } if (s.area) { var p = s.area; u = 'style="width: ' + p[0] + "; height: " + p[1] + ';"'; delete s.area } var t, q = s.formType == 2 ? '" : function() { return '' }(); return{ type: 1, btn: ["确定", "取消"], content: q, skin: "layui-layer-prompt" + l("prompt"), maxWidth: n.width(), success: function(w) { t = w.find(".layui-layer-input"); t.focus() }, resize: false, yes: function(w) { var x = t.val(); if (x === "") { t.focus() } else { if (x.length > (s.maxlength || 500)) {"最多输入" + (s.maxlength || 500) + "个字数", t, { tips: 1 }) } else { v && v(x, w, t) } } } }, s)) } ; = function(p) { p = p || {}; var q = || {}; return{ type: 1, skin: "layui-layer-tab" + l("tab"), resize: false, title: function() { var t = q.length , s = 1 , u = ""; if (t > 0) { u = '' + q[0].title + ""; for (; s < t; s++) { u += "" + q[s].title + "" } } return u }(), content: '", success: function(t) { var s = t.find(".layui-layer-title").children(); var u = t.find(".layui-layer-tabmain").children(); s.on("mousedown", function(v) { v.stopPropagation ? v.stopPropagation() : v.cancelBubble = true; var x = a(this) , w = x.index(); x.addClass("layui-layer-tabnow").siblings().removeClass("layui-layer-tabnow"); u.eq(w).show().siblings().hide(); typeof p.change === "function" && p.change(w) }) } }, p)) } ; = function(v, u, s) { var q = {}; v = v || {}; if (! { return } var A = === Object; var x = A ? : {} , p = || []; var z = x.start || 0; q.imgIndex = (z | 0) + 1; v.img = v.img || "img"; if (!A) { var w = a( , y = function() { p = []; w.find(v.img).each(function(B) { var C = a(this); C.attr("layer-index", B); p.push({ alt: C.attr("alt"), pid: C.attr("layer-pid"), src: C.attr("layer-src") || C.attr("src"), thumb: C.attr("src") }) }) }; y(); if (p.length === 0) { return } u || w.on("click", v.img, function() { var C = a(this) , B = C.attr("layer-index");, { photos: { start: B, data: p, tab: }, full: v.full }), true); y() }); if (!u) { return } } else { if (p.length === 0) { return h.msg("没有图片") } } q.imgprev = function(B) { q.imgIndex--; if (q.imgIndex < 1) { q.imgIndex = p.length } q.tabimg(B) } ; q.imgnext = function(C, B) { q.imgIndex++; if (q.imgIndex > p.length) { q.imgIndex = 1; if (B) { return } } q.tabimg(C) } ; q.keyup = function(C) { if (!q.end) { var B = C.keyCode; C.preventDefault(); if (B === 37) { q.imgprev(true) } else { if (B === 39) { q.imgnext(true) } else { if (B === 27) { h.close(q.index) } } } } } ; q.tabimg = function(B) { if (p.length <= 1) { return } x.start = q.imgIndex - 1; h.close(q.index);, true, B) } ; q.event = function() { q.bigimg.hover(function() { }, function() { q.imgsee.hide() }); q.bigimg.find(".layui-layer-imgprev").on("click", function(B) { B.preventDefault(); q.imgprev() }); q.bigimg.find(".layui-layer-imgnext").on("click", function(B) { B.preventDefault(); q.imgnext() }); a(document).on("keyup", q.keyup) } ; function t(E, B, C) { var D = new Image(); D.src = E; if (D.complete) { return B(D) } D.onload = function() { D.onload = null; B(D) } ; D.onerror = function(F) { D.onerror = null; C(F) } } q.loadi = h.load(1, { shade: "shade"in v ? false : 0.9, scrollbar: false }); t(p[z].src, function(B) { h.close(q.loadi); q.index ={ type: 1, area: function() { var C = [B.width, B.height]; var E = [a(o).width() - 100, a(o).height() - 100]; if (!v.full && (C[0] > E[0] || C[1] > E[1])) { var D = [C[0] / E[0], C[1] / E[1]]; if (D[0] > D[1]) { C[0] = C[0] / D[0]; C[1] = C[1] / D[0] } else { if (D[0] < D[1]) { C[0] = C[0] / D[1]; C[1] = C[1] / D[1] } } } return [C[0] + "px", C[1] + "px"] }(), title: false, shade: 0.9, shadeClose: true, closeBtn: false, move: ".layui-layer-phimg img", moveType: 1, scrollbar: false, moveOut: true, anim: Math.random() * 5 | 0, skin: "layui-layer-photos" + l("photos"), content: '
' + (p[z].alt ||
' + (p.length > 1 ? '' : "") + '
' + (p[z].alt || "") + "" + q.imgIndex + "/" + p.length + "
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是否继续查看下一张?", { time: 30000, btn: ["下一张", "不看了"], yes: function() { p.length > 1 && q.imgnext(true, true) } }) }) } ; = function(p) { a = p; n = a(o); d.html = a("html"); = function(q) { var s = new c(q); return s.index } } ; o.layui && layui.define ? (h.ready(), layui.define("jquery", function(p) { h.path = layui.cache.dir;; o.layer = h; p("layer", h) })) : (typeof define === "function" ? define(["jquery"], function() {; return h }) : function() {; h.ready() }()) }(window); (function(x) { var a = x.Base64; var D = "2.1.9"; var m; if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { try { m = require("buffer").Buffer } catch (v) {} } var e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; var h = function(E) { var H = {}; for (var F = 0, G = E.length; F < G; F++) { H[E.charAt(F)] = F } return H }(e); var w = String.fromCharCode; var q = function(E) { if (E.length < 2) { var F = E.charCodeAt(0); return F < 128 ? E : F < 2048 ? (w(192 | (F >>> 6)) + w(128 | (F & 63))) : (w(224 | ((F >>> 12) & 15)) + w(128 | ((F >>> 6) & 63)) + w(128 | (F & 63))) } else { var F = 65536 + (E.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) * 1024 + (E.charCodeAt(1) - 56320); return (w(240 | ((F >>> 18) & 7)) + w(128 | ((F >>> 12) & 63)) + w(128 | ((F >>> 6) & 63)) + w(128 | (F & 63))) } }; var B = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFFF]|[^\x00-\x7F]/g; var C = function(E) { return E.replace(B, q) }; var p = function(E) { var H = [0, 2, 1][E.length % 3] , G = E.charCodeAt(0) << 16 | ((E.length > 1 ? E.charCodeAt(1) : 0) << 8) | ((E.length > 2 ? E.charCodeAt(2) : 0)) , F = [e.charAt(G >>> 18), e.charAt((G >>> 12) & 63), H >= 2 ? "=" : e.charAt((G >>> 6) & 63), H >= 1 ? "=" : e.charAt(G & 63)]; return F.join("") }; var j = x.btoa ? function(E) { return x.btoa(E) } : function(E) { return E.replace(/[\s\S]{1,3}/g, p) } ; var c = m ? function(E) { return (E.constructor === m.constructor ? E : new m(E)).toString("base64") } : function(E) { return j(C(E)) } ; var t = function(E, F) { return !F ? c(String(E)) : c(String(E)).replace(/[+\/]/g, function(G) { return G == "+" ? "-" : "_" }).replace(/=/g, "") }; var u = function(E) { return t(E, true) }; var A = new RegExp(["[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]", "[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}", "[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF]{3}"].join("|"),"g"); var n = function(E) { switch (E.length) { case 4: var F = ((7 & E.charCodeAt(0)) << 18) | ((63 & E.charCodeAt(1)) << 12) | ((63 & E.charCodeAt(2)) << 6) | (63 & E.charCodeAt(3)) , G = F - 65536; return (w((G >>> 10) + 55296) + w((G & 1023) + 56320)); case 3: return w(((15 & E.charCodeAt(0)) << 12) | ((63 & E.charCodeAt(1)) << 6) | (63 & E.charCodeAt(2))); default: return w(((31 & E.charCodeAt(0)) << 6) | (63 & E.charCodeAt(1))) } }; var l = function(E) { return E.replace(A, n) }; var o = function(E) { var G = E.length , I = G % 4 , H = (G > 0 ? h[E.charAt(0)] << 18 : 0) | (G > 1 ? h[E.charAt(1)] << 12 : 0) | (G > 2 ? h[E.charAt(2)] << 6 : 0) | (G > 3 ? h[E.charAt(3)] : 0) , F = [w(H >>> 16), w((H >>> 8) & 255), w(H & 255)]; F.length -= [0, 0, 2, 1][I]; return F.join("") }; var d = x.atob ? function(E) { return x.atob(E) } : function(E) { return E.replace(/[\s\S]{1,4}/g, o) } ; var b = m ? function(E) { return (E.constructor === m.constructor ? E : new m(E,"base64")).toString() } : function(E) { return l(d(E)) } ; var s = function(E) { return b(String(E).replace(/[-_]/g, function(F) { return F == "-" ? "+" : "/" }).replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g, "")) }; var y = function() { var E = x.Base64; x.Base64 = a; return E }; x.Base64 = { VERSION: D, atob: d, btoa: j, fromBase64: s, toBase64: t, utob: C, encode: t, encodeURI: u, btou: l, decode: s, noConflict: y }; if (typeof Object.defineProperty === "function") { var z = function(E) { return { value: E, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }; x.Base64.extendString = function() { Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "fromBase64", z(function() { return s(this) })); Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "toBase64", z(function(E) { return t(this, E) })); Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "toBase64URI", z(function() { return t(this, true) })) } } if (x.Meteor) { Base64 = x.Base64 } } )(this); (function(b) { b.cache = {}; = {}; cache.set = function(d, e, c) {[d] = { value: e, expire: c || 24 * 60 * 60 } } ; cache.get = function(c) { var d =[c]; if (typeof (d) == "undefined" || d == null) { return null } else { return d.value } } ; var a = function() { for (var c in { var d =[c]; if (d != null) { d.expire--; if (d.expire <= 0) {[c] = null } } } setTimeout(function() { a() }, 1000) }; a() } )(window); (function(a) { a.queue = {}; queue.list = []; queue.isExec = false; setInterval(function() { if (queue.isExec == true) { return } try { queue.isExec = true; var c = queue.list.splice(0, 1); for (var b = 0; b < c.length; b++) { c[b]() } } finally { queue.isExec = false } }, 10) } )(window); (function(c) { var a = typeof module === "undefined" ? ( = || {}) : module.exports; a.template = function(j, d) { var e = (function() { if (!c.document) { return b._compile(j) } var l = document.getElementById(j); if (l) { if (b.cache[j]) { return b.cache[j] } var m = /^(textarea|input)$/i.test(l.nodeName) ? l.value : l.innerHTML; return b._compile(m) } else { return b._compile(j) } } )(); var h = b._isObject(d) ? e(d) : e; e = null; return h } ; var b = a.template; b.versions = b.versions || []; b.versions.push("1.0.6"); b.cache = {}; b.LEFT_DELIMITER = b.LEFT_DELIMITER || "<%"; b.RIGHT_DELIMITER = b.RIGHT_DELIMITER || "%>"; b.ESCAPE = true; b._encodeHTML = function(d) { return String(d).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/\\/g, "\").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'") } ; b._encodeReg = function(d) { return String(d).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]/\\])/g, "\\$1") } ; b._encodeEventHTML = function(d) { return String(d).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/\\\\/g, "\\").replace(/\\\//g, "/").replace(/\\n/g, "\n").replace(/\\r/g, "\r") } ; b._compile = function(e) { var d = "var _template_fun_array=[];\nvar fn=(function(__data__){\nvar _template_varName='';\nfor(name in __data__){\n_template_varName+=('var '+name+'=__data__[\"'+name+'\"];');\n};\neval(_template_varName);\n_template_fun_array.push('" + b._analysisStr(e) + "');\n_template_varName=null;\n})(_template_object);\nfn = null;\nreturn _template_fun_array.join('');\n"; return new Function("_template_object",d) } ; b._isObject = function(d) { return "function" === typeof d || !!(d && "object" === typeof d) } ; b._analysisStr = function(l) { var e = b.LEFT_DELIMITER; var j = b.RIGHT_DELIMITER; var d = b._encodeReg(e); var h = b._encodeReg(j); l = String(l).replace(new RegExp("(" + d + "[^" + h + "]*)//.*\n","g"), "$1").replace(new RegExp("","g"), "").replace(new RegExp(d + "\\*.*?\\*" + h,"g"), "").replace(new RegExp("[\\r\\t\\n]","g"), "").replace(new RegExp(d + "(?:(?!" + h + ")[\\s\\S])*" + h + "|((?:(?!" + d + ")[\\s\\S])+)","g"), function(n, m) { var o = ""; if (m) { o = m.replace(/\\/g, "\").replace(/'/g, "'"); while (/<[^<]*?'[^<]*?>/g.test(o)) { o = o.replace(/(<[^<]*?)'([^<]*?>)/g, "$1\r$2") } } else { o = n } return o }); l = l.replace(new RegExp("(" + d + "[\\s]*?var[\\s]*?.*?[\\s]*?[^;])[\\s]*?" + h,"g"), "$1;" + j).replace(new RegExp("(" + d + ":?[hvu]?[\\s]*?=[\\s]*?[^;|" + h + "]*?);[\\s]*?" + h,"g"), "$1" + j).split(e).join("\t"); if (b.ESCAPE) { l = l.replace(new RegExp("\\t=(.*?)" + h,"g"), "',typeof($1) === 'undefined'?'':baidu.template._encodeHTML($1),'") } else { l = l.replace(new RegExp("\\t=(.*?)" + h,"g"), "',typeof($1) === 'undefined'?'':$1,'") } l = l.replace(new RegExp("\\t:h=(.*?)" + h,"g"), "',typeof($1) === 'undefined'?'':baidu.template._encodeHTML($1),'").replace(new RegExp("\\t(?::=|-)(.*?)" + h,"g"), "',typeof($1)==='undefined'?'':$1,'").replace(new RegExp("\\t:u=(.*?)" + h,"g"), "',typeof($1)==='undefined'?'':encodeURIComponent($1),'").replace(new RegExp("\\t:v=(.*?)" + h,"g"), "',typeof($1)==='undefined'?'':baidu.template._encodeEventHTML($1),'").split("\t").join("');").split(j).join("_template_fun_array.push('").split("\r").join("\\'"); return l } } )(window); function isOddsPage() { var a = window.location.href.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (a.indexOf("/odds/score/") != -1 || a.indexOf("/odds/compare/")) { return true } else { return false } } (function() { if (isOddsPage()) { return } var a = a || []; (function() { var b = document.createElement("script"); b.src = "//"; var c = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; c.parentNode.insertBefore(b, c) } )() } )(); (function() { if (isOddsPage()) { return } var a = a || []; window._vds = a; (function() { a.push(["setAccountId", "8e5009ffbe788f4c"]); (function() { var c = document.createElement("script"); c.type = "text/javascript"; c.async = true; c.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") + ""; var b = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; b.parentNode.insertBefore(c, b) } )() } )() } )(); (function() { ArrayEx = function(a) { if (typeof a != "undefined") { if (a != null) { for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { this.push(a[b]) } } } } ; ArrayEx.prototype = new Array(); ArrayEx.prototype.Add = function(b, a) { this.push(b); this.sort(function(c, d) { if (typeof (a) == "function") { return a(c) < a(d) ? -1 : a(c) == a(d) ? 0 : 1 } else { return c - d } }) } ; ArrayEx.prototype.AddRang = function(c) { if (c || c.constructor == Array) { for (var a = 0, b = c.length; a < b; a++) { this.push(c[a]) } } } ; ArrayEx.prototype.IsExists = function(b) { for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { if (typeof (b) == "function" && b(this[a])) { return true } else { if (this[a] == b) { return true } } } return false } ; ArrayEx.prototype.AddOrUpdate = function(b, a) { if (typeof (a) == "function") { var d = false; for (var c = 0, e = this.length; c < e; c++) { if (a(this[c])) { d = true; this[c] = b; break } } if (!d) { this.push(b) } } } ; ArrayEx.prototype.Remove = function(c) { for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++) { var a = false; switch (typeof (c)) { case "function": if (c(this[b])) { this.splice(b, 1); b-- } break; default: if (c == this[b]) { this.splice(b, 1); b-- } break } } } ; ArrayEx.prototype.FindAll = function(c) { var b = new ArrayEx(); for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { if (typeof (c) != "function" && c == this[a]) { b.push(this[a]) } else { if (typeof c == "function" && c(this[a])) { b.push(this[a]) } } } return b } ; ArrayEx.prototype.Select = function(a) { var d = new Array(); for (var b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++) { d.push(a(this[b])) } return d } ; ArrayEx.prototype.First = function(b) { var a = this.FindAll(b); if (a.length > 0) { return a[0] } else { return null } } ; ArrayEx.prototype.ToArray = function() { var c = new Array(); for (var a = 0, b = this.length; a < b; a++) { c.push(this[a]) } return c } ; ArrayEx.prototype.ExcludeArray = function(b) { var c = this.concat(); for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) { if (this.IsExists(b[a])) { c.Remove(b[a]) } } return this.length > 0 && typeof (this[0]) == "number" ? c.sort(function(d, e) { return d - e }) : c } ; ArrayEx.prototype.Sum = function(c) { var b = 0; for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { if (c && typeof (c) == "function") { b = b ? b + c(this[a]) : c(this[a]) } if (!c) { b = b | 0 + this[a] } } return b } ; ArrayEx.prototype.Count = function(c) { var a = 0; if (typeof (c) == "function") { for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++) { a += c(this[b]) ? 1 : 0 } return a } else { return this.length } } ; ArrayEx.prototype.Max = function(c) { var b; for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { if (c && typeof (c) == "function") { b = b ? (b < c(this[a]) ? c(this[a]) : b) : c(this[a]) } else { b = b ? b < this[a] ? this[a] : b : this[a] } } return b || null } ; ArrayEx.prototype.Min = function(c) { var b; for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { if (c && typeof (c) == "function") { b = b ? (b > c(this[a]) ? c(this[a]) : b) : c(this[a]) } else { b = b ? (b > this[a] ? this[a] : b) : this[a] } } return b || null } ; ArrayEx.prototype.Each = function(a) { for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++) { var c = a(this[b], b); if (typeof c != "undefined" && !c) { break } } } ; ArrayEx.prototype.toString = function(e, c) { var b = 0; var h = ""; for (var d = 0; d < this.length; d++) { if (c) { h += c.substr(1, c.length - ConvertToInt(this[d] / 10 + 1)) + this[d] } else { h += this[d] } h += d == this.length - 1 ? "" : e } return h } ; ArrayEx.prototype.GetRandom = function(l, c, b, e, h) { if (h == undefined) { h = true } if (e == undefined) { e = false } var a = []; if (b > c - l + 1 && !e) { b = c - l + 1 } for (var d = 0; d < b; d++) { var j = new Number().Random(l, c); if (e) { if (h) { a.Add(j) } else { a.push(j) } } else { if (!a.IsExists(j)) { if (h) { a.Add(j) } else { a.push(j) } } else { d-- } } } return a } ; ArrayEx.prototype.ToList = function(a) { var d = new Array(); for (var b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++) { d.push(a(this[b])) } return d } ; ArrayEx.prototype.Index = function(c) { for (var a = 0, b = this.length; a < b; a++) { if (typeof (c) == "function" && c(this[a])) { return a } else { if (this[a] == c) { return a } } } } ; ArrayEx.prototype.CToList = function(h, b) { var a = function(l) { if (typeof (b) == "function") { b(l, d) } else { d.push(l) } }; var d = new Array(); var j = this.concat(); var c = function(l, m) { var n = l.slice(0); var o = m.slice(0); var p = h - n.length; switch (p) { case 0: a(n.concat()); return d.push(n); break; case 1: o.Each(function(s) { var q = n.slice(0); q.push(s); a(q.concat()) }); break; default: n.push(o.shift()); c(n, o); if (n.length + o.length > h) { c(l, o) } break } }; var e = [j.shift()]; c(e, j); while (j.length >= h) { e = [j.shift()]; c(e, j) } return d } ; ArrayEx.prototype.PluralCToList = function(b) { var d = this.slice(0); var e = []; var a = function(h) { if (typeof (b) == "function") { b(h, e) } else { e.push(h) } }; var c = function(h, j) { h.Each(function(l) { var n = j.slice(0); var m = new Array(); n.shift().Each(function(p) { if (n.length > 0) { c([new Array().concat(l, [p])], n) } else { a(new Array().concat(l, p)) } }) }) }; c(d.shift(), d); return e } } )(); function GetUrlRelativePath(b) { var e = b == undefined ? document.location.toString() : b.location.toString() || document.location.toString(); var a = e.split("//"); var d = a[1].indexOf("/"); var c = a[1].substring(d); if (c.indexOf("?") != -1) { c = c.split("?")[1] } return c } (function(b) { b.encrypt = {}; b.encrypt.base64 = function(e) { var d = e || "" , h = "" , j = ""; h = a(5), j = a(5); d = h + d + j; return Base64.encode(d) } ; var a = function(d) { d = d || 32; var c = "ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678~!@#$%^&*()-+{};?/<>,."; var e = c.length; var h = ""; for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { h += c.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * e)) } return h } } )(window); (function(j) { var d = function() { var l = document.cookie.split(";"); var n = new Object(); for (var m = 0; m < l.length; m++) { if (l[m].length == 0 || /^\s*$/.test(l[m])) { continue } n[l[m].split("=")[0].replace(/((^\s+)|($\s+))/, "")] = l[m].split("=")[1] } return n }; var h = function(m, s, l, q) { var o = m + "=" + s + ";"; var n = l && !isNaN(l) ? "expires=" + l.toUTCString() : ""; var p = ";path=/"; document.cookie = o + n + p }; var e = function(l) { document.cookie = l + "=null;expires=Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT;" }; var a = function() { for (var l in d()) { document.cookie = l + "=null;expires=Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT;" } }; var b = function(l) { for (var m in d()) { if (l(m)) { document.cookie = m + "=null;expires=Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT;" } } }; var c = function(m) { try { return unescape(IsNull(d()[m], "")) } catch (l) { return undefined } }; j.Cookie = { Set: function(m, p, o, n) { if (IsEmpty(o)) { h(m, p, null, n) } else { var l = new Date(); l.setTime(l.getTime() + o * 1000); h(m, p, l, n) } }, SetObj: function(m, n, p, o) { if (!IsEmpty(p)) { var l = new Date(); l.setTime(l.getTime() + p * 1000); h(m, ToJsonString(n), l, o) } else { h(m, ToJsonString(n), null, o) } }, Get: function(l) { return c(l) }, GetObj: function(m) { var n = null; try { n = eval("obj=" + c(m)) } catch (l) {} return n }, Remove: function(l) { e(l) }, ClearAll: function() { a() }, ClearCondition: function(l) { b(l) } } } )(window); (function(b) { var a =; b.UrlEx = {}; b.UrlEx.GetDomain = function() { return window.location.href.match(/^http[^\/]+\/\/[^\/]+/) } ; b.UrlEx.GetQueryString = function(c) { var e = new RegExp("(^|&)" + c + "=([^&]*|$)","i"); var d =; if (d != null) { return decodeURI(d[2]) } return "" } ; b.UrlEx.getNosearch = function() { var h = ""; var d = window.location.href; var e = d.indexOf(".html"); if (e >= 0) { var c = d.lastIndexOf("/"); h = d.substring(c + 1, d.length - 5) } return h } ; b.UrlEx.SetQueryString = function(c, h) { var d = new RegExp("(^|&|\\?)" + c + "=([^&]*|$)","i"); if (d.test(a)) { var e = new RegExp(c + "=([^&]*|$)","i"); a = a.replace(e, "{0}={1}".format(c, h)) } else { a += (a == "" ? "?" : (/&$/.test(a) ? "" : "&")) + "{0}={1}".format(c, h) } } ; b.UrlEx.flagTrue = true; b.UrlEx.LoadLastUrl = function(c) { if (UrlEx.flagTrue) { window.location.href = (window.location.href.replace(, "") + a).replace("#", "") } else { var e = window.location.href; var h = e.indexOf(".html"); if (h >= 0) { var d = e.lastIndexOf("/"); e = e.substring(0, d + 1) } localStorage.setItem("Time", c); window.location.href = e + c + ".html" } } ; b.UrlEx.GetLastUrl = function() { return window.location.href.replace(, "") + a } ; b.UrlEx.UrlEqual = function(h) { var c = function(m) { var j = m.split("?")[0].toLowerCase(); if (j.length < m.length && window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf(j) != -1) { var l = new ArrayEx(m.split("?")[1].replace("?", "").split("&")); return !l.IsExists(function(n) { return"&" + n + "&") == -1 }) } else { return window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf(j) != -1 } }; var e = window.location.pathname; var d ="?", "&") + "&"; if (h.constructor == Array) { h = new ArrayEx(h); return h.IsExists(function(j) { return c(j) }) } else { return c(h) } } ; b.UrlEx.IsUrlChild = function(e, c) { var d = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase(); if (!(d.charAt(d.length - 1) == "/")) { d = d + "/" } if (c) { return d == e.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 0 } else { return d.indexOf(e.toLowerCase()) == 0 } } ; b.HtmlDecode = function(c) { var d = ""; if (c.length == 0 || c == null) { return "" } d = c.replace(/&/g, "&"); d = d.replace(/</g, "<"); d = d.replace(/>/g, ">"); d = d.replace(/ /g, " "); d = d.replace(/'/g, "'"); d = d.replace(/"/g, '"'); return d } } )(window); (function(b) { var a = function() { var c = new ArrayEx(); return { update: function(d) { for (var e = 0, h = c.length; e < h; e++) { c[e].update(d) } }, RegObserver: function(d) { if (d.constructor == Array) { c = c.length > 0 ? c.concat(d) : d.concat() } else { c.push(d) } }, CreateObserver: function(d, e) { var h = new Object(); h.update = function(j) { if (d.IsExists(j)) { e() } } } } }; b.Controller = new a() } )(window); (function(a) { a.JsonStringToObj = function(c) { var b = {}; eval("data=" + c + ";"); return b } ; a.ToJsonString = function(h) { switch (typeof (h)) { case "undefined": return ""; case "number": return h.toString(); case "boolean": return h ? "true" : "false"; case "string": return '"' + h + '"'; default: var c = ""; if (h.constructor == Array) { c = "["; for (var b = 0, e = h.length; b < e; b++) { c += (c == "[" ? "" : ",") + ToJsonString(h[b]) } return c + "]" } else { c = "{"; for (var d in h) { if (typeof h[d] == "function") { continue } var j; if (h[d] == null) { j = "" } else { if (typeof (h[d]) == "object") { if (h[d].constructor == Array) { j = ToJsonString(h[d]) } else { j = ToJsonString(h[d]) } } else { j = '"' + h[d] + '"' } } c += (c == "{" ? "" : ",") + '"{0}":{1}'.format(d, j) } return c + "}" } } } ; a.ToMoney = function(d) { if (d == null) { return "" } if (typeof (d) == "number") { var b = ""; d = d.toFixed(2); if (d.length > 7) { while (d.length > 0) { var c = d.length - 3 < 0 ? 0 : d.length - 3; b = d.substr(c, 3) + b; d = d.substr(0, c); if (d.length == 0) { return "$" + b } else { b = (b[0] == "." ? "" : ",") + b } } } else { return "$" + d } } else { return d } } ; a.IsEmpty = function(b) { if (typeof (b) == "undefined") { return true } else { if (b == null || (typeof (b) == "string" && /^\s*$/i.test(b))) { return true } } return false } ; a.IsNull = function(b, e, c) { return b == undefined || /^\s*$/.test(b) ? e : c == undefined ? b : c } ; a.DataClone = function(h) { var e = {}; if (typeof (h) == "object") { for (var c in h) { if (typeof (h[c]) == "object") { if (typeof (h[c].constructor == Array)) { e[c] = new Array(); for (var b = 0, d = h[c].length; b < d; b++) { e[c].push(DataClone(h[c][b])) } } else { e[c] = DataClone(h[c]) } } else { e[c] = h[c] } } } else { e = h } return e } ; a.StopEvent = function(b) { if (b && b.stopPropagation) { b.stopPropagation() } else { window.event.cancelBubble = true } return false } ; a.IsIn = function(e, d) { for (var c = 0, b = d.length; c < b; c++) { if (e == d[c]) { return true } } return false } ; a.StringToBool = function(b) { if (IsEmpty(b)) { return null } else { if (b == "true") { return true } else { return false } } } ; a.StrToDate = function(c) { c = c.replace(/(-|\.)/g, "/"); var b = c.split(" ")[0].split("/"); var e = IsNull(c.split(" ")[1], "0:0:0").split(":"); return new Date(parseInt(b[0]),parseInt(b[1]) - 1,parseInt(b[2]),parseInt(IsNull(e[0], 0)),parseInt(IsNull(e[1], 0)),parseInt(IsNull(e[2], 0))) } ; a.ToClone = function(d) { if (",number,string,boolean,undefined,".indexOf("," + typeof (d) + ",") != -1) { return d } var e; if (d.constructor == Object) { e = new d.constructor() } else { if (d.constructor == Array) { e = new Array(); for (var b = 0; b < d.length; b++) { if (IsIn(typeof (d[b]), ["object", "function"])) { e.push(ToClone(d[b])) } else { e.push(d[b]) } } } else { if (typeof (d) == "function") { e = new d.constructor(d.valueOf()) } } } for (var c in d) { if (e[c] != d[c]) { if (typeof (d[c]) == "object") { e[c] = ToClone(d[c]) } else { e[c] = d[c] } } } e.toString = d.toString; e.valueOf = d.valueOf; return e } ; a.CreateFormData = function(j, h) { var c = ''; var b = ""; switch (j.constructor) { case Function: break; case Object: for (var e in j) { if (typeof (j[e]) != "object" && typeof (j[e]) != "function") { b += c.format(IsNull(h, "", h + ".") + e, j[e]) } else { if (!IsEmpty(j[e])) { b += CreateFormData(j[e], IsNull(h, "", h + ".") + e) } } } break; case Array: if (IsEmpty(h)) { return "" } for (var d = 0; d < j.length; d++) { if (typeof (j[d]) != "object" && typeof (j[d]) != "function") { b += c.format(h + "[" + d + "]", j[d]) } else { b += CreateFormData(j[d], h + "[" + d + "]") } } break; default: if (IsEmpty(h)) { return "" } b += c.format(h, j); break } return b } ; a.GoBack = function(b) { if (b) { window.history.go(-1); return false } else { return true } } ; a.utf16to8 = function(j) { var h, d, e, b; h = ""; e = j.length; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { b = j.charCodeAt(d); if ((b >= 1) && (b <= 127)) { h += j.charAt(d) } else { if (b > 2047) { h += String.fromCharCode(224 | ((b >> 12) & 15)); h += String.fromCharCode(128 | ((b >> 6) & 63)); h += String.fromCharCode(128 | ((b >> 0) & 63)) } else { h += String.fromCharCode(192 | ((b >> 6) & 31)); 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| 注销
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$("#" + e[a].menuid).find("a").addClass("hover_a") } break } } } }); (function(a) { = {}; = function(b) { var c = UrlHostMap.getFullUrl(b); return c } } )(window); function matchGroup(c, h, a, l, e, d, b, j) { = c; = h; this.bname = a; = l; this.IsLottery = e; this.IsLevel = d; this.CountryID = b; this.Sort = j } function company(b, c, a, e, d) { = b; = c; this.bname = a; this.type = e; this.sort = d } function match(v, F, b, B, D, C, H, w, G, a, E, J, I, t, u, s, q, n, p, o, l, m, j, h, c, e, d, A, x, y, z) { = v; this.matchTime = F; this.gameTime = b; this.level = B; this.lottery = D; = C; this.recommend = H; this.isBroadcast = w; this.memo = HtmlDecode(G.replace(" ", " ")); this.countryID = a; this.matchGroupID = E; this.status = J; this.runStatus = I; this.homeTeamID = t; this.homeTeamName = u; this.homeTeamBName = s; this.homeScore = q; this.homeHalfScore = n; this.homeRed = p; this.homeRank = o; this.guestTeamID = l; this.guestTeamName = m; this.guestTeamBName = j; this.guestScore = h; this.guestHalfScore = c; this.guestRed = e; this.guestRank = d; this.isZP = A; this.matchGroup = null; this.isLctj = x; this.isPicLive = y; this.isVideo = z } function odds(h, l, c, j, m, a, d, n, b, e, o) { = h; this.matchID = l; this.companyID = c; this.maxPKNum = m; = j; = a; this.europe = d; this.size = n; this.asiaHalf = b; this.europeHalf = e; this.sizeHalf = o; = null } function matchOdds(a, b) { this.match = a; this.oddsArr = b || [] } function matchsContury(b, a) { this.Id = b; this.CName = a } function filter(a, b) { this.status = b; = a; this.sort = 0 } function baiduTemplate(a) { = a } baiduTemplate.prototype.getHtml = function(b) { var a = baidu.template; var c = a(, b); return c } ; function ArtTemplate(a) { = a; this.getHtml = function(b) { return template(, b) } } baiduTemplate.prototype.getDom = function(a) { return $("#match_" + a) } ; var matchOddsModel = { company: {}, matchGroup: {}, match: {}, odds: {}, matchOddsMap: {}, matchContury: {}, matchC: [], matchS: [], matchW: [] }; matchOddsModel.parse = function(o) { function j(p) { var u = new Array(); var t = p[2]; var s = 0 , q = t.length; if (q) { do { var w = t[s]; u.push(new match(w[0],new Date(w[1]),w[2],w[3],w[4],w[5],w[6],w[7],w[8],w[9],w[10],w[11],w[12],w[13],w[14],w[15],w[16],w[17],w[18],w[19],w[20],w[21],w[22],w[23],w[24],w[25],w[26],w[27],w[28],w[29],w[30])); s++ } while (s < q) } return u } function n(p) { var y = new Array(); var w = p[3]; var s = 0 , q = w.length; if (q) { do { var A = w[s]; var t = A[0]; var x = A[1]; var z = 0; oiend = x.length; if (oiend) { do { var u = x[z]; y.push(new odds(u[0],t,u[1],u[2],u[3],u[4],u[5],u[6],u[7],u[8],u[9])); z++ } while (z < oiend) } s++ } while (s < q) } return y } function h(q) { var p = new Array(); jQuery.each(q[1], function(s, t) { p.push(new company(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4])) }); return p } function l(q) { var p = new Array(); jQuery.each(q[4], function(s, t) { p.push(new matchsContury(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4])) }); return p } function m(p) { var q = new Array(); jQuery.each(p[0], function(s, t) { q.push(new matchGroup(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],t[6],t[7])) }); return q } var a = h(o); var b = l(o); var c = m(o); var d = n(o); var e = j(o); return { companys: a, countrys: b, matchgroups: c, odds: d, matchs: e } } ; matchOddsModel.GetMatchFilter = function(a) { if (a && a instanceof Array) { return a } else { return [] } } ; matchOddsModel.init = function(B, q) { var u = matchOddsModel.parse(B); var h = u.companys; var A =; for (i in h) { var a = h[i]; A[] = a } matchOddsModel.matchW = h; var j = u.countrys; var b = matchOddsModel.matchContury; for (i in j) { var w = j[i]; b[] = w } matchOddsModel.matchC = j; var n = u.matchgroups; var x = matchOddsModel.matchGroup; for (i in n) { var l = n[i]; x[] = l } matchOddsModel.matchS = n; var y = u.odds; var e = matchOddsModel.odds; var t = matchOddsModel.matchOddsMap; for (i in y) { var z = y[i]; = matchOddsCore.getCompanyByID(z.companyID); e[] = z; t[z.matchID] = t[z.matchID] || []; t[z.matchID].push( } var v = u.matchs; var d = matchOddsModel.match; var C = []; var s = matchOddsModel.GetMatchFilter(q); for (i in v) { var p = v[i]; for (f in s) { if (s[f](p)) { continue } } p.matchGroup = matchOddsCore.getMatchGroupByID(p.matchGroupID); if (p.matchGroup) { d[] = p; C.push(p) } } return C } ; matchOddsModel.update = function(C, t) { var v = matchOddsModel.parse(C); var l = v.companys; var B =; for (i in l) { var d = l[i]; if (B[] == null) { B[] = d; matchOddsModel.matchW.push(d) } } var n = v.countrys; var e = matchOddsModel.matchContury; for (i in n) { var x = n[i]; if (e[] == null) { e[] = x; matchOddsModel.matchC.push(x) } } var q = v.matchgroups; var y = matchOddsModel.matchGroup; for (i in q) { var p = q[i]; if (y[] == null) { y[] = p; matchOddsModel.matchS.push(p) } } var z = v.odds; var j = matchOddsModel.odds; var u = matchOddsModel.matchOddsMap; var E = []; var b = []; for (i in z) { var A = z[i]; = matchOddsCore.getCompanyByID(A.companyID); if (j[] == null) { j[] = A; u[A.matchID] = u[A.matchID] || []; u[A.matchID].push(; b.push(A) } else { E.push({ oldodds: j[], newodds: A }) } } var w = v.matchs; var h = matchOddsModel.match; var a = []; var D = []; matchFilterFuncs = matchOddsModel.GetMatchFilter(t); for (i in w) { var s = w[i]; for (f in matchFilterFuncs) { if (matchFilterFuncs[f](s)) { continue } } s.matchGroup = matchOddsCore.getMatchGroupByID(s.matchGroupID); if (s.matchGroup) { if (h[] == null) { h[] = s; a.push(s) } else { D.push({ oldMatch: h[], newMatch: s }) } } } return { addOdds: b, updateOdds: E, addMatchs: a, updateMatchs: D } } ; var matchOddsCore = {}; matchOddsCore.templare = false; matchOddsCore.cupworld = ""; matchOddsCore.noMatchLevel = false; matchOddsCore.matchId = ""; = matchOddsModel; matchOddsCore.saveData = function() { $("#md").val(JSON.stringify(; $("#lastupdatetime").val(matchOddsCore.lastupdatetime); $("#hasloaddata").val(1) } ; matchOddsCore.noRestoreData = false; matchOddsCore.restoreData = function(c) { matchOddsCore.noRestoreData = true; if (typeof initoddsdata != "undefined") { matchOddsCore.lastupdatetime = initoddsdata[2]; var a = matchOddsCore.getMatchFilter(matchOddsCore.lastupdatetime, c); var b = matchOddsModel.init(initoddsdata[5], a); matchOddsCore.renderMatch(b, function() { matchOddsCore.closeLoadGif() }); matchOddsCore.noRestoreData = true; return true } return false } ; matchOddsCore.isLoadData = function() { if ($("#hasloaddata").val() == "1") { return true } else { return false } } ; matchOddsCore.isRenderMatch = function() { if ($("#rendermatch").val() == "1") { return true } else { return false } } ; matchOddsCore.onDataErrorHandler = []; matchOddsCore.onUpdateMatchHandler = []; matchOddsCore.onUpdateOddsHandler = []; matchOddsCore.onMatchScoreHandler = []; matchOddsCore.onMatchRedHandler = []; matchOddsCore.onViewRefreshHandler = []; matchOddsCore.pageLoadFinishedHandler = []; matchOddsCore.loadUpdateTimer = null; matchOddsCore.renderStep = 200; matchOddsCore.renderTimeDelay = 1500; matchOddsCore.onDataError = function(a) { matchOddsCore.onDataErrorHandler.push(a) } ; matchOddsCore.onUpdateMatch = function(a) { matchOddsCore.onUpdateMatchHandler.push(a) } ; matchOddsCore.onUpdateOdds = function(a) { matchOddsCore.onUpdateOddsHandler.push(a) } ; matchOddsCore.onUpdateScore = function(a) { matchOddsCore.onMatchScoreHandler.push(a) } ; matchOddsCore.onUpdateRed = function(a) { matchOddsCore.onMatchRedHandler.push(a) } ; matchOddsCore.onViewRefresh = function(a) { matchOddsCore.onViewRefreshHandler.push(a) } ; matchOddsCore.onPageLoadFinished = function(a) { matchOddsCore.pageLoadFinishedHandler.push(a) } ; matchOddsCore.triggerHandler = function(d, e) { if (d.length == 0) { return } for (var b in d) { var c = d[b]; var a =, 1); c.apply(this, a) } } ; matchOddsCore.currentOdds = []; matchOddsCore.filters = {}; matchOddsCore.addFilter = function(a) { matchOddsCore.filters[] = a } ; matchOddsCore.getFullOdds = function(l, e) { if (matchOddsCore.cupworld == 5) { if (l == undefined || l.length == 0) { return } } if (!e) { e = l[0].matchID } var j = []; for (var d in matchOddsCore.currentOdds) { var a = matchOddsCore.currentOdds[d]; var c = false; for (var m in l) { var b = l[m]; if (b.companyID == a) { c = true; j.push(b); break } } if (!c) { var h = new odds(0,e,a,false,1,[],[],[],[],[],[]); = matchOddsCore.getCompanyByID(a); j.push(h) } } j.sort(function(n, o) { return > ? -1 : 1 }); return j } ; matchOddsCore.getConturyID = function(a) { return matchOddsModel.matchContury[a] } ; matchOddsCore.getCompanyByID = function(a) { return[a] } ; matchOddsCore.getMatchGroupByID = function(a) { return matchOddsModel.matchGroup[a] } ; matchOddsCore.getMatchByID = function(a) { return matchOddsModel.match[a] } ; matchOddsCore.getOddsByID = function(a) { return matchOddsModel.odds[a] } ; matchOddsCore.getMatchOdds = function(d, b) { var a = []; var c =; var j =; var e = c[d] || []; for (var l in e) { var h = j[e[l]]; if (h.companyID == b && h.matchID == d) { return h } } return null } ; matchOddsCore.getOdds = function(b, d) { var a = []; var c =; var j =; var e = c[d] || []; if (b && d) { for (var l in e) { var h = j[e[l]]; if (h.companyID != b) { continue } a.push(h) } } else { for (var l in e) { a.push(j[e[l]]) } } return matchOddsCore.getFullOdds(a, d) } ; matchOddsCore.enableFilter = function(b, c) { c = c || true; var a = matchOddsCore.filters[b]; if (a) { a.status = c } } ; matchOddsCore.containerID = "#matchs"; matchOddsCore.getContainer = function() { var a = matchOddsCore.containerID; if (a.indexOf("#") == -1) { a = "#" + a } return $(a) } ; matchOddsCore.template = new baiduTemplate("template"); matchOddsCore.render = function(b) { if (typeof matchOddsCore.template.getHtml != "function") { return "" } var a = matchOddsCore.template.getHtml(b); return a } ; matchOddsCore.renderQueue = []; matchOddsCore.renderTimerHandler = null; matchOddsCore.urlLinkHref = function() { var b = window.location.href; var a = b.lastIndexOf("/"); b = b.substring(a + 1, b.length).toLocaleLowerCase(); return b } ; matchOddsCore.renderMatch = function(d, c) { matchOddsCore.renderQueue.push({ matchs: d, handler: c }); if (matchOddsCore.renderTimerHandler == null) { matchOddsCore.renderTimerHandler = setTimeout(function() { b(); $("#LoadHideContent").show() }, 100) } function e(j, m) { var l = matchOddsCore.getOdds(null,; return m(j, l) } function h(m, p, l, j, o, n) { return p(m, n, l, j, o) } function a(j, m) { var l = new matchOdds(j,m); return matchOddsCore.render(l) } function b() { var I = matchOddsCore.renderQueue.splice(0, 1); var A = []; var s = []; var x = []; if (I.length == 0) { matchOddsCore.renderTimerHandler = null; return } I = I[0]; var K = I.matchs; if (K.length > 0 || matchOddsCore.noMatchLevel) { var q = []; var A = ""; var s = ""; var x = ""; var C = 0; var D = 0; var B = 0; var E = ""; var t = ""; var y = ""; var v = ""; var z = ""; var u = ""; var j = { matchlanguagechangeG: matchlanguagechangeG(), matchlanguagechangeY: matchlanguagechangeY(), matchRankS: matchRankS(), }; var l = new Date(); var J = []; if (matchOddsCore.urlLinkHref() == "zqbifen" || matchOddsCore.urlLinkHref() == "scores") { matchOddsCore.cupworld = ""; var L = typeof (GetTempHtmll) == "function" ? GetTempHtmll : a; var R = typeof (matchright) == "function" ? matchright : a; var p = typeof (finishHtml) == "function" ? finishHtml : a; var S = oddsConst.mStatusFlag; var H = oddsConst.ingFlag; var P = oddsConst.mRStatusFlag; j.showScoreOdds = oddsShowScore(); for (var F = 0, o = K.length; F < o; F++) { var n = K[F]; var Q = S[n.status]; var O = P[n.runStatus]; var G = H[n.status]; var M = matchOddsCore.getOdds(null,; var N = getoddsArrd(M); if (Q & O & 1) { matchOddsCore.templare = true; C++; A += h(n, L, C, j, N, M) } else { if (G & O) { matchOddsCore.templare = true; D++; x += h(n, R, D, j, N, M) } else { matchOddsCore.templare = true; B++; s += h(n, p, B, j, N, M) } } } } else { if (matchOddsCore.urlLinkHref() == "score") { var U = typeof (GetTempHtml) == "function" ? GetTempHtml : a; matchOddsCore.cupworld = 5; for (var F = 0, o = K.length; F < o; F++) { if (K[F].matchGroupID > 10) { E += e(K[F], U) } else { if (K[F].matchGroupID == 2) { t += e(K[F], U) } else { if (K[F].matchGroupID == 3) { y += e(K[F], U) } else { if (K[F].matchGroupID == 4) { v += e(K[F], U) } else { if (K[F].matchGroupID == 5) { z += e(K[F], U) } else { if (K[F].matchGroupID == 6) { u += e(K[F], U) } } } } } } } } else { matchOddsCore.cupworld = ""; var U = typeof (GetTempHtml) == "function" ? GetTempHtml : a; for (var F = 0, o = K.length; F < o; F++) { q = q.concat(e(K[F], U)) } if (matchOddsCore.noMatchLevel) { q = q.concat(e({ id: matchOddsCore.matchId }, U)) } } } Debug.trace("生成Html耗时:" + (new Date().getTime() - l.getTime())); l = new Date(); if (matchOddsCore.urlLinkHref() == "zqbifen" || matchOddsCore.urlLinkHref() == "scores") { $("#matchsFuture").html(A); $("#matchsRightNow").html(x); $("#matchsFinish").html(s); $("#matchsRightNow").prepend('
'); $("#matchsFuture").prepend('
'); $("#matchsFinish").prepend('
'); if (D == 0) { $(".z").stop().hide() } if (C == 0) { $(".w").stop().hide() } if (B == 0) { $(".ff").stop().hide() } } else { if (matchOddsCore.urlLinkHref() == "score") { worldScoreShow.elem({ htmlWsmallgrop: E, htmlfeight: t, htmlRfour: y, htmlhlaf: v, htmlseason: z, htmlfinal: u }) } else { var T = {}; var V = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (window.ActiveXObject) { = V.match(/msie ([\d.]+)/)[1]; if ( { var w = q.join(""); $("#matchs").html(w) } } else { matchOddsCore.getContainer()[0].innerHTML = q.join("") } } } Debug.trace("渲染耗时:" + (new Date().getTime() - l.getTime())); localStorage.setItem("getNum", C + D + B); matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.pageLoadFinishedHandler) } else {} if (I.handler) { I.handler() } if (matchOddsCore.renderQueue.length > 0) { matchOddsCore.renderTimerHandler = setTimeout(b, matchOddsCore.renderTimeDelay) } else { matchOddsCore.renderTimerHandler = null } if (typeof (loadTxtADInScore) == "function") {} } } ; matchOddsCore.getRenderStep = function() { if (matchOddsCore.renderTimerHandler == null) { return 10000 } return matchOddsCore.renderStep } ; matchOddsCore.filter = function(c) { for (var b in matchOddsCore.filters) { var a = matchOddsCore.filters[b]; if (a && typeof a.exec == "function" && a.status) { a.exec(c) } } } ; matchOddsCore.refresh = function() { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onViewRefreshHandler) } ; matchOddsCore.lastupdatetime = ""; matchOddsCore.beginUpdate = false; matchOddsCore.closeLoadGif = function() { $("#div_loadgif").hide() } ; matchOddsCore.showLoadGif = function() {} ; matchOddsCore.isNeedUpdate = true; matchOddsCore.matchFilter = {}; matchOddsCore.matchFilter.status = null; matchOddsCore.matchFilter.runStatus = null; matchOddsCore.matchFilter.IsDelNoStartMatch = false; matchOddsCore.isSingMatch = false; getMatchStatusOddsHtml = function(b) { var d = ""; var c = ""; if (b.runStatus == 0) { if (b.status == 0) { d = "未" } else { if (b.status == 4) { d = "完场" } else { if (b.status == 2) { d = "" } else { c = getGameTime(b.gameTime, b.status); d = '' + c + '' } } } } else { var a = "正常 取消 腰斩 改期 中断 待定".split(" "); d = a[b.runStatus] } return d } ; matchOddsCore.updateMatchs = function(d) { var e = d.updateMatchs; var a = matchOddsModel.match; for (i in e) { var b = e[i].oldMatch; var c = e[i].newMatch; if (matchOddsCore.onUpdateMatchHandler.length > 0) { if (c.status != b.status || c.runStatus != b.runStatus || c.homeScore != b.homeScore || c.guestScore != b.guestScore || c.homeRed != b.homeRed || c.guestRed != b.guestRed || c.gameTime != b.gameTime || c.homeHalfScore != b.homeHalfScore || c.guestHalfScore != b.guestHalfScore || c.recommend != b.recommend || c.memo != b.memo) { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onUpdateMatchHandler, b, c) } } if (matchOddsCore.onMatchScoreHandler.length > 0) { if (c.homeScore != b.homeScore) { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onMatchScoreHandler, c, 1, true) } else { if (c.homeHalfScore != b.homeHalfScore) { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onMatchScoreHandler, c, 1, false) } else { if (c.guestScore != b.guestScore) { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onMatchScoreHandler, c, 0, true) } else { if (c.guestHalfScore != b.guestHalfScore) { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onMatchScoreHandler, c, 0, false) } } } } } if (matchOddsCore.onMatchRedHandler.length > 0) { if (c.homeRed != b.homeRed) { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onMatchRedHandler, c, 1) } else { if (c.guestRed != b.guestRed) { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onMatchRedHandler, c, 0) } } } delete a[]; a[] = c } } ; matchOddsCore.updateOdds = function(d) { var e = d.updateOdds; var a = matchOddsModel.odds; for (i in e) { var c = e[i].oldodds; var b = e[i].newodds; matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onUpdateOddsHandler, c, b); delete a[]; a[] = b } } ; matchOddsCore.getMatchFilter = function(d, j) { var l = StrToDate(matchOddsCore.lastupdatetime); var b = l.getHours() < 12 ? StrToDate(l.AddDays(-1).Format("yyyy-MM-dd 12:00:00")) : StrToDate(l.Format("yyyy-MM-dd 12:00:00")); var m = l.Format("yyyy-MM-dd"); var a =; var n = function(o) { if (o.matchTime < b && (o.status == 4 || o.runStatus != 0 || (o.status == 0 && o.matchTime.DateDiff("mi", a) >= 15))) { return true } return false }; var c = function(o) { return o.status != 4 }; var h = function(o) { return (o.runStatus == 0 && o.status == 0 && o.matchTime.DateDiff("mi", l) >= 5) }; var e = []; if (matchOddsCore.isSingMatch == false && (IsEmpty(j) || j == m)) { e.push(n) } if (!IsEmpty(j) && j <= l.Format("yyyy-MM-dd")) { e.push(c) } if (matchOddsCore.matchFilter.IsDelNoStartMatch) { e.push(h) } return e } ; matchOddsCore.loaddata = function(b, c, e) { if (!matchOddsCore.noRestoreData && c == 1) { matchOddsCore.showLoadGif() } else { e = e || matchOddsCore.noRestoreData } if (!IsEmpty(matchOddsCore.matchFilter.status)) { b.status = matchOddsCore.matchFilter.status } if (!IsEmpty(matchOddsCore.matchFilter.runStatus)) { b.runStatus = matchOddsCore.matchFilter.runStatus } window.status = "正在拉取数据..."; apiCaller.request({ type: "POST", url: matchOddsCore.loadUrl + "?pageindex=" + c + "&lastupdatetime=" + matchOddsCore.lastupdatetime, traditional: true, data: b, datatype: "text json", beforeSend: function() {}, error: function(l, j, h) { Debug.debugIn(); console.log(h) }, success: function(h) { var j =; var o = (h[0] == 1); if (!o) { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchOddsCore.onDataErrorHandler, h[1]); return } matchOddsCore.lastupdatetime = h[2]; if (h[3]) { Cookie.ClearAll(); window.location.reload(); return } var m = (h[4] == 1); var p = h[5]; var l = matchOddsCore.getMatchFilter(matchOddsCore.lastupdatetime, b.searchdate); if (e) { var q = matchOddsModel.update(p, l); matchOddsCore.updateOdds(q); if (q.addMatchs.length > 0) { window.location.href = window.location.href } if (q.updateMatchs.length == 0) { matchOddsCore.closeLoadGif() } else { matchOddsCore.updateMatchs(q) } } else { var n = matchOddsModel.init(p, l); matchOddsCore.renderMatch(n, function() { matchOddsCore.closeLoadGif() }) } if (m) { matchOddsCore.loaddata(b, parseInt(c) + 1) } else { matchOddsCore.refresh(); d(b) } window.status = "" }, }); function d(h) { if (matchOddsCore.isNeedUpdate && matchOddsCore.loadUpdateTimer == null) { var j = function() { matchOddsCore.loaddata(h, "", true); matchOddsCore.beginUpdate = true }; matchOddsCore.loadUpdateTimer = setInterval(j, 50 * 1000); a(matchOddsCore.lastupdatetime, j, 2000) } } function a(l, h, o) { var n = l; var j = 0; var m = null; setInterval(function() { if (matchOddsCore.urlLinkHref() === "zqbifen") { h() } else { m = { dataType: 1, lastupdatetime: n }; if (j == 0 || j >= 10) { $.post(matchOddsCore.comUpdataloadUrl, m, function(p) { if (p.result == true) { h() } n = p.lastupdatetime; j = 0 }) } j++; j = j > 10 ? 1 : j } }, o) } } ; matchOddsCore.loadUrl = "/odds/GetOddsSimple"; matchOddsCore.comUpdataloadUrl = "/common/CheckDataIsUpdate"; (function(a) { a.comfun = {}; a.comfun.IsNull = function(b, e, c) { return b == undefined || /^\s*$/.test(b) ? e : c == undefined ? b : c } ; comfun.collectS = function(b) { if (typeof (b) != "undefined") { storage.set("scoreupico", b) } else { return comfun.IsNull(storage.get("scoreupico"), []) } } ; comfun.collectF = function(b) { if (typeof (b) != "undefined") { storage.set("scoreupicoF", b) } else { return comfun.IsNull(storage.get("scoreupicoF"), []) } } ; comfun.collectfZ = function(b) { if (typeof (b) != "undefined") { storage.set("scoreupicoZ", b) } else { return comfun.IsNull(storage.get("scoreupicoZ"), []) } } } )(window); !(function(e) { var c = []; var d = []; var a = []; var b = false; matchOddsCore.onUpdateScore(function(l, n, j) { var h = document.getElementById("match_" +; if (j && h && != "none") { b = true } }); matchOddsCore.onUpdateMatch(function(n, p) { if ((n.status != 4 && p.status == 4) || (n.runStatus == 0 && p.runStatus != 0)) { c.push(n) } if (n.status == 0 && p.status != 0 && p.status != 4) { d.push( } if (n.runStatus != 0 && p.runStatus == 0 && p.status != 4) { a.push( } var u = document.getElementById("matchstatusinfo_" +; var h = document.getElementById("changeico_" +; var t = document.getElementById("score_full_" +; var j = document.getElementById(" finishl_" +; var l = document.getElementById("picLive_" +; var v = getMatchStatusHtml(p); var w = getMatchStatusOddsHtml(p); var o = document.getElementById("matchOddsTime_" +; var q = $("#up_" +; var s = $(q).attr("stus"); if (o != null) { o.innerHTML = w } if (u != null) { u.innerHTML = v } if (IsIn(n.status, [4]) && p.isVideo == true && h != null) { updataFinishIco(j, } if (IsIn(p.status, [4]) && s == "false") { getMatchStatus(p) } if (p.isPicLive && l != null) { = "inline-block" } }); matchOddsCore.onViewRefresh(function() { var h = b; if (h) { PlaySound() } b = false; var j = new ArrayEx(c); var l = new ArrayEx(d); var m = new ArrayEx(comfun.collectS()); var n = new ArrayEx(comfun.collectF()); var o = new ArrayEx(comfun.collectfZ()); var p = function(q, s) { return - }; j = j.sort(p); setTimeout(function() { if (c.length != 0) { var q = $(".matchsFnish").find(".ff").is(":hidden"); if (q) { $(".matchsFnish").find(".ff").show() } } j.Each(function(s) { var u = $("#match_" +; getMatchStatus(s); var t = $("#match_" + + "_desc"); var v = $(u).parent(".now").hasClass("matchsRightNow"); if (v) { t.remove(); u.remove(); $(".matchsFnish").append(u); if (t.length > 0) { $(".matchsFnish").append(t) } againAdFn(againListAd) } else {} }); c = [] }, 10 * 1000); setTimeout(function() { if (d.length != 0) { var u = $(".matchsRightNow").find(".z").is(":hidden"); if (u) { $(".matchsRightNow").find(".z").show() } } for (var q = 0; q < l.length; q++) { var t = $("#match_" + l[q]); var s = $("#match_" + l[q] + "_desc"); var v = $(t).parent(".futer").hasClass("match"); if (v) { s.remove(); t.remove(); $(".matchsRightNow").append(t); if (s.length > 0) { $(".matchsRightNow").append(s) } againAdFn(againListAd) } } d = [] }, 10 * 1000); setTimeout(function() { if (a.length != 0) { var u = $(".matchsRightNow").find(".z").is(":hidden"); if (u) { $(".matchsRightNow").find(".z").show() } } for (var q = 0; q < a.length; q++) { var t = $("#match_" + a[q]); var s = $("#match_" + a[q] + "_desc"); var v = $(t).parent(".finishh").hasClass("matchsFnish"); if (v) { s.remove(); t.remove(); $(".matchsRightNow").append(t); if (s.length > 0) { $(".matchsRightNow").append(s) } againAdFn(againListAd) } } a = [] }, 10 * 1000) }) } )(window); var Url = window.location.pathname; (function(U) { var h = false; var C = false; U.matchFilter = {}; var F = { k: "matchsRightNow", f: "matchsFnish", w: "match" }; matchFilter.comCookie = false; matchFilter.fullFrist = false; matchFilter.finishFlagScore = true; matchFilter.changeTab = false; matchFilter.autoFlag = false; matchFilter.containerID = "#matchs"; matchFilter.timeNosearch = true; matchFilter.matchClass = "oscorehide"; matchFilter.isOddsPriority = true; matchFilter.CookiePrelude = "Rate_"; matchFilter.flagTrue; matchFilter.CookiePreludee = "voiceCookie_"; matchFilter.CookiePath = ""; matchFilter.ShareCookie = new ArrayEx(); matchFilter.searchDate; matchFilter.time; matchFilter.typee = { score: "", cupscore: "" }; matchFilter.scoreMoudle = false; matchFilter.shareCokie = { voice: 0, languagechange: LANG.Guo, rank: true }; matchFilter.openKey = ""; matchFilter.layerT = true; matchFilter.Ad; U.oddsConst = { ingFlag: [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], mStatusFlag: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16], mRStatusFlag: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32], showRunStatus: ["正常", "取消", "腰斩", "改期", "中断", "待定"] }; (function D() { U.oddsConst.PKCnMap = new ArrayEx("平手 平/半 半球 半/一 一球 一/球半 球半 球半/两".split(" ")); U.oddsConst.PKNumCNMap = new ArrayEx("两 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五".split(" ")); var w = U.oddsConst.PKNumCNMap.length - 1; U.oddsConst.PKNumCNMap.Each(function(Y, X) { var W = oddsConst.PKCnMap; if (w > X) { W.push(Y + "球"); W.push(Y + "/" + Y + "球半"); W.push(Y + "球半"); W.push(Y + "球半/" + U.oddsConst.PKNumCNMap[X + 1]) } else { W.push(Y + "球") } }) } )(); U.CK = {}; (function() { CK.FilterCompanyId = "FilterCompanyId"; CK.SearchDate = "SearchDate"; CK.Lang = "Lang"; CK.Sort = "Sort"; CK.FilterCategory = "FilterCategory"; CK.IsShowRank = "IsShowRank"; CK.LastFilterType = "LastFilterType"; CK.ChooseMGIDs = "ChooseMGIDs"; CK.ChooseCIDs = "ChooseCIDs"; CK.IsVoiceShow = "IsVoiceShow" } )(); matchFilter.filterType = { full: "1", simplify: "2", lottery: "3", live: "4", nostart: "5", finished: "6", ing: "7", matchgroup: "8", country: "9" }; matchFilter.currentFilter = null; matchFilter.CK = CK; var e = function(w) { return matchFilter.ShareCookie.IsExists(function(W) { return W.key == w }) }; matchFilter.SetCookie = function(w, Y, X) { if (e(w)) { var W = matchFilter.ShareCookie.First(function(Z) { return Z.key == w }); Cookie.Set(w, Y, X, W.path) } else { Cookie.Set(w, Y, X, matchFilter.CookiePath) } } ; matchFilter.SetCookieObj = function(w, X, Y) { if (e(w)) { var W = matchFilter.ShareCookie.First(function(Z) { return Z.key == w }); Cookie.SetObj(w, X, Y, W.path) } else { Cookie.SetObj(w, X, Y, matchFilter.CookiePath) } } ; var l = function(w) { if (e(w)) { return w } else { return matchFilter.CookiePrelude + w } }; var m = function(w) { if (e(w)) { return w } else { return matchFilter.CookiePreludee + w } }; matchFilter.Init = function() { (function() { v(); u(); t(); y(); v(); (function() { if (n() == LANG.Guo) { switchTab.Select($("#div_lang .switchtab:eq(0)")); $("#div_lang .switchtab:eq(0)").click() } else { switchTab.Select($("#div_lang .switchtab:eq(1)")); $("#div_lang .switchtab:eq(1)").click() } } )(); companyFilter.init() } )(); matchOddsCore.onPageLoadFinished(function() { var W =; var w =; var Z =; A(w); B(W); x(Z); v(); if (matchFilter.flagTrue) { var aa = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("shareCookie")); if (aa == null) { O(true); z("Guo") } else { matchFilter.shareCokie.voice = aa.voice; O(aa.rank); z(aa.languagechange) } matchFilter.comCookie = true } else { z(Cookie.Get(l(CK.Lang))); O(Cookie.Get(l(CK.IsShowRank)) != "0") } var Y = IsNull(Cookie.Get(l(CK.LastFilterType)), matchFilter.filterType.full); var ab = p(); if (Url == "/zqbifen") { if (Y == "2") { matchFilter.changeTab = true; $(".scroetophide").attr("onst", "false"); $("#span_matchgroup input[level]").prop("checked", true); $("#span_matchgroup input:not([level])").prop("checked", false); $("#span_country input[level]").prop("checked", true); $("#span_country input:not([level])").prop("checked", false); $(".showSimplify").addClass("colorshow"); matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.FilterCategory), "1") } else { if (Y == "3") { matchFilter.changeTab = true; $(".scroetophide").attr("onst", "false"); $("#span_matchgroup input[lottery]").prop("checked", true); $("#span_matchgroup input:not([lottery])").prop("checked", false); $("#span_country input[lottery]").prop("checked", true); $("#span_country input:not([lottery])").prop("checked", false); $(".showLottery").addClass("colorshow"); matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.FilterCategory), "2") } else { $("#span_matchgroup input").prop("checked", true); $("#span_country input").prop("checked", true); matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.FilterCategory), "0"); if (ab.showIds.length > 0 || ab.hideIds.length > 0) { $(".scroetophide").attr("onst", "false") } } } matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.LastFilterType), Y); var X = p().HideCount(); $("#span_hidematchnum").text(X) } else { j(Y, true) } matchFilter.currentFilter = Y }) } ; matchFilter.FilterFinishedHandler = []; matchFilter.onFilterFinished = function(w) { matchFilter.FilterFinishedHandler.push(w) } ; matchFilter.onFilterFinished(function() { matchFilter.UpdateHideCount() }); matchFilter.FilterFinisAdhedHandler = []; matchFilter.onFilterAd = function(w) { matchFilter.FilterFinisAdhedHandler.push(w) } ; var A = function(W) { $(".default").click(function() { $("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", false); $("input[name=filtercompany]").each(function() { if (parseInt($(this).val()) == companyFilter.defaultIds[0] || parseInt($(this).val()) == companyFilter.defaultIds[1] || parseInt($(this).val()) == companyFilter.defaultIds[2] || parseInt($(this).val()) == companyFilter.defaultIds[3]) { $(this).prop("checked", true) } }); }); $("#span_rate .btn_submit").click(function() { }); var aa = ""; var Z = ""; for (var Y = 0; Y < W.length; Y++) { var X = ' '; var w = { Id: W[Y].id, Name: W[Y].name, IsChecked: companyFilter.getChooseIds().IsExists(W[Y].id) ? "checked" : "", InputType: companyFilter.type == 1 ? "checkbox" : "radio" }; if (W[Y].type == 1) { aa += X.BindData(w) } else { Z += X.BindData(w) } } $("#companylist_op").html(aa); $("#companylist_op").append(Z) }; var B = function(X) { if ($("#span_country").length > 0) { $("#span_country").CheckBoxChoose() } var ac = n(); var Y = X; var W = Cookie.Get(l(CK.ChooseCIDs)); var Z = ""; for (var ab = 0; ab < Y.length; ab++) { var aa = ' '; var w = { Id: Y[ab].Id, IsChecked: W.indexOf("," + Y[ab].Id + ",") != -1 ? "checked" : "", Name: ac == LANG.Guo ? Y[ab].CName : Y[ab].BName, }; Z += aa.BindData(w) } $("#span_countrylist").html(Z); h = true; $("#span_country .btn_submit").click(function() { j( }) }; var H = function(W) { var X = W.split("_"); var w = { simplify: X[0] == "1" ? true : false, lottery: X[1] == "1" ? true : false, live: X[2] == "1" ? true : false, nostart: X[3] == "1" ? true : false, finished: X[4] == "1" ? true : false, ing: X[5] == "1" ? true : false, matchgroupId: X[6], countryId: X[7] }; return w }; var J = function() { if (h) { var w = []; $("#span_country input:checked").each(function() { w.push($(this).val()) }); matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.ChooseCIDs), "," + w.join(",") + ",") } if (C) { var W = []; $("#span_matchgroup input:checked").each(function() { W.push($(this).val()) }); matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.ChooseMGIDs), "," + W.join(",") + ",") } }; matchFilter.createFilterFlag = function(X, Y) { var W = "0"; for (var w in Y) { if (Y[w].live) { W = "1"; break } } return X.level + "_" + (X.lottery ? "1" : "0") + "_" + W + "_" + (X.status ? "0" : "1") + "_" + ((X.status & 4) ? "1" : "0") + "_" + oddsConst.ingFlag[X.status] + "_" + X.matchGroupID + "_" + X.countryID } ; function T(w) { $("." + matchFilter.matchClass).filter(":hidden").show(); w() } var a = null; var S = function(w) { if (a[w] == null) { a[w] = w } }; var j = function(aa, ac) { if (matchFilter.autoFlag) { a = {} } matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.LastFilterType), aa); matchFilter.currentFilter = aa; ac = typeof (ac) == "undefined" ? false : ac; J(); var Z, W; switch (aa) { case matchFilter.filterType.full: orNoObjectData(3); matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.FilterCategory), "0"); $(".checksbtn2 ").removeClass("colorshow"); if (matchFilter.changeTab) { setTimeout(function() { T(function() { $("#span_hidematchnum").text(0) }) }, 100) } else { $("." + matchFilter.matchClass).filter(":hidden").show() } if (ac != true) { p().clearHide() } $("#span_matchgroup input").prop("checked", true); $("#span_country input").prop("checked", true); $(".chk_match").parent().removeClass("hovercolor"); if (matchFilter.autoFlag) { a = "true" } break; case matchFilter.filterType.simplify: matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.FilterCategory), "1"); $(".scroetophide").attr("onst", "false"); $(".checksbtn2 ").removeClass("colorshow"); $(".showSimplify").addClass("colorshow"); var w = $("." + matchFilter.matchClass); w.filter("[level='0']").hide(); w.filter("[level='1']").show(); if (ac != true) { p().clearHide(); J() } $("#span_matchgroup input[level]").prop("checked", true); $("#span_matchgroup input:not([level])").prop("checked", false); $("#span_country input[level]").prop("checked", true); $("#span_country input:not([level])").prop("checked", false); break; case matchFilter.filterType.lottery: matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.FilterCategory), "2"); $(".scroetophide").attr("onst", "false"); $(".checksbtn2 ").removeClass("colorshow"); $(".showLottery").addClass("colorshow"); var w = $("." + matchFilter.matchClass); w.filter("[lottery='false']").hide(); w.filter("[lottery='true']").show(); if (ac != true) { p().clearHide(); J() } $("#span_matchgroup input[lottery]").prop("checked", true); $("#span_matchgroup input:not([lottery])").prop("checked", false); $("#span_country input[lottery]").prop("checked", true); $("#span_country input:not([lottery])").prop("checked", false); break; case $("." + matchFilter.matchClass).each(function() { Z = H($(this).attr("filterdata")); W = $(this).attr("audio"); if ( { $(this).show(); if (matchFilter.autoFlag) { S(W) } } else { $(this).hide() } }); if (ac != true) { p().clearHide() } break; case matchFilter.filterType.nostart: $("." + matchFilter.matchClass).each(function() { Z = H($(this).attr("filterdata")); if (Z.nostart) { $(this).show() } else { $(this).hide() } }); if (ac != true) { p().clearHide() } break; case matchFilter.filterType.finished: $("." + matchFilter.matchClass).each(function() { Z = H($(this).attr("filterdata")); if (Z.finished) { $(this).show() } else { $(this).hide() } }); if (ac != true) { p().clearHide() } break; case $("." + matchFilter.matchClass).each(function() { Z = H($(this).attr("filterdata")); W = $(this).attr("audio"); if ( { $(this).show(); if (matchFilter.autoFlag) { S(W) } } else { $(this).hide() } }); if (ac != true) { p().clearHide() } break; case matchFilter.filterType.matchgroup: var ad = Cookie.Get(l(CK.ChooseMGIDs)); $("." + matchFilter.matchClass).each(function() { Z = H($(this).attr("filterdata")); W = $(this).attr("audio"); if (ad.indexOf("," + Z.matchgroupId + ",") != -1) { $(this).show(); if (matchFilter.autoFlag) { S(W) } } else { $(this).hide() } }); break; case var Y = Cookie.Get(l(CK.ChooseCIDs)); $("." + matchFilter.matchClass).each(function() { Z = H($(this).attr("filterdata")); W = $(this).attr("audio"); if (Y.indexOf("," + Z.countryId + ",") != -1) { $(this).show(); if (matchFilter.autoFlag) { S(W) } } else { $(this).hide() } }); break } if (matchFilter.autoFlag) { localStorage.setItem("autoflag", JSON.stringify(a)) } if (ac) { p().init(); var af = ""; var X = p().getHideCount(); $("#span_hidematchnum").text(X); for (var ab = 0; ab < p().topIds.length; ab++) { af = p().elPrefix + p().topIds[ab]; $(af).find(".odds_label_top").removeClass("oddsTop").addClass("oddsTopRed"); $("#match_" + p().topIds[ab]).find(".odds_label_top").attr("oddstus", "false").attr("top", "false") } if (X > 0) { var ae = $(".scroetophide"); ae.attr("onst", "false") } } matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchFilter.FilterFinishedHandler) }; matchFilter.UpdateHideCount = function() { var w; if (matchFilter.fullFrist) { w = p().getHideCount() } else { w = p().HideCount() } $("#span_hidematchnum").text(w) } ; var t = function() { var X = getSearchDate(); var w = "a[data='{0}']".format(X); var W = $("#span_backtime").parents(".js_float").find(w).text(); if (!IsEmpty(W)) { $("#span_backtime").text(W) } else { W = $("#span_futuretime").parents(".js_float").find(w).text(); if (!IsEmpty(W)) { $("#span_futuretime").text(W) } } }; var v = function() { var w = IsNull(Cookie.Get(l(CK.FilterCategory)), 0); var W = $("#div_filtercategory"); switchTab.SelectIndex(W, w) }; (function(w) { U.companyFilter = {}; companyFilter.type = 1; companyFilter.max = 4; companyFilter.submit = function() { var W = []; if (companyFilter.type == 1) { $("input[name=filtercompany]:checked").each(function() { W.push(parseInt($(this).val())) }); if (W.length > companyFilter.max) { layer.alert("最多选{0}个公司".format(companyFilter.max)); return false } } else { W.push($("input[name=filtercompany]:checked").val()) } matchFilter.SetCookieObj(l(CK.FilterCompanyId), W, 30758400); G() } ; companyFilter.defaultIds = [33, 2, 3, 4]; companyFilter.getChooseIds = function() { return new ArrayEx(IsNull(Cookie.GetObj(l(CK.FilterCompanyId)), companyFilter.defaultIds)) } ; companyFilter.init = function() { matchOddsCore.currentOdds = companyFilter.getChooseIds().ToArray(); var W = matchFilter.searchDate; if (typeof W == "undefined") { W = getSearchDate() } if (matchFilter.typee.score == 2) { matchOddsCore.loaddata({ status: [4], isOddsPriority: matchFilter.isOddsPriority, searchdate: W, companyIDs: matchOddsCore.currentOdds }, 1); setTimeout(function() { scoredata.ajax(W, 2, function(Z, aa) { scoredata.saveDataF(Z); scoredata.saveDataStatisticsF(Z); matchFilter.JballUpdata(aa) }) }, 3000) } else { if (matchOddsCore.cupworld == 5) { matchOddsCore.loadUrl = "/odds/GetWCupOddsSimpleByCache"; matchOddsCore.loaddata({}, 1); scoredata.urlLoad = "/WorldCup/GetTechnicalStatistics"; var Y = null; setTimeout(function() { scoredata.ajax(null, 1, function(Z, aa) { scoredata.time = Z.time; matchFilter.JballUpdata(aa) }); K(scoredata.time, function() { scoredata.ajax(null, 1, function(Z, aa) { scoredata.time = Z.time; matchFilter.JballUpdata(aa) }) }) }, 3000) } else { matchOddsCore.loaddata({ isOddsPriority: matchFilter.isOddsPriority, searchdate: W, companyIDs: matchOddsCore.currentOdds }, 1); if (matchFilter.flagTrue) { var X; setTimeout(function() { scoredata.ajax(null, 1, function(Z, aa) { X = Z.time; matchFilter.JballUpdata(aa) }); K(X, function() { scoredata.ajax(null, 1, function(Z, aa) { X = Z.time; matchFilter.JballUpdata(aa) }) }) }, 3000) } } } } } )(U); function K(X, w) { var Y = X; var W = 0; setInterval(function() { if (W == 0 || W >= 10) {"/common/CheckDataIsUpdate", { dataType: 3, lastupdatetime: Y }, function(Z) { if (Z.result == true) { w() } Y = Z.lastupdatetime; W = 0 }) } W++; W = W > 10 ? 1 : W }, 5000) } function V(w) { setInterval(function() { w() }, 5000) } var u = function() {}; var x = function(X) { if ($("#span_matchgroup").length > 0) { $("#span_matchgroup").CheckBoxChoose() } var W = n(); var X = eval(X); var w = Cookie.Get(l(CK.ChooseMGIDs)); X = new ArrayEx(X); var Y = ""; X.Each(function(ac) { if (ac != null) { var aa = ""; if (ac.IsLevel == 1 || ac.IsLottery == true) { aa = "#bf1e2d" } var ab = ' '; var Z = { id:, IsLottery: ac.IsLottery ? "lottery" : "", IsLevel: ac.IsLevel ? "level" : "", IsChecked: w.indexOf("," + + ",") != -1 ? "checked" : "", name: W == LANG.Guo ? : ac.bname, CName:, BName: ac.bname }; Y += ab.BindData(Z); if (ac.IsLottery == true) { $("#span_country input[value=" + ac.CountryID + "]").attr("lottery", "") } else { if (ac.IsLevel == 1) { $("#span_country input[value=" + ac.CountryID + "]").attr("level", "") } } } }); $("#span_matchgrouplist").html(Y); C = true; $("#span_matchgroup .btn_submit").click(function() { j(matchFilter.filterType.matchgroup) }) }; var y = function() { if (Cookie.Get(l(CK.IsShowRank)) == "0") { $("#chk_rank").prop("checked", false) } else { $("#chk_rank").prop("checked", true) } }; var R = null; var p = function() { if (R == null) { R = new sort(l(CK.Sort),"#match_",matchFilter.containerID,matchFilter.matchClass) } return R }; U.getSearchDate = function() { if (matchFilter.timeNosearch) { return IsNull(UrlEx.GetQueryString("searchdate"), matchFilter.time) } else { return IsNull(UrlEx.getNosearch(), matchFilter.time) } } ; var n = function() { if (matchFilter.flagTrue) { var w = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("shareCookie")); if (w != null) { return w.languagechange } else { return matchFilter.shareCokie.languagechange } } else { return IsNull(Cookie.Get(l(CK.Lang)), LANG.Guo) } }; var o = function(w, W) { if (n() == LANG.Guo) { return w } else { return W } }; var L = function() { $(".datalist").find(".cdText").remove(); switchTab.SelectIndex($("#div_filtercategory"), 0); if (localStorageFlag) { localStorage.setItem("hideNum", 0); matchFilter.fullFrist = false } j(matchFilter.filterType.full, false) }; var P = function() { storage.set("scoreFlag", matchFilter.filterType.simplify); matchFilter.changeTab = true; matchFilter.fullFrist = true; j(matchFilter.filterType.simplify, false); }; var N = function() { storage.set("scoreFlag", matchFilter.filterType.lottery); matchFilter.changeTab = true; matchFilter.fullFrist = true; j(matchFilter.filterType.lottery, false) }; var b = function(w) { Cookie.ClearCondition(function(W) { return W != l(CK.IsShowRank) && W != l(CK.Lang) && W != l("OddsSoundPower") && W != l(CK.FilterCompanyId) }); UrlEx.SetQueryString("searchdate", w); UrlEx.LoadLastUrl() }; var G = function() { window.location.reload() }; var O = function(w) { if (matchFilter.flagTrue) { matchFilter.shareCokie.rank = w; localStorage.setItem("shareCookie", JSON.stringify(matchFilter.shareCokie)) } else { matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.IsShowRank), w ? "1" : "0") } if (w) { $(".showrank").find(".languageli ").removeClass("settinghover"); $(".showrank").find(".rankshow").addClass("settinghover"); $(".m_rank").show(); if (matchFilter.comCookie) {} } else { $(".showrank").find(".languageli ").removeClass("settinghover"); $(".showrank").find(".rankhide").addClass("settinghover"); $(".m_rank").hide(); if (matchFilter.comCookie) {} } }; var z = function(w) { if (matchFilter.flagTrue) { matchFilter.shareCokie.languagechange = w; localStorage.setItem("shareCookie", JSON.stringify(matchFilter.shareCokie)) } else { matchFilter.SetCookie(l(CK.Lang), w) } if (w == LANG.Yue) { $(".lanyu").removeClass("settinghover"); $(".scoreyu").addClass("settinghover"); if (matchFilter.comCookie) { $(".js_lang_guo").hide(); $(".js_lang_yue").show() } } else { $(".lanyu").removeClass("settinghover"); $(".scoreguo").addClass("settinghover"); if (matchFilter.comCookie) { $(".js_lang_guo").show(); $(".js_lang_yue").hide() } } }; var Q = function(W, w) { p().top(W, w); matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchFilter.FilterFinishedHandler) }; var E = function(Z, X, ac, ad) { $("#match_" + Z).find(".odds_label_top").removeClass("oddsTop").addClass("oddsTopRed"); var w = ""; var ae = ""; var W = new p(); var aa = $(this).attr("name"); var Y = $("#match_" + Z); var ab = $("#match_" + Z).find(".odds_label_top ").attr("oddstus"); if (ab == "true") { $("#match_" + Z).find(".odds_label_top").attr("oddstus", "false").attr("top", "false"); p().top(Z, X, ac, ad) } else { if (ab == "false") { $("#match_" + Z).find(".odds_label_top").removeClass("oddsTopRed").addClass("oddsTop").attr("top", "true").attr("oddstus", "true"); $(".datalist").each(function() { ae = $(this).find(".odds_label_top").attr("top"); if (ae == "true") { w = parseInt($(this).attr("name")) } var ag = w; if (ag < ac) { $("#matchs").find('.datalist[name="' + ag + '"]').after(Y); $("#match_" + Z).find(".odds_label_top").attr("top", "true"); for (var af = 0; af < W.topIds.length; af++) { if (Z == W.topIds[af]) { W.topIds.splice(af, 1); W.times.splice(af, 1) } } p().saveCookieData(Z, X) } else { if (ag == ac) { if (W.times.length >= 2) { $('.datalist[name="' + W.times[W.times.length - 1].name + '"]').after(Y) } else { $('.datalist[name="' + W.times[0].name + '"]').after(Y) } for (var af = 0; af < W.topIds.length; af++) { if (Z == W.topIds[af]) { W.topIds.splice(af, 1); W.times.splice(af, 1) } } p().saveCookieData(Z, X) } } }) } } matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchFilter.FilterFinishedHandler) }; var s = function(w) { p().hide(w); matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchFilter.FilterFinishedHandler) }; var M = function(w) { p().show(w) }; var c = function() { var w = $(".odiv[staus='false']").length; if (w <= 0) { if (matchFilter.layerT) { layer.alert("至少选中一场比赛进行操作") } return false } else { return true } }; var d = function() { matchFilter.layerT = true; if (c()) { var W = []; var w = "true"; $(".odiv[staus='false']").each(function() { var X = $(this).attr("num"); var Y = $(this).parents("tr").find("#span_" + X).attr("stu"); if (Y == "true") { W.push(X) } else { w = "false" } }); if (w == "true") { collectMatchF(W, null) } else { if (w == "false") { layer.alert("已关注"); return } } } }; var q = function(w) { if (localStorageFlag) { matchFilter.fullFrist = false } if (matchFilter.filterType.full == matchFilter.currentFilter) { matchFilter.changeTab = true } var X = $(w).attr("onst"); if (X == "true") { if (c()) { var W = []; $(".odiv[staus='false']").each(function() { $(this).attr("staus", "true"); var Y = $(this).attr("num"); $(this).find(".ccolorrr").removeClass("ccolorrrActive"); W.push(Y) }); p().hide(W); matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchFilter.FilterFinishedHandler); $(w).attr("onst", "false") } } else { matchFilter.layerT = false; if (c()) { matchFilter.changeTab = false; L(); var W = []; $(".odiv[staus='false']").each(function() { $(this).attr("staus", "true"); var Y = $(this).attr("num"); $(this).find(".ccolorrr").removeClass("ccolorrrActive"); W.push(Y) }); p().hide(W); matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchFilter.FilterFinishedHandler) } else { if (localStorageFlag) { localStorage.setItem("hideNum", 0) } L(); $(w).attr("onst", "true") } } }; var I = function() { matchFilter.layerT = true; if (c()) { var w = []; $(".odiv[staus='false']").each(function() { var W = $(this).attr("num"); $(this).attr("staus", "true"); $(this).find(".ccolorrr").removeClass("ccolorrrActive"); w.push(W) }); p().retain(w); matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchFilter.FilterFinishedHandler); $(".scroetophide").attr("onst", "false") } }; matchFilter.getSortObj = p; matchFilter.getCurrentLang = n; matchFilter.getNameByLang = o; matchFilter.getSearchDate = getSearchDate; matchFilter.getCKKey = l; matchFilter.getCKKeyy = m; matchFilter.showFull = L; matchFilter.showSimplify = P; matchFilter.showLottery = N; matchFilter.showLive = function() { j(, false) } ; matchFilter.showNoStart = function() { j(matchFilter.filterType.nostart, false) } ; matchFilter.showFinished = function() { j(matchFilter.filterType.finished, false) } ; matchFilter.showIng = function() { j(, false) } ; matchFilter.changeSearchDate = b; matchFilter.showOrHideRank = O; matchFilter.showTop = Q; matchFilter.oddsShowTop = E; matchFilter.hideMatch = s; matchFilter.showHideEle = M; matchFilter.langSwitch = z; matchFilter.hideChooseMatch = q; matchFilter.retainChooseMatch = I; matchFilter.collectChooseMatch = d; matchOddsCore.onPageLoadFinished(function() { $("#LoadHideContent").show(); orNoLogin(); if (matchFilter.Ad) { matchOddsCore.triggerHandler(matchFilter.FilterFinisAdhedHandler) } }); $().ready(function() { bottom(true); $(".setremove,.enterBallH").hide(); var w = UrlEx.GetQueryString("searchdate"); matchFilter.Init() }) } )(window); (function(m) { m.DecimalToNormal = function(q) { var n = ""; if (q < 0) { n = "-" } if (q % 0.5 == 0) { if (q % 1 == 0) { return q.toFixed(0) } else { return q.toFixed(1) } return q.toString() } else { var s; var t; var v = 0.5; var o = q < 0; q = Math.abs(q); if ((q * 2 - v) % 2 == 0) { s = (q * 2 - v) / 2; t = s + v } else { s = (q * 2 + v) / 2 - v; t = s + v } var p = Math.min(s, t).toFixed(Math.min(s, t) % 1 == 0 ? 0 : 1); var u = Math.max(s, t).toFixed(Math.max(s, t) % 1 == 0 ? 0 : 1); p = p == "0" ? p : n + p; u = u == "0" ? u : n + u; return "{0}/{1}".format(p, u) } } ; m.DecimalToCN = function(o) { var n = oddsConst.PKCnMap; var p = o < 0 ? "受让 " : ""; p = p + n[Math.abs(o) / 0.25]; return p } ; m.GetOddsFontColor = function(p, s, q) { var o; var n; if (IsEmpty(q)) { o = p[0][s]; n = p[1][s] } else { o = q[1][s]; n = p[1][s] } if (o == n) { return "fontblack" } else { return o < n ? "fontcred2" : "fontcgreen2" } } ; m.GetOddsFontColorComplex = function(p, t, s, q) { var o; var n; if (IsEmpty(q)) { o = p[0][s]; n = p[t][s] } else { o = q[t][s]; n = p[t][s] } if (o == n) { return "fontblack" } else { return o < n ? "fontcred2" : "fontcgreen2" } } ; m.getOddsBgCss = function(p, q) { var o = p[0][q]; var n = p[1][q]; if (o == n) { return "" } else { return o < n ? "oddsbgred" : "oddsbgblue" } } ; m.getOddsBgCssComplex = function(p, s, q) { var o; var n; o = p[0][q]; n = p[s][q]; if (o == n) { return "" } else { return o < n ? "oddsbgred" : "oddsbgblue" } } ; m.SetOddsFontColor = function(o, q, p, s) { o.removeClass("fontblack fontcred2 fontcgreen2"); var n = GetOddsFontColor(p, s, q); o.addClass(n) } ; m.SetOddsFontColorComplex = function(o, q, p, s, t) { o.removeClass("fontblack fontcred2 fontcgreen2"); var n = GetOddsFontColorComplex(p, s, t, q); o.addClass(n) } ; m.getMatchStatusHtml = function(o) { var n = '
'; var p = "未开场,上半场,中,下半场,完".split(","); if (o.runStatus == 0) { if (IsIn(o.status, [1, 3])) { return n.format(o.homeScore, getGameTime(o.gameTime, o.status), o.guestScore, '') } else { if (IsIn(o.status, [2, 4])) { return n.format(o.homeScore, MatchStatusName[o.status], o.guestScore) } else { return "" } } } else { return n.format("", MatchRunStatusName[o.runStatus], "") } } ; m.matchlanguagechangeG = function() { var o; var n = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("shareCookie")); if (n == null) { o = "display:block" } else { o = (n.languagechange == "Guo") ? "display:block" : "display:none" } return o } ; m.matchlanguagechangeY = function() { var n = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("shareCookie")); if (n != null) { var o = (n.languagechange == "Yue") ? "display:block" : "display:none"; return o } } ; m.matchRankS = function(o) { var p; var n = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("shareCookie")); if (n == null) { p = "display:block" } else { p = (n.rank == true) ? "display:block" : "display:none" } return p } ; m.getoddsArrd = function(G) { var I, L, J, K; var z, A, x, y; var E = "" , p = "" , R = ""; var o = "" , n = "" , N = "" , M = ""; var B = false; var C = "" , D = "" , v = "" , w = ""; if (G.length > 0) { var F = G[0]; B = true; if ( > 0) { var q = G[0].asia[0]; var t = q[0]; var u = q[1]; var s = q[2]; E = DecimalToCN(q[0][1]); I = t[0].toFixed(2); L = s[0].toFixed(2); J = t[2].toFixed(2); K = s[2].toFixed(2); p = DecimalToCN(u[1]).replace("受让", '*'); o = u[0].toFixed(2); n = u[2].toFixed(2) } if (F.size.length > 0) { var H = G[0].size[0]; var P = H[0]; var Q = H[1]; var O = H[2]; z = P[0].toFixed(2); A = O[0].toFixed(2); x = P[2].toFixed(2); y = O[2].toFixed(2); R = DecimalToNormal(Q[1]); N = Q[0].toFixed(2); M = Q[2].toFixed(2) } C = L > I ? "oreddd" : "k"; D = A > z ? "oreddd" : "k"; v = K > J ? "oreddd" : "k"; w = y > x ? "oreddd" : "k" } return { ocupan: E, ah: o, sh: N, ocloir: C, ocloiR: D, apk: p, spk: R, ag: n, sg: M, color: v, coloR: w } } ; m.matchElem = function(o) { var n = ""; if (IsIn(o.status, [0, 1, 2, 3]) && o.isBroadcast) { n = '
' } else { if (IsIn(o.status, [4]) && o.isVideo) { n = ' ' } else { n = ' ' } } return n } ; m.updataFinishIco = function(n, p) { var o = ""; n.setAttribute = ("href", "" + menu.genReqUrl("/broadcast/videoplay") + "/" + + ""); o = ''; n.innerHTML = o } ; m.oddsShowScore = function() { if (IsNull(Cookie.Get(matchFilter.getCKKey(page.CK.IsShowOdds)), "1") == "1") { page.showOdds(); return "" } else { page.showScore(); matchFilter.SetCookie(matchFilter.getCKKey(page.CK.IsShowOdds), "0"); return "display:none" } } ; var j = {}; m.orNoObjectData = function(p, o, n) { switch (p) { case 1: j[o] = o; break; case 2: if (n) { j = {} } j[o] = o; break; case 3: j = true } return j } ; m.getMatchStatus = function(n) {} ; m.getCompareMatchStatusHtml = function(p) { var o = ""; if (p.status == 0) { o = "" } else { var n = { homeScore: p.homeScore, gameTime: p.status == 4 ? "完" : (p.status == 2 ? "中" : (parseInt(p.gameTime / 60) + ((p.status == 1 && p.gameTime / 60 > 45) || (p.status == 1 && p.gameTime / 60 > 90) ? "+" : ""))), img: IsIn(p.status, [2, 4]) ? "" : '', guestScore: p.guestScore }; o = '
'.BindData(n) } return o } ; m.getOddsChangeCN = function(p, s, q) { var o; var n; if (IsEmpty(q) || s == 1) { o = p[0][s]; n = p[1][s] } else { o = q[1][s]; n = p[1][s] } if (o == n) { return "" } else { return o < n ? "升" : "降" } } ; m.getRedCardHtml = function(o) { var n = ""; if (o) { n = '{0}'.format(o) } return n } ; m.getScoreHtml = function(p, t) { var o = "" , s = p.status , q = p.runStatus; if (q == 0 && s) { if (s) { var n = {}; if (t & 1) { n = { homeScore: p.homeScore, guestScore: p.guestScore, nonehalf: "display:block" }; if (s == 4) { n.finish = "", n.fontfinish = "fontcolorf", n.homeColor = "scoreredr", n.guestColor = "scoreredr", n.halfDH = "" } else { n.finish = "blockcolor", n.fontfinish = "fontcolor", n.homeColor = "scorebluer", n.guestColor = "scorebluer", n.halfDH = "reddou" } } else { n = { homeScore: p.homeScore, guestScore: p.guestScore, homeColor: "halfscore", guestColor: "halfscore", halfDH: "reddou", finish: "", fontfinish: "" }; if (s > 1) { n.homeScore = p.homeHalfScore, n.guestScore = p.guestHalfScore, n.nonehalf = "display:block" } else { n.homeScore = "", n.guestScore = "", n.nonehalf = "display:block" } } o = ' {homeScore} - {guestScore} '.BindData(n) } else { o = t == 1 ? '-' : '-' } } else { o = t == 1 ? '-' : '-' } return o } ; m.getMatchSearchHtml = function(o) { var n = "live={live} level={level} lottery={lottery} cid={countryID} mgid={matchGroupID} status={status}"; return n.BindData(o) } ; m.setEuropeOddsLogHtml = function(s, o, q, n) { var p = cache.get("europelog_{0}_{1}_{2}".format(s, o, q)); if (IsEmpty(p)) { var t = matchOddsCore.getMatchOdds(s, o); if (t == null || t.length <= q) { p = "
"; cache.set("europelog_{0}_{1}_{2}".format(s, o, q), p, 60); n(p) } else {"/common/GetEuropeOddsLog", { matchid: s, companyid: o, index: q }, function(u) { if (u.result != true) { cache.set("europelog_{0}_{1}_{2}".format(s, o, q), u.message, 60); n(u.message) } else { var v = new baiduTemplate("oddslogtemplate"); p = v.getHtml({ companyName: u.companyName, data: }); cache.set("europelog_{0}_{1}_{2}".format(s, o, q), p, 60); $("#div_europelog").addClass("oddslog"); n(p) } }); n("加载中……") } } else { n(p) } } ; m.getGameTime = function(n, p) { var o; if (p == 1) { o = n / 60; return o > 45 ? "45+" : parseInt(o) } else { if (p == 3) { o = 45 + n / 60; return o > 90 ? "90+" : parseInt(o) } else { if (p == 2) { return "中" } else { return "" } } } } ; m.getGameTimeC = function(n, p) { var o; if (p == 1) { o = (n / 60) * 4; return o > 180 ? "180" : parseInt(o) } else { if (p == 3) { o = (45 + n / 60) * 4; return o > 360 ? "360" : parseInt(o) } else { if (p == 2) { return 180 } else { return "" } } } } ; var h = { len: 0, ele: {} }; m.getMatchEle = function(o) { if (h.len == 0 || $(".datalist").length > h.len) { h = { len: 0, ele: {} }; var n = 0; $(".datalist").each(function() { var p = $(this); h.ele[p.attr("id")] = p; n++ }); h.len = n } return IsNull(h.ele["match_" + o], $(null)) } ; var a = function(n) { return matchFilter.ShareCookie.IsExists(function(o) { return o.key == n }) }; var e = function(n) { if (a(n)) { return n } else { return matchFilter.CookiePrelude + n } }; var b = true; var c = true; var d = ""; var l = { flag: false, objS: false, objH: false, }; m.firstScore = function() { if (b) { d = IsNull(Cookie.Get(e(CK.LastFilterType)), matchFilter.filterType.full); b = false } return d } ; m.allOrHide = function(q) { var n = null; if (c) { var o = new sort(e(CK.Sort),"#match_",matchFilter.containerID,matchFilter.matchClass); var t = o.showIds; var s = o.hideIds; l.objShow = {}; l.objHide = {}; if (t.length > 0) { for (var p = 0; p < t.length; p++) { l.objShow[t[p]] = t[p] } l.flag = true; l.objS = true } else { if (s.length > 0) { for (var p = 0; p < s.length; p++) { l.objHide[s[p]] = s[p] } l.flag = true; l.objH = true } } c = false } if (l.flag) { if (l.objShow[q]) { n = "display:table-row" } else { if (l.objHide[q]) { n = "display:none"; orNoObjectData(1, q) } else { if (l.objS) { n = "display:none"; orNoObjectData(1, q) } else { if (l.objH) { n = "display:table-row" } } } } } else { n = "display:table-row" } return n } ; m.firestLoadHide = function(n, o, p) { var s = firstScore(); var q = ""; if (s == "2") { q = n == 0 ? "display:none" : "display:table-row;" } else { if (s == "3") { q = o == false ? "display:none" : "display:table-row;" } else { q = allOrHide(p) } } return q } } )(window); (function(l) { l.CKk = { SoundPower: "SoundPower", IsVoiceShow: "IsVoiceShow", OddsSoundPower: "OddsSoundPower" }; var b = function() { return IsNull(matchFilter.openKey, "on") == "on" }; var a = function() { return IsNull(Cookie.Get(matchFilter.getCKKeyy(CKk.OddsSoundPower)), "on") == "on" }; var j = function() { if (b()) { $("#btn_closesound").removeClass("onsec") } else { $("#btn_closesound").addClass("onsec") } }; var e = function() { if (a()) { $(".oddsOn").addClass("fontwbt"); $(".oddsOff").removeClass("fontwbt") } else { $(".oddsOff").addClass("fontwbt"); $(".oddsOn").removeClass("fontwbt") } }; var h = function() { $("#btn_sound .sigdelist").removeClass("fontwbt"); $("#btn_sound .sigdelist:eq(" + GetChooseSoundIndex() + ")").addClass("fontwbt") }; l.GetChooseSoundIndex = function() { var m = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("shareCookie")); var n = null; if (m == null) { n = matchFilter.shareCokie.voice } else { n = m.voice } return n } ; l.GetOddsSoundIndex = function() { return parseInt(IsNull(Cookie.Get(matchFilter.getCKKeyy(CKk.SoundIndex)), 3)) } ; l.SoundPowerSwitch = function(m) { if (typeof (m) == "undefined") { matchFilter.SetCookie(matchFilter.getCKKeyy(CKk.SoundPower), b() ? "off" : "on") } else { matchFilter.SetCookie(matchFilter.getCKKeyy(CKk.SoundPower), m == true ? "on" : "off") } j() } ; l.SetSound = function(m) { if (IsEmpty(m)) { matchFilter.shareCokie.voice = 0; localStorage.setItem("shareCookie", JSON.stringify(matchFilter.shareCokie)) } else { matchFilter.shareCokie.voice = m; localStorage.setItem("shareCookie", JSON.stringify(matchFilter.shareCokie)) } PlaySound() } ; l.PlaySound = function() { if (b()) { var n = ["/content/sound/2.mp3", "/content/sound/1.mp3", "/content/sound/3.mp3", ""]; var m = n[GetChooseSoundIndex()]; if ($("#score a").is(".hover_a") || matchOddsCore.cupworld == 5) { if ($("#msgsound").length <= 0) { $("body").append("